No was was hurt in the incident, a spokesperson said


Shots were fired at the US Embassy in Lebanon on Wednesday evening, spokesperson Jake Nelson told Reuters. He added that no injuries were reported.
“At 10:37 pm local time, small arms fire was reported in the vicinity of the entrance to the US embassy,” Nelson said.
“There were no injuries, and our facility is safe. We are in close contact with host country law enforcement authorities.”

发言人杰克·尼尔森告诉路透社,周三晚上黎巴嫩美国大使馆遭到枪击。他补充道,没有人员受伤。 "当地时间晚上10:37分,有报道称在美国大使馆入口附近发生了小型武器的射击,"尼尔森说道。 "没有人员受伤,我们的设施是安全的。我们与东道国执法部门保持密切联系。"

The incident took place on the anniversary of the deadly suicide car bombing of one of the buildings belonging to the US diplomatic mission in Beirut in 1984. The attack carried out by Islamist militants claimed the lives of 23 people, including two Americans.
The embassy was moved from central Beirut to its current location in the Christian suburb of Awkar following another attack in April 1983, which killed 63 people. A new diplomatic compound is under construction on a 43-acre site.

这起事件发生在1984年贝鲁特美国外交任务所属建筑物发生致命自杀汽车炸弹袭击的周年纪念日。这次袭击由伊斯兰激进分子进行,造成23人死亡,其中包括两名美国人。 由于1983年4月另一次袭击事件造成63人死亡,使得大使馆从贝鲁特市中心迁至目前位于基督教郊区Awkar的位置。一个新的外交使馆正在占地43英亩的地块上建设中。