rofile photo for Aya Shawn
Aya Shawn
Knows ChineseAug 25
I can't neutrally judge which country's historical drama is better, there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand people.
But one thing I can confirm is that the diversity and richness of Chinese historical dramas cannot be compared with Japan and South Korea.
Generally speaking, all historical dramas in Japan look similar to historical dramas with the background of the Tang Dynasty in China.


This is historical dramas in Japan
historical dramas with the background of the Tang Dynasty in China.


All Korean historical dramas are similar to Chinese historical dramas of the Ming Dynasty.


This is Korean historical dramas
This is Chinese historical dramas of the Ming Dynasty.


However, China has more than a dozen different dynasties, and their cultural styles, architecture, and clothing are completely different. The richness of China is beyond the reach of Japan and South Korea.
Look at these:
This is a costume drama with the background of the xia Dynasty, 4000 years ago
This is a costume drama with the background of the Shang Dynasty, 3000 years ago, the golden bronze armor
2,200 years ago, the costume drama of the Qin Empire, these soldiers are exactly the same as the Terracotta Army of Qin Shihuang
1800 years ago, the Han Empire. General of the Han Dynasty played by Jack Chen
1600 years ago, the Three Kingdoms period. famous three brothers
1500 years ago, stills from the Sui Empire period. unreliable emperor
1300 years ago, a costume drama of the Tang Empire. gorgeous clothes, gorgeous times
1000 years ago, a costume drama set in the Song Dynasty. Clothing becomes elegant and restrained
600 years ago, the background of the Yuan Dynasty. Actors wear two braids, which is a Mongolian custom
400 years ago, a costume drama of the Ming Empire. The bright colors of clothing are back again, the age of self-confidence. Zheng He's Great Voyages
300 years ago, during the Qing Dynasty. Manchu hats and hairstyles
100 years ago, the Republic of China was established. At this time, the costume drama, the ladies wear cheongsam

这是一部以4000年前夏朝为背景的古装剧 (配图:大禹治水)
这是一部以商代为背景的古装剧,展示了3000年前的金铜甲 (配图:封神)
2200年前,秦帝国古装剧,这些士兵和秦始皇兵马俑一模一样 (配图:大秦帝国)
1800年前,汉帝国。陈龙饰演的汉武将 (配图:神话)
1600年前,三国时期。著名的三兄弟 (配图:三国)
1500年前,隋帝国时期剧照。不靠谱的皇帝 (配图:隋唐演义)
1300年前,一部大唐古装剧。华丽的衣服,华丽的时光 (配图:长安12时辰)
600年前,背景为元朝。演员扎两条辫子,这是蒙古族的习俗 (配图:倚天屠龙记)
400年前,一部明帝国的古装剧。服装的鲜艳色彩又回来了,自信的时代。郑和下西洋的时代 (配图:山河明月)
300年前,清朝时期。满族帽子和发型 (配图:延禧攻略)
100年前,ROC成立。这时候的古装剧,名媛们都穿旗袍 (配图:花样年华)