Royal Navy Forced To Retire Frigates Due To Personnel Shortages: Report
The two Type 23 frigates on the chopping block, HMS Argyll and Westminster, have recently been overhauled at major expense to the taxpayer.

即将被退役的两艘 23 型护卫舰“阿盖尔号”和“威斯敏斯特号”最近刚进行了大修,纳税人为此花费了巨额资金。
发布时间: 2024 年 1 月 6 日

The U.K. Royal Navy is so short on sailors that it is reportedly having to decommission two Type 23 class frigates in order to staff its new class of frigates. If this comes to pass, it would reduce the service's current fleet of 11 Type 23s to nine. That the frigates may be decommissioned comes at a time when the Royal Navy's major surface combatants are in high demand, including in the Red Sea.
Details on the Royal Navy's possible decision to decommission the Type 23, or Duke class, frigates HMS Argyll and Westminster, commissioned in 1991 and 1994 respectively, were originally reported by The Telegraph newspaper, citing unnamed defense and government sources. The Royal Navy and the U.K. Ministry of Defense have neither confirmed nor denied the claims thus far, and The Telegraph was seemingly unable to establish a timeline for when the frigates' retirement may occur from its sources.

英国的《每日电讯报》最早报道了英国皇家海军可能决定退役分别于 1991 年和 1994 年服役的两艘23 型(亦即“公爵”级)护卫舰“阿盖尔”号和“威斯敏斯特”号的细节,该消息来自未透露姓名的国防部和政府信息源。迄今为止,英国皇家海军和英国国防部既没有证实但也没有否认这一说法,《每日电讯报》似乎暂时无法从其信息来源确定上述护卫舰退役的时间表。

HMS Argyll at sea. Royal Navy


HMS Westminster off the British coast in 2018. Royal Navy

正在离港的“威斯敏斯特”号,摄于2018 年

"We will have to take manpower from one area of the Navy in order to put into a new area of the force," the newspaper reports, citing an unnamed defense official. Once in service, the crews from the two Type 23 frigates will be sent to work across the future Type 26 fleet, the publication notes. Following their decommissioning, Argyll and Westminster will either be scrapped or sold, according to the newspaper.
An unnamed Whitehall source who spoke to The Telegraph confirmed the personnel changes and retirement plans for the vessels, stating that they will allow the service to focus its attention on "updating the Navy into a modern, hi-tech fighting force."
"It is always emotive when ships that have a long history of service come to the end of their working life," the source claimed. "They and the sailors who crewed them have done the country proud. But decommissioning them is the right decision."
The Royal Navy has already reduced its fleet of Type 23s since they were first introduced. In total, 16 of those vessels were commissioned from 1990 to 2002, and five have been decommissioned thus far. Three of those decommissioned frigates — HMS Norfolk, Marlborough, and Grafton — were sold to the Chilean Navy in the mid- to late-2000s.
Eventually, the Royal Navy seeks to retire all its Type 23 frigates by 2035, which currently form a critical component of its front-line fleet safeguarding British maritime trading routes and other interests. Those frigates will be replaced by Type 26 City class frigates and less capable Type 31 Inspiration class frigates.

该报援引一位拒绝透露姓名的国防部官员的话说:“我们将不得不从海军的一个领域抽调人力以便将其投入到一个新的领域。” 该报指出,这两艘23型护卫舰一旦退役,其舰员将被派往未来的26型护卫舰上服役。据报道,“阿盖尔”号和“威斯敏斯特”号退役后可能将被拆解或出售。
消息人士称:“当拥有悠久服役历史的军舰即将结束其使用寿命时,人们总是会感到情绪激动。” “它们和舰员让国家感到自豪。但让它们退役是正确的决定。”
自23型护卫舰首次入列皇家海军以来,它的数量一直在持续减少。1990年至2002 年间,总共有16艘该级护卫舰投入使用,迄今已有5艘退役。其中的三艘——“诺福克”号、“马尔伯勒”号和“格拉夫顿”号——在2000年代中后期被出售给智利海军。
最终,英国皇家海军计划在 2035 年之前让所有的23型护卫舰退役,这些护卫舰目前是其保卫英国海上贸易路线和其他利益的前沿舰队的重要组成部分。这些护卫舰将被26型“城市”级护卫舰和能力相对较差的31型“灵感”级护卫舰取代。

Future Type 26 frigate rendering. BAE Systems

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Future Type 31 frigate rendering. Babcock


Previously, the U.K. Ministry of Defense intended to build 13 Type 26 frigates, construction of which began in 2017, which will be larger and more capable than the in-service Type 23s. You can read more about the various features and capabilities of the Type 26 in our previous feature here.
However, in 2015 the total number of Type 26 frigates to be built was reduced to eight, with the remaining five to be made up of smaller Type 31s.
From a numbers perspective, the total crew complement of nine Type 23 frigates would be roughly comparable to eight Type 26s and five Type 31s, if Argyll and Westminster are indeed retired. Type 23 frigates boast a crew complement of 185, with accommodation for up to 205. Type 26 and Type 31s feature crew compliments of 157 and 80-100, with accommodation for up to 208 and 180, respectively. As such, the total number of staff needed to operate nine Type 23s stands at 1,665. The equivalent number for the future fleet of Type 26s and Type 31s ranges from 1,656–1,756.

从数字角度来看,如果“阿盖尔”号和“威斯敏斯特”号确实退役,那么9艘23型护卫舰的舰员总数将大致相当于八艘26型护卫舰和五艘31型护卫舰。23型护卫舰的舰员编制为185人,其居住空间最多可容纳205人。26型和31型护卫舰的舰员编制分别为157人和80-100人,居住空间最多可容纳人数分别为208人和180人。因此,运作9艘23型舰所需的人员总数为 1,665 人。未来26型和31型舰队的等效人员范围为1,656至1,756人。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Irrespective of its future plans, however, the Royal Navy is stretched extremely thin across its global requirements; both in terms of manpower and available vessels.
While U.K. government budget cuts have partly been responsible for manpower shortages in recent years, the service has also experienced a recruitment crisis as of late. Between March 2022 and March 2023, intake for the Royal Navy and Royal Marines dropped some 22.1 percent according to U.K. Ministry of Defense figures, The Telegraph reports. Those figures represent a sharper decline in recruitment compared to the Royal Air Force and the British Army across the same period; which saw a 16.6 percent and 14.6 reduction in recruitment. To put it in other terms, between July 2022 and July 2023, the total workforce of the Royal Navy shrank by some 4.1 percent. As of October 2023, U.K. government statistics note that the total combined strength of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines stood at 37,960.
Critics have decried the possibility of the decommissioning in light of the Royal Navy's shrinking fleet size and broader readiness concerns. The former chairman of the U.K. Parliamentary Defense sext Committee, Tobias Ellwood, described the decision as "baffling" given the U.K.’s surface fleet already remains "massively overstretched."

尽管英国政府对预算的削减是造成近年来人力资源缺口的部分原因,但军方最近也出现了人力招募方面的危机。据《每日电讯报》报道,根据英国国防部的数据,2022年3月至2023 年3月期间,皇家海军和海军陆战队的应募入伍人数下降了约 22.1% 。这些数字表明,与同期的皇家空军和陆军召募人数分别下降了16.6%和14.6%相比,海军的募兵人数下降幅度更大。换句话说,在2022年7月至2023年7月期间,皇家海军总人数减少了约4.1%。截至2023年10月,根据英国政府的统计数据,皇家海军和海军陆战队的总兵力为 37,960 人。

Tobias Ellwood speaking at an event organised by the Afghanistan and Central Asian Association (ACAA) in Feltham, U.K., August 15, 2023. Photo by Jordan Pettitt/PA Images via Getty Images

托比亚斯·埃尔伍德于 2023 年 8 月 15 日在英国伦敦费尔塔姆由“阿富汗和中亚各国 ”协会举办的活动上发表演讲讲话。

"During the Gulf War the Royal Navy boasted 51 frigates and destroyers," he said. "That number will soon fall to just 16. Yet our world is more dangerous than [at] any time since 1945. The strength of today’s Royal Navy is simply inadequate to handle the ever-complex threat picture that is harming our economy."
Others have pointed to the critical short-term capability gap retiring the frigates may generate, with reference to the recent chain of events to have unfolded in the Red Sea. As it stands, the U.K. has the Type 45 destroyer HMS Diamond in the region to protect merchant shipping vessels from Houthi strikes as part of Operation Prosperity Guardian. However, The Telegraph claims that HMS Lancaster, a Type 23 frigate in the region, could be moved in order to support Diamond.

“海湾战争期间,皇家海军还拥有 51 艘护卫舰和驱逐舰,”他说。“这个数字将很快会下降到只有16艘。然而,我们当前的世界局势比1945年以来的任何时候都更加危险。当今皇家海军的实力根本不足以应对危害到我们经济的日益复杂的危险形势。”
其他人则指出,鉴于最近在红海海域发生的一系列事件,退役上述护卫舰可能会在短期内造成严重的军力缺口。目前,作为“繁荣卫士”行动的一部分,英国在该地区部署有45型驱逐舰“钻石”号,以保护商船免受胡塞武装的袭击。然而,《每日电讯报》称,23 型护卫舰“兰开斯特”号可能会被调动部署至该地区以支持“钻石”号。

HMS Diamond at sea. U.K. Defense Ministry photo


"We are losing operational ships — which is all very well as long as there's no war in the next few years," said the former First Sea Lord Alan West.
"With the number we’ve got, if we get involved in any action we are really poorly placed. If the government had taken seriously the issue of frigate numbers over the last 10 years, there would be sufficient [numbers] to meet the requirements of trade protection in the Red Sea."
The possible decision to retire Argyll and Westminster could therefore leave a capability gap for the Royal Navy in the near term, especially given that Type 26 frigates are years away from entering service. Both Argyll and Westminster were expected to remain in service until the late 2020s. The first Type 26 frigate, HMS Glasgow, is expected to reach Initial Operating Capability around 2028, while all Type 26 frigates are likely to be completed by the mid-2030s, which lines up with the current retirement plans for the Type 23 fleet.


Royal Navy Type 23 frigate HMS Argyll is pictured at the end of Exercise Goalkeeper in the Middle East. U.K. Ministry of Defense

23 型护卫舰“阿盖尔”号,拍摄于其参加“中东守门员”演习结束后

On top of this, opponents have pointed to the many millions of pounds that have been invested in the HMS Argyll and Westminster to have elongated their service lives to the end of the decade. Both vessels were upgraded as part of the Type 23 LIFEX program, completed in 2015 and 2017 respectively, with each refit costing at minimum £35 million/$54 million dollars, roughly equivalent to $70 million dollars adjusted for inflation today. More recently, Argyll underwent another multi-million-pound overhaul, while a refit for Westminster that was expected to last less than two years — which began in October 2022 but was suspended in May 2023 — bore an estimated cost of £100 million ($127 million).
"That the Royal Navy is forced by a lack of sailors to mothball ships shortly after refits that cost millions of taxpayers' money is further evidence of ministers failing to get to grips with deep problems in defense," The Labor Shadow Defense Secretary John Healey said more recently. "Ministry of Defense mismanagement has wasted at least £15 billion of public money since 2010."

除此之外,反对者还指出,英国皇家海军为“阿盖尔”号和“威斯敏斯特”号已投入数百万英镑进行维护,以将其使用寿命延长到本世纪末。这两艘船都作为23型护卫舰延寿计划的一部分进行了升级,分别于2015年和2017年完成,每艘舰改装费用至少为3500万英镑(约合5400 万美元),大致相当于今天根据通货膨胀率调整后的7000万美元。最近,“阿盖尔”号进行了一次耗资几百万英镑的大修,而“威斯敏斯特”号则正在进行一次升级,预计持续不到两年 ——该工程于 2022 年 10 月开始,但已于2023年5月被喊停——估计成本为 1 亿英镑(1.27 亿美元)。

John Healey MP speaking on the second day of the Labour Party conference, October 9, 2023, in Liverpool, U.K. Photo by Andrew Aitchison / In Pictures via Getty Images

国会议员约翰·希利于 2023 年 10 月 9 日在英国利物浦举行的工党大会第二天发表演讲

Then there is the biggest elephant in the room — the Royal Navy's two large Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers. Since their genesis, one of the key reasons opponents of procuring the ships put forward was that they would be too expensive and manpower intensive and they would end up robbing from the surface combatant fleet. That is the same fleet that is also tasked with protecting the carriers while on cruise.
The carriers have crews of around 700, but those numbers swell when the air wing is deployed to well over double that number. While this is efficient by large aircraft carrier standards, the cost to build, maintain, and operate these vessels, and provide them with air wings, has been the greatest concern. While carriers are incredibly powerful, they can only be in one place at one time, and that is usually tied up at the pier. Having persistent presence around the globe, especially for a country with a rich naval power history and global interests like the U.K., is increasingly crucial as recent events have highlighted. On the other hand, the carriers provide the U.K. with a power projection capability that is only possessed by a handful of nations. So, whether the huge investment in two carriers was the proper decision or not remains up for debate.

该级航母(一般情况下)拥有大约 700 名舰员,但当部署舰载机后,舰员数量将大幅增加一倍以上。虽然按照大型航空母舰的标准来说这仍是高效的,但建造、维护和操作这些舰艇以及为其提供舰载机的成本一直是最令人担忧的问题。虽然航母非常强大,但它们一次只能出现在一个地方,而且大部分时间都停泊在码头上。正如最近(在红海)发生的事件所凸显的那样,在全球范围内持续保持军力存在,对于特别是像英国这样拥有丰富的海军历史和全球利益的国家来说,变得越来越重要。另一方面,航母为英国提供了只有极少数国家拥有的军力投放能力。因此,对两艘航母的巨额投资是否是个正确的决定至今仍存在争议。

HMS Prince of Wales and HMS Queen Elizabeth pictured at sea for the first time. Wednesday 19 May 2021 saw a historic moment in Britain’s carrier renaissance as HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales met at sea for the first time. Petty Officer Photographer Jay Allen

2021 年 5 月 19 日星期三,皇家海军“威尔士亲王”号和“伊丽莎白女王”号首次编队航行,见证了英国航空母舰复兴的历史性时刻

It remains to be seen if the claims published by The Telegraph are, in fact, official policy. However, if the two frigates are to be decommissioned sooner than previously expected, this would very much fit a pattern of retiring key capabilities in order to free up both funds and personnel. U.K. Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has recently proposed retiring the Albion class Landing Platform Dock (LPD) vessels HMS Albion and Bulwark, the possibility of which raised back in 2019, specifically to free up available manpower.
We will keep our eyes peeled for if, and when, the Type 23 frigates get their decommissioning orders.

《每日电讯报》发表的声明是否确定是官方政策还有待观察。不过,如果这两艘护卫舰的退役时间比之前预期的要早,那么这非常符合退役军事装备以向关键军力释放资金和人力的模式。英国国防部长格兰特·沙普斯最近提议将全部两艘“海神之子”级船坞登陆舰——“海神之子”号 和“堡垒”号退役 ,在 2019 年就提出了这一可能性,特别是为了释放可用人力。
我们将密切关注 23 型护卫舰是否以及何时收到退役命令。