Johannes Sulistyo
They might never take back the spot.
They will however, be eventually overtaken by South Korea. That’s for sure.
Japan for long has been dependent on foreign markets, particularly poorer Asian countries, and these poorer countries, no longer as poor as before, are now switching to Korean and Chinese cars.
In the second largest car market in the world (USA), Korean car brand is creeping up the market share pie ladder.
One thing they are betting on, but has no capacity to influence, drive, or implement this so-called “Hydrogen economy”.
Hydrogen is a volatile compound requiring even stricter safety standards than fossil fuel. It explodes, not combusts
It further restricts less developed nation as they need more sophisticated infrastructure to handle it
It is expensive to synthesize, as it used a lot of electricity for the electrolysis process, but still cleaner than burning gasoline though. But a bit worse than charging electric vehicle by burning peat coal
Mining hydrogen is still a new thing, and you may not like the places where it has been discovered


And then, we also have Japanese efficiency rigidity.
Japan has been cementing, deep rooting its ICE car manufacturing expertise into its nationwide supply chain. For example, the makers of wiper blades, wiper motors, wiper fittings, the stalks, the washer liquid reservoir, each of them contributes efficiency that makes Japanese car the best in the world in terms of manufacturing. Yes, EV cars still use wiper blades, they will survive, but not those making the transmission or ICE parts
It also made them very difficult to switch over to a new disruptive technologies that will render many of these suppliers out of business
Because in Japanese system, they buy stakes in these suppliers, turning them into a web of interconnected network of collaborative giant organisation called Keiretsu. You just cannot let them go bankrupt in your decision to switch over to some new technology. The maker of the head gasket seals, piston rings, spark plugs, etc are probably at some point, too big to fail for the group


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Japan is simply too late in the game
They tried to dictate the market with “hybrid”, which was cool in 1997, but this is already 2024, they are still pussyfooting with PHEV
The removal of hybrid from Japanese car maker is like deleting keyboard from Blackberry or “a phone being a phone” from the Symbian era Nokia
Like Blackberry and Nokia, they will lose the future main market, but will they accept being a niche player? We shall see. I know Subaru and Mazda are okay with it, but will the likes of Toyota, Honda, or Nissan be okay with it?
The world’s leader in battery technology is China, both CATL and BYD at the forefront of it. Third place is South Korean LG Chem, which is due to release its LFP battery for EV in 2025, so they are like 2-3 years behind China. Finally at distant fourth we have Japan. Toyota claimed they did a breakthrough with whatever battery - Sodium based or something that should give them some competitive edge. But the product is not yet there, and now a Toyota group Daihatsu is experiencing major issues

全球电池技术的领导者是中国,宁德时代和比亚迪一直处于领先地位。第三名是韩国LG Chem,预计将于2025年发布其用于电动汽车的磷酸铁锂电池,所以他们差不多落后中国2-3年。最后,日本排名第四。丰田声称他们取得了钠离子电池技术突破,这应该会为他们带来一些竞争优势。但该产品尚未推出,而且丰田集团旗下的大发正在面临严重问题。

Japan focuses on a domestic market that is no longer giving them future-defining insights.
The country that invented QR code still pays homage to paper mills and Hanko stamp craftspeople and tend to underutilise their own innovation. In some respect, they are even behind Indonesia, a developing country. Shinkansen has just launched “e-yoyaku” (e-reservation) late last year in 2023. Japan is almost a decade behind some third world countries.
Japanese businesses caters for its domestic market (JDM) and considers them to be primary obxtive. Some corporations managed to separate their global or local operations with Japanese ones - these are the ones that mostly survived the bubble bursting in early 1990s
Japan, despite being US ally, and ups and downs relationship with South Korea in political stage, have a very disconnected real market sector. A Samsung phone has to be branded “Galaxy” in order to escape that typical xenophobia public scrutiny. In South Korea, you will be hard-pressed to find Japanese cars on streets, likewise in Japan - maybe the only place in the world where a Korean car is an extreme rarity. The only popular Korean thing in Japan is Hallyu-related, like Korean beauty products, K-Pop entertainment, Korean food, and Korean holiday. Likewise, it is typically Japanese entertainment (anime / manga) and food that goes in Korea


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

As for Japan-dominated foreign marker, and proud owner of a Japanese car, I think it could be a time to bid good bye for their leadership in our market.
Complancency - has led them to release sub-par products by feature, by technology, and by quality. Their mantra seems to be “shitty products for shithole countries” delivered in tatemae politeness fashion
Japan underestimated how much the outside world is catching up. They has just been trampled by Korea, and soon about to be whooped by China. It could be made worse for them, if only American car maker were a bit more committed and serious
The Koreans taught us that at this pricing point, we could get an automated sunroof, integrated wireless Apple CarPlay & Android Auto, and whatnots - I paid sub-premium price for the same technology in my Mazda back in 2014, including walk-away auto door lock, only to find Honda has just recently feature it 8–9 years later
Their only advantages are slowly eaten up: the vast network of dealer presence, after sales service (which is to be honest, is just so-so), and resale value (which will be gone soon)
Sadly, Japan has no answer. Even at their absolute peak, Japan, unlike USA, refuses to admit that it is highly dependent on foreign market to generate their wealth and afford their highly-touted standards of living.

韩国人教会了我们,在这个价位上上,我们可以得到自动天窗、集成的无线苹果CarPlay或安卓Auto等等 - 我在2014年为我的马自达支付了次顶配价格,其中包括离车自动落锁等技术,却发现8-9年后本田最近才推出这一功能。

It was still true when NTT DoCoMo was the world’s most sophisticated phone and network system back in early 2000s. Mobile internet was a Japanese thing and we were all like a decade behind Japan. Sure the financial market is in shambles, but Japan was easily living in the future. When iPhone, Android system came out in 2007, we never imagined how it wiped out all Japanese phone makers today like Kyocera - even Sony Ericsson.
In 2019, it pains me to say that a decent holiday in Tokyo is far more affordable than the ones in Bali or Jakarta, let alone Singapore - affluent Indonesian lifestyle is way too overpriced. It is far cheaper to eat Ippudo ramen right in Ginza than in its Pacific Place Mall, Jakarta branch. A bowl of Akamaru Special ramen is easily ¥1.081 (IDR 116.000) before tax here. It is just ¥1.030, even after recent price increase for Ginza.
They tried to keep Japan the same for the pensioners, so they don’t have to readjust the values. But the world does not wait for them. Besides denial, typical racism, and refusal to change. It is extremely hard to see Japan coming back to claim the lead in foreseeable future.

早在2000年初,NTT DoCoMo还是世界上最先进的电话和网络系统时,情况仍然如此。移动互联网是日本的东西,我们都落后日本十年。当然,金融市场一片混乱,但日本轻松地生活在未来。当2007年iPhone、Android系统问世时,我们从未想象它将如何摧毁今天的所有日本手机制造商,如京瓷,甚至是索尼爱立信。
在2019年,我不得不承认,在东京度过一个不错的假期远比在巴厘岛或雅加达要便宜很多,更不用说新加坡了。印尼富裕的生活方式实在是定价过高。在银座吃一碗一风堂特色拉面,即便在最近一次价格上涨后,也只需1,030日元,而在雅加达的太古广场分店则是税前1,081日元(IDR 116,000)。