Ahmad Abubakr (احمد ابوبکر)
Statements like these always make me laugh. They seem to rely on a very sextive and biased view of the British India during the colonial era. As well as dependent on racist statements made by proponents of colonialist, who did not consider the locals as their equals.


What makes you think that India was not poverty stricken during the colonial era? What makes you think that Indians weren’t living in absolute poverty when the British were in charge of the country?


Just because the British officials and Maharajas lived lives of luxury doesn’t mean that the majority of Indians did. These were a small minority (less than 1%).


The other side of the story that the advocates of colonialism never seemed to show.


The idea that Indians were living good lives under the British government is laughable. The vast majority of the Indian population lived in absolute poverty during the colonial era. The situation was far worse than it is today. To make matters even worse, these local Indians were usually second class citizens within their own homes. They didn’t get to choose the policies that would be in their own best interest. Rather the country was run with the best interest of the British Empire as the primary concern.


Ever heard of the Bengal famine that took place under the colonial government. This was not something that took place centuries ago. It occurred in the 1940s. Just prior to the independence of the Subcontinent. About 2–3 million Bengali people died as a result of this famine. When those among the British government who wanted to help the people requested assistance and import of food, their pleas were usually ignored. Because the dying people in Bengal were simply a lesser concern than ensuring that the British army had its supplies. This gross mismanagement of the situation resulted in millions dying.


So much for the “superior British governance”. This famine is only a single example. There are countless others during this century of colonial rule. Interesting that there have not been any famines of this scale in India since colonialism ended. It is almost as if the change in system of governance to place Indians as the primary concern actually ended up helping the Indians. Who could have seen that coming?


The people who believe that the British provided better governance will never show these sort of images. This was the fate of millions in Bengal.
The people who believe that the British governance of the Indian Subcontinent was somehow superior are either very misinformed, delusional or just racist. These theories that the Indians (and almost every other colonized group) was “unable” to govern themselves was based on racism and promoted by the advocates of colonialism. We still see such people do this by sextively choosing images for comparison to confirm their own bias.


They would talk (some still do) about the development provided by the colonial government and how much the lives of the people had improved. Changes that effected only a very small percentage of the population. Often mostly the British themselves. All the while, the majority of the Indians continued to live in absolute poverty. But these proponents of colonialism never saw these poor Indians. Either because they lived in their own little bubbles or simply because they did not care about them. The lives of the Indians (and other colonized people) was simply a secondary concern.


We can also sextively choose images that only focus on the development or well-off regions of the Indian Subcontinent today. But it doesn’t represent the situation of the majority of the people. No more than the minority that did well in the colonial era did.
