Dr. Balaji Viswanathan:
A few decades ago India didn't have a single grandmaster. Now, an 18 year old Indian boy is challenging the GOAT at the World Cup finals.
A few decades ago, we barely had some sounding rockets that were moved with bullock carts to the launch area. Today, India has become the first country to land on Moon's south pole -- that every country wants to, but significantly harder than landing near the equator.


It is just fascinating how fast India is moving in various spheres just in our own lifetime. Truly magnificent. And there is many more to come. The south pole of moon potentially offers a great launchpad for great space missions. It has water for astronauts to consume and it can also be broken down to have the hydrogen fuel for the rockets and oxygen for breathing environments. All of this could significantly increase the scope of a manned moon colony.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Regarding "superpower race" India would rather than play a game of brains than a game of dicks. Like an elephant, India would defend herself with all the powers, but it would not go and eat others.
Throughout history, we added value to the world with our ideas -- such as the number system, urban planning, arithmetic, chess, philosophical systems, religions, art and yoga -- and we will continue in that path. We will leave the "superpower" fight to new powers.


To the idiots who bring up random issues unconnected with space, rockets, success or progress, here you go:
