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Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investor
As of the end of 2023, China's foreign exchange reserves were approximately US$3.2 trillion, and India's foreign exchange reserves were US$600 billion.
So in absolute terms, China's foreign exchange reserves are more than five times that of India.
In most cases, it is good for a country to have large foreign exchange reserves, but this issue is not so absolute.
First of all, we must understand why a country needs foreign exchange reserves?
When a country needs to purchase foreign goods, services and technology. There are two options
1. Use your own currency to buy (such as Indian rupee, Chinese RMB)
The prerequisite is that the seller recognizes the currency of the country
2. Use international currencies to buy (such as US dollars, euros)
If the seller does not recognize the currency of the country, you can only use international currency to buy

1. 使用本国货币购买(如印度卢比、中国人民币)

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

2020 data
For countries with weak economic strength, the recognition of their national currency in the world is limited. Most sellers won't accept it, which means you have to use international currency to buy. If there is a lack of sufficient international currency, then a country's international trade will be hindered, some necessities provided by foreign countries will be scarce, and parts and materials imported from foreign countries will be exhausted. This often means chaos in the national economy and the cessation of industrial production.
Therefore, for most countries in the world, foreign exchange reserves are very important. China implemented increasing foreign exchange reserves as a national strategic goal 20 years ago. This has gradually made China the country with the largest foreign exchange reserves in the world.
However, when China's economy developed to a certain level, they discovered that excessive foreign exchange reserves were not the best choice. Therefore, starting from 2014, China began to reduce its foreign exchange reserves in a planned way.
Let's take a look at the two pictures below, which show the changes in China's and India's foreign exchange reserves over the past 10 years.


We can see that India is still on the trend of increasing reserves. In the three years of the pandemic, India has spent a lot of foreign exchange, causing some media to start reporting "India's foreign exchange reserves crisis."
Foreign exchange is very important to India. Whether it is importing oil, natural gas, pharmaceutical raw materials, semiconductors and machine parts, a large amount of foreign exchange is required. The repayment of some international loans also requires the use of foreign exchange. If India's foreign exchange reserves fall to dangerous levels, global financial institutions will downgrade India's credit rating. They will think: India has lost its ability to pay and its credit.
The fundamental reason here is simple. The problem faced by India is the same as that of most countries: the domestic currency (rupee) does not have enough international credit. After foreign businesses and governments receive rupees, there is not much they can buy from India. This means that large rupees are worthless paper to many countries. Russia's decision to stop accepting rupee payments is a case in point.
China has already passed this stage, and they are actually planning to reduce their foreign exchange reserves. Starting in 2015, they pushed down reserves. Their efforts even encountered challenges after the pandemic began, with excessive exports allowing foreign exchange reserves to rise again. Their banks even started lending large sums of foreign currency to other countries: there was just too much.
Why does China want to reduce its foreign exchange reserves? Because for China, excessive foreign exchange reserves are no longer necessary.


1. The credit of RMB has been greatly improved, and the importance of foreign exchange has declined.
After 30 years of development, China has grown into the world's largest industrial producer. They make almost everything. This means that RMB is backed by collateral. When you hold RMB for any country or individual, it means that you can definitely buy the goods you want. This makes many countries happy to accept RMB. Now Middle Eastern countries, Russia and South American countries are willing to accept RMB when selling energy, grain, and minerals to China. The demand for the international currency (the U.S. dollar) has dropped significantly. In 2023, among all international transactions in China, RMB transactions will reach 47%, surpassing the US dollar (45%).
2. Foreign exchange risks are getting higher and higher
Because it reserves too much foreign exchange, China must bear the huge risk of foreign exchange: currency depreciation.
China has more than 3 trillion US dollars in foreign exchange reserves, which means that a 1% duation is worth 30 billion US dollars, which is already more than the annual GDP of many small countries.
In particular, 60% of China's foreign exchange reserves are in U.S. dollars. Against the background of intensified confrontation between China and the United States, risks are getting higher and higher.
Therefore, under normal circumstances, the more foreign exchange reserves, the better When a country's currency is strong enough, its demand for foreign exchange will be greatly reduced. China has entered this stage. In the foreseeable future, China's foreign exchange reserves will continue to decrease.

2. 外汇风险越来越高