Shaech Shah
India, a country of 1.3 billion, definitely, has all the capabilities that a superpower should have.
But, its easier said than done.
The main issues that curb the growth are:

印度,一个拥有13亿人口的国家,绝对具备超级大国应有的所有能力。 但,说起来容易做起来难。 阻碍其发展的主要问题包括:

· Lack of Education
· Orthodox Mindset
· Craze to work in foreign land
· Caste based reservation should be replaced by Talent based reservation
· Emphasis on Practical Knowledge
· Knack to initiate an innovation

· 教育匮乏 · 保守思维 · 热衷于在国外工作 · 基于种姓的配额制度应被基于才能的配额所取代 · 强调实践知识 · 发起创新的天赋

Not to forget, CORRUPTION and POPULATION are still the major factors.
Just talking about all these will not work.
Each citizen has to work towards it considering their own responsibility.
People here need to get over the cliché of society, false ego and secularism and stop following the sheep-herd.

不要忘记,腐败和人口仍然是主要因素。 单纯谈论这些是行不通的。 每个公民都必须为此努力,考虑到自己的责任。 这里的人们需要摆脱社会陈规、虚假自我和世俗主义的陈词滥调,停止盲从群体。

I mean, why can’t our kids not make a video game instead of playing them like the children of so-called superpower countries
This is just an instance.
I don’t know in how many years, but India can be a superpower if they upgrade themselves instead of thinking what ‘sharmaji ka beta’ is doing.

我的意思是,为什么我们的孩子不能像所谓超级大国的孩子一样制作视频游戏,而不是只会玩游戏呢? 这只是一个例子。 我不知道需要多少年,但如果印度能够提升自己,而不是想着“邻家小孩”在做什么,那么印度可以成为一个超级大国。

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