
How do Asians define success? What does success mean to an Asian person?


For different Asians living in different parts of the world, success crops up in various forms.


Success in general is hard to define. For some, success is coming in first in class or landing that dream job. For others, it is finishing an entire 12-inch pizza by themselves. But to put it simply, success is considered personal achievements, achievements sometimes influenced by society’s expectations .


Long-held Asian beliefs and customs are at very the heart of livelihoods in many parts of Asia. The mentality of success here, also usually shared by the older Asian generation, tends to be steeped in Asian traditions.


Success for many Asians in Asia often means finishing that law, medicine, business or science degree.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Getting a job in one of these fields. Or a job in an air-conditioned, sky-high office building.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Getting hitched at a certain age. With someone of the same race.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Completing a recreational qualification such as a Grade 8 piano certificate.


This “traditional Asian success” in this sense is about gaining formal qualifications, attaining status recognition signified by a signed piece of paper, and in essence is quite self-attention grabbing.


Spending time doing something that does not guarantee an official statement of some sort in return is often looked down upon in Asia and by many Asian baby boomers. When I was hosting radio programs on SYN 90.7FM, my mum always asked me, “Does anyone tune in? Are you hosting next week? You have a Maths exam next week, you really should stay home. Stay home.”

花时间做一些不能保证得到某种官方认可的事情,往往会被亚洲人和许多亚洲婴儿潮一代看不起。当我在SYN 90.7FM主持广播节目时,我妈妈总是问我:“有人收听吗?下周还是你主持吗?你下周有数学考试,你真的应该待在家里。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Perhaps many Asians in Asia are pressured by the older generation to uphold typical Asian ideals, to make the family proud, and so that is how they think of success. Perhaps many just go along with the flow.


On the flipside, success for Asians living in Western countries can deviate quite a bit from the ideas of “traditional Asian success”. Many Asians in the West, especially those born here and/or who have lived here for an extended period of time, carry on their shoulders conflicted Asian-Western identities and rarely feel a sense of belonging wherever they are. Asians in this part of the world are also exposed to diverse, non-Asian perspectives which might very well influence their definition of success, “modern Asian success.”


Success for Asians in Western countries can mean having the chance to pursue creative artsy pursuits and passions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Being single for as long as they want to.


Helping the less fortunate for nothing in return.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At least that is how I measure success as an Asian Australian living in Melbourne. Other Asian Australians might very well think otherwise and favour “traditional Asian success”. Who is to say this cannot be so?


“Modern Asian success” manifests ambiguously in ways almost naked to the eye; for Asians in Western countries it may be about finding personal self-assurance and not finally having that particular formal qualification bestowed upon you. Personally, as a Chinese person living in a predominantly Western-centric Australia, I see success as recognising my heritage. A process of self-acceptance, one of self-belief while looking out for the best in others.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Success to me is recognising that I have dual identities – I take pride in upholding Asian values such as not talking over my elders while at the same time supporting the “Aussie” Australian way of life.


Coming to terms that I neither completely agree with the typical traditional Asian mentality nor the Western mindset. And that I am not banana either.


Confidently identifying myself as Asian Australian.


Talking to, and perhaps becoming friends with, Australians of different races.


Helping these people whenever I can.


Above all having the courage to break away from the Asian stereotype no matter what those close to me say and just be who I want to be.






Fact: many Asian girls lix arms when they are out and about.


When I lived in Malaysia and Singapore, I saw Asian girls and women walking in pairs through shopping malls with arms lixed around the elbows, touching skin-on-skin. Sometimes I saw them even holding hands, walking and chatting with one another. Today whenever I troop down to Melbourne’s Chinatown, my eye will never fail to spy similar scenes.


Just what does it mean when Asian girls lix arms, and why do they do it so frequently? Googling this trend, it seems Asian men in certain Asian countries do this as well.


This phenomenon has been discussed here and there on some online forums. There is no concrete evidence as to where it originated from, so we can only speculate the reasons why Asian girls are fans of lixing arms today.


Contrary to popular belief, the sight of two Asian girls hooking their arms around one another usually does not signify that sexual behaviour is going on between them. Most of the time, it does not mean that both are in a homosexual relationship with one another or silently screaming “I love you” to the other – which is what many Westerners commonly think. lixing arms also tends not to be a means of physical protection or ganging up gung-ho style.


Putting this phenomenon down to a “cultural thing”, and “Asian thing”, is arguably a very reasonable explanation for it.


This act of lixing arms on part of Asian girls – and some Asian boys, women, men – can be seen as an unconscious means to express hidden, pent-up emotional affection. After all, it is human nature to have intimate feelings towards other people and a desire to express that.


Kissing and hugging with the opposite sex in public is deemed rude in Asian cultures. In fact, showing physical affection to your heterosexual partner is often frowned upon and shunned in many conservative Asian societies. So where can Asian individuals express built-up affectionate emotions and with whom?


With the same sex of course. lixing arms/holding hands is as close as an Asian girl will get to another person outside of a heterosexual relationship. Acting touchy-feely with other Asian girls – for example playing with each other’s hair or putting make-up on one another – is constantly seen as cute in Asian communities.Also, Asian girls and boys are encouraged to stick closely with other girls and boys respectively, be it in the classroom or playground, by their parents from a young age up until their twenties. So an Asian girl out on the town might be unknowingly channeling any underlying affection she may have towards a (male) person she is attracted to through lixing arms with a girl friend – and in the eyes of conventional Asian society, “arming up” with a girl is an acceptable act.


Or perhaps these Asian girls are just so accustomed to playing with their Asian female friends in intimate ways or maybe even attracted to one another in the harmless non-sexual girly “I-like you-a lot” sense, and so why not intimately wrangle their arms round one another? It’s just natural for them.


Another probable reason why Asian girls like to lix arms or hold hands can be attributed to their obsession to look young and feel young – there are dozens of whitening anti-aging products in Asia fervently sought after by Asians. Holding hands is strongly associated with children: in school, children are always buddied-up and asked to line up in pairs holding hands in school during excursions or fire drills. As such, lixing arms might very well hearten Asian girls to feel young again.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And yet another logical explanation for this phenomenon is that it is a means whereby Asians convey friendship. A symbol of mutual friendship, plain and simple. Friendship is articulated in various forms: listening, sharing, hugging. So why not lixing arms and holding hands? There’s no reason why lixing arms or entwining hands can’t be an “Asian-code” of friendship, expressed by two Asian people who are very good friends.


However, there is the possibility that this whole lixing arms trend is really more a personal thing rather than a cultural one. That is, whether one lixs arms with their friends may depend solely on their personal preference and perspective on life.


Some Asians might find lixing arms amicably with the same sex unsettling and surely not all of them like to do so. I know some of my Asian friends who find casually lixing arms with the same sex as bizarre. Also, older Asians don’t seem to do it too often, so perhaps it’s a generational thing too?


I don’t mind lixing arms with my female partners in crime. On the occasions they hook their left arm over my right, I don’t obxt.


In such a promiscuous world today, it would be nice if we could all come to see the sight of two Asian girls lixing arms as no more than two friends enjoying each other’s company. Why not?
