Wrong place and wrong time! Not saying all Singaporeans are rich but you're interviewing elderly Singaporeans, and blue-collar foreign workers in one of the less 'rich' and old neighbourhoods. Moreover, you are doing this interview during what seems to be office hours during a weekday, if this is a weekend, it will be crowded, which means all the non 'jobless' people are all at work. Try interviewing Singaporeans in the CBD area to get a wider perspective. Come on Asian Boss do better.

错误的地方和错误的时间! 并不是说所有新加坡人都很富有,而是您正在采访新加坡老年人,而蓝领外国工人则是在不那么“富裕”的旧社区之一。 此外,您正在一个工作日的办公时间进行采访。如果是一个周末,那将是拥挤的,这意味着所有没有“失业”人都在工作。 尝试在CBD地区采访新加坡人,以获得更广泛的观点。来吧,Asian Boss可以做得更好。

I think CBD people too busy hustling to want to stop for interview xD


"Go to the rich areas and there will be more rich people". The interviewed people live in Singapore, their voices are no less important when trying to find a consensus.

“去富裕地区,将会有更多的富人”。 接受采访的人们居住在新加坡,当试图找到共同答案时,他们的声音同样重要。