Meit Adkar
I personally respect all religions but noticed this.
In Christianity, if I'm not wrong, Jesus Christ says that he is the son of God. He says that God sent him to earth, to make the humans aware of their mistakes and to spread brotherhood, peace, love and compassion among men.

我个人尊重所有宗教,但注意到了这一点。 在基督教中,如果我没记错的话,耶稣基督说他是上帝的儿子。他说上帝派他来到人间,让人类意识到他们的错误,并在人类之间传播兄弟情谊、和平、爱和同情。

In Islam, Muhammad, if I'm not wrong, says that he is a messenger of Allah. Archangel Gabriel gave him the message of God and he spread it in world with aim of making people aware of the word of God. He strove to unite all men and lead them to live a righteous, peaceful and beautiful life.


In Hinduism, Shri Krishna said “I AM GOD.” That itself explains a lot.
I have never heard of a story in Islam, or Christianity where there was a conflict between men where God himself intervened. Sure, God did send his son and he did send a messenger to lead men to live righteously. He never showed himself in his true form.

在印度教中,克里希纳说“我是上帝。”这本身就解释了很多。 我从来没有听说过在伊斯兰教或基督教中有一个关于上帝本人干预人与人之间冲突的故事。当然,上帝确实派遣了他的儿子,他确实派遣了一个使者来引导人们过上正直的生活。他从未以真实形式显现自己。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

In Hinduism, Shri Krishna showed Arjuna his Celestial appearance (Vishwa-swaroopa) and proved that he was God. Lord Rama had legendary powers, but chose not to use them. He defeated evil as a mortal and not as a God. They both showed that the real power comes from within and belief in the Para-Brahman.


Lord Shiva is the most powerful God in Hinduism, not because he has the third eye. It is because he IS Para-Brahman. He is infinite. He controls the flow of time. He is master of death. He is the very breath that we take and give out. He is the cosmic destroyer.
“Ananta koti Brahmandanayaka “ Literally means ‘O Lord of infinite crore Universes.’ Someone who is existent yet non-existant and who is capable of taking out an infinite number of universes by just opening his third eye is kind of hard to beat, don't you think?

“Ananta koti Brahmandanayaka”字面意思是“啊,无限宇宙的主。”“一个既存在又不存在的人,仅凭睁开第三只眼就能摧毁无限数量宇宙的人有点难以匹敌,你不觉得吗?