Profile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Living in Singapore, professional investorDec 29
As a Chinese learner
I quote an ancient Chinese proverb: Tall buildings rise from the ground.
To quote another ancient Roman proverb: Rome was not built in a day
"Industrialization" is a very broad term.


“Industrialization” in South Asia
What Vietnam or some emerging countries are doing is not real "industrialization". What they are doing is just a branch of industrialization: manufacturing.
Foreign capital enters to build factories; foreign materials, technology, parts, and domestic cheap labor are used to manufacture products.
China also went through this stage when it began its reform and opening up in the 1980s. Global capital is pouring into China, and countless products are manufactured in China and sold to other countries.


Real “industrialization”: Sinopec plants in 1980 of China
This seems to be the same process that Vietnam is going through today. Therefore, some people believe that Vietnam will also follow this path, and then gradually upgrade, rise, and successfully complete industrialization.
However, they sextively ignored a key issue, the huge difference in fundamentals between China in the 1980s and Vietnam now.
In the 1980s, China had actually completed industrialization. At that time, China had a complete heavy industry foundation and system. Steel, rubber, petrochemicals, machinery manufacturing, electronic parts and instruments could all be manufactured independently. At that time, China was actually a smaller country. version of the Soviet unx. These were all completed during the socialist period, and all they lacked was the more advanced technology and consumer industries of Western countries.


If you imagine China as a basketball player, he had already done physical training for many years, and what he lacked was just basketball skill training.
But Vietnam does not have such a foundation. To be precise, before the large influx of foreign investment into Vietnam, Vietnam was a purely agricultural country. If Vietnam can be compared to a basketball player, then he was selling newspapers yesterday and starts participating in skills training today.
Without a solid foundation, the building's height will be limited. Vietnam's manufacturing industry will soon face a ceiling, and some South Asian countries will also face this problem.
Real industrialization is not easy to accomplish.
