Nearly twenty-five years ago this newspaper called Germany the sick man of the euro. The combination of reunification, a sclerotic job market and slowing export demand all plagued the economy, forcing unemployment into double digits. Then a series of reforms in the early 2000s ushered in a golden age. Germany became the envy of its peers. Not only did the trains run on time but, with its world-beating engineering, the country also stood out as an exporting powerhouse. However, while Germany has prospered, the world has kept on turning. As a result, Germany has once again started to fall behind.


Europe’s biggest economy has gone from a growth leader to a laggard. Between 2006 and 2017 it outperformed its large counterparts and kept pace with America. Yet today it has just experienced its third quarter of contraction or stagnation and may end up being the only big economy to shrink in 2023. The problems lie not only in the here and now. According to the imf, Germany will grow more slowly than America, Britain, France and Spain over the next five years, too.

欧洲最大的经济体已经从增长领跑者变成了落后者。在2006年至2017年期间,德国的表现优于其他大型经济体,与美国并驾齐驱。然而如今,德国刚刚经历了第三季度的经济萎缩或停滞,最终可能成为 2023 年唯一萎缩的大型经济体。问题不仅仅在于当下,据国际货币基金组织透露,未来五年德国的增长速度也将低于美国、英国、法国、西班牙。

To be sure, things are not as alarming as they were in 1999. Unemployment today is around 3%; the country is richer and more open. But Germans increasingly complain that their country is not working as well as it should. Four out of five tell pollsters that Germany is not a fair place to live. Trains now run so serially behind the clock that Switzerland has barred late ones from its network. After being stranded abroad for the second time this summer as her ageing official plane malfunctioned, Annalena Baerbock, the foreign minister, has aborted a trip to Australia.

可以肯定的是,情况并不像 1999 年时那么令人担忧。目前的失业率约为 3%;这个国家更加富裕,更加开放。但德国人越来越抱怨国家没有发挥应有的水平。五分之四的德国人在民意调查中认为,德国不是一个宜居的地方。现在火车不断晚点,以至于瑞士禁止晚点的德国火车进入铁路网。今年夏天,德国外长安娜莱娜·贝尔博克因老化的公务机出现故障而第二次滞留在国外,于是取消了澳大利亚之行。

For years Germany’s outperformance in old industries papered over its lack of investment in new ones. Complacency and an obsession with fiscal prudence led to too little public investment, and not just in Deutsche Bahn and the Bundeswehr. Overall, the country’s investment in information technology as a share of gdp is less than half that in America and France. Bureaucratic conservatism also gets in the way. Obtaining a licence to operate a business takes 120 days—twice as long as the oecd average. Added to this are worsening geopolitics, the difficulty of eliminating carbon emissions and the travails of an ageing population.


The geopolitics mean that manufacturing may no longer be the cash cow it used to be. Of all the large Western economies, Germany is the most exposed to China. Last year trade between the two amounted to $314bn. That relationship was once governed by the profit motive; now things are more complicated. In China German carmakers are losing the battle for market share against home-grown competitors. And in more sensitive areas, as the West “de-risks” its ties with China, some may be severed altogether. Meanwhile, a scramble for advanced manufacturing and robust supply chains is unleashing a torrent of subsidies to foster home-grown industry that will either threaten German firms or demand subsidies inside the European unx.


Another difficulty comes from the energy transition. Germany’s industrial sector uses nearly twice as much energy as the next-biggest in Europe, and its consumers have a much bigger carbon footprint than those in France or Italy. Cheap Russian gas is no longer an option and the country has, in a spectacular own goal, turned away from nuclear power. A lack of investment in grids and a sluggardly permit system are hobbling the transition to cheap renewable energy, threatening to make manufacturers less competitive.


Increasingly, too, Germany lacks the talent it needs. A baby boom after the second world war means that 2m workers, on net, will retire over the next five years. Although the country has attracted almost 1.1m Ukrainian refugees, many are children and non-working women who may soon return home. Already, two-fifths of employers say they are struggling to find skilled workers. That is not just grumbling: the state of Berlin cannot fill even half of its teaching vacancies with qualified staff.

德国需要的人才也越来越匮乏。第二次世界大战后的婴儿潮意味着净数200 万名工人将在未来五年内退休。尽管德国吸引了近 110 万乌克兰难民,但许多是妇女和儿童,她们可能很快就会返回家园。五分之二的雇主表示很难雇佣到技术工人。这不仅仅是抱怨:柏林州甚至无法用合格的员工填补一半的教师空缺岗位。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

For Germany to thrive in a more fragmented, greener and ageing world, its economic model will need to adapt. Yet whereas high unemployment forced Gerhard Schröder’s coalition into action in the 1990s, the alarm bells are easier to ignore this time. Few in today’s government, made up of the Social Democrats, the liberal Free Democrats and the Greens, admit to the scale of the task. Even if they did, the coalition is so fractious that the parties would struggle to agree on a remedy. Moreover, Alternative für Deutschland, a far-right populist party, is polling at 20% nationally and may win some state elections next year. Few in government will propose radical change for fear of playing into its hands.

德国要想在一个更分散、更环保、更老龄化的世界中蓬勃发展,有必要对其经济模式做出调整。尽管高失业率曾经迫使格哈德·施罗德的联盟在 20 世纪 90 年代采取行动,但这一次的警钟更容易被忽视。在当今由社会民主党、自由民主党、绿党组成的政府中,几乎没人承认这项任务的艰巨。即使他们承认,执政联盟也非常难以驾驭,以至于各方很难就调整方案达成一致。另外,极右翼民粹主义政党“德国选择党”在全国的民意支持率为 20%,明年可能会赢得一些州的选举。政府中很少有人会提出激进的改革,因为怕正中他们的下怀。

The temptation may therefore be to stick with the old ways of doing things. But that would not bring back Germany’s heyday. Nor would it quell the onrush of challenges to the status quo. China will continue to develop and compete, and de-risking, decarbonisation and demography cannot simply be wished away.


Instead of running scared, politicians must look ahead, by fostering new firms, infrastructure and talent. Embracing technology would be a gift to new firms and industries. A digitised bureaucracy would do wonders for smaller firms that lack the capacity to fill out reams of paperwork. Further permit reform would help ensure that infrastructure gets built speedily and to budget. Money also matters. Too often infrastructure has suffered as the government has made a fetish of its balanced-budget rules. Although Germany cannot spend as freely as it might have in the 2010s, when interest rates were low, forgoing investment as a way of reining in excess spending is a false economy.

政治家们不应畏首畏尾,而应着眼于未来,培养新企业、基础设施、人才。迎接科技对于新公司和新兴行业来说是个机遇。对于那些没有能力填写大量文书工作的小企业来说,数字化的官僚机构将创造奇迹。许可证制度的进一步改革将有助于确保基础设施的快速建设并符合预算。资金也很重要,由于政府过分重视平衡预算规则,导致基础设施建设经常陷入困境。尽管德国不能像低利率的2010 年代那样随意支出,但通过放弃投资来控制过度支出会得不偿失。

Agenda 2030

2030 年议程

Just as important will be attracting new talent. Germany has liberalised its immigration rules, but the visa process is still glacial and Germany is better at welcoming refugees than professionals. Attracting more skilled immigrants could even nurture home-grown talent, if it helped deal with the chronic shortage of teachers. In a country of coalition governments and cautious bureaucrats, none of this will be easy. Yet two decades ago, Germany pulled off a remarkable transformation to extraordinary effect. It is time for another visit to the health farm.
