How Can the U.S. Prepare for the Next Pandemic?
Even as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, public health experts say the country and the world must take action to guard against future threats.
Edited by Michael Morella
Contributors: Amanda McClelland and Bill Cassidy
Aug. 26, 2022, at 7:00 a.m.


This editorial reflects the opinions of the contributor(s) and not of U.S. News & World Report. It is part of The Forum, which examines multiple viewpoints on key issues.


While a full and final accounting of the global response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has yet to be written, many policymakers and public officials say one lesson is clear: The world can’t afford to wait to prepare for the next pandemic.


After 2½ years of masking, social distancing, lockdowns and variants, the ever-shifting coronavirus continues to confound scientists and defy expectations. Vaccines have saved millions of lives, even though many parts of the world still lag behind in vaccination rates, and misinformation and disinformation have proven to be among the most challenging barriers to further progress. Political divisions around pandemic responses also persist in many countries.

经过 2 年半的戴口罩、保持社交距离、隔离及其变种,不断变化的冠状病毒继续让科学家感到困惑并出乎意料。疫苗挽救了数百万人的生命,尽管世界许多地区的疫苗接种率仍然落后,若要取得更大程度进步,错误信息和虚假信息已被证明是最具挑战性的障碍之一。在许多国家,围绕流行病应对措施的政治分歧也持续存在。

In the United States, even as people have grown gradually more comfortable since 2020 traveling, socializing and engaging in a range of daily activities, COVID optimism has fallen in recent months. As a weary public adjusts to the next “new normal,” what is the path forward to prepare for future public health threats? That question has taken on new resonance amidst the emergence of monkeypox in the U.S. and abroad.

在美国,尽管自 2020 年以来人们逐渐变得更加舒适,在旅行、社交和参与一系列日常活动方面,但近几个月来,人们对新冠肺炎的乐观情绪已经下降。随着疲惫的公众适应下一个“新常态”,为应对未来公共卫生威胁准备的前进道路是什么?随着猴痘在美国和国外的出现,这个问题引起了新的共鸣。

Many ideas have been put forth, including establishing international pacts for pandemic preparedness, rebuilding America’s public health system, shoring up household readiness and action plans, and beyond. Last week, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that the agency "did not reliably meet expectations" regarding its COVID response while also pledging changes in how it handles future challenges.


In this edition of The Forum, a U.S. News series that brings together multiple perspectives on the big questions of the moment, contributors share several policy moves and strategies to guard against future public health threats.
