1. Rice and noodles
While rice symbolises wealth, fertility and abundance, noodles symbolises longevity and long life. A bowlof white rice or noodles is usually served alongside Chinese dining.

1. 米饭和面条

Rice has a long history in China. Around 1100BC, aristocrats in the Zhou dynasty were the ones who were able to afford rice. Later everyone relied on rice for food as it's easy to cook and store.


Today rice is one of China's top commodities: China relies on rice production to sustain its economy, is responsible for about 30% of global rice production, and eats more than twice as much rice as Japan.


While rice is mostly cultivated in the south of China, noodles are cultivated more easily in the north as that's where wheat grains thrive due to climatic differences. Like rice, noodles have fed China for thousands of years and are economical energy, cereal food. Both foods take months to cultivate and rice especially is hard to harvest by hand – all the more valued and auspicious it is considered.

My Chinese Malaysian family always say they feel weird if they don't eat rice every day. If there isn't white rice on the table at the restaurant, my folks like ordering yangzhou fried rice (扬州炒饭). Call me a bad Asian but I have gone weeks without eating rice and I'm okay with that.

2. ChickenIn
Chinese culture, a whole chicken complete with head, feet and tail symbolises unity, completeness and togetherness. Chicken also resembles the dragon and phoenix, further symbolising power and strength.

2. 鸡

There are endless ways to serve chicken in Chinese cuisine. There's steamed yellow-skinned chicken which is popular during Chinese New Year Eve. Chicken is also common in Chinese stir-frys with oyster sauce, Malaysian mango chicken and cashew nut chicken.


Many Chinese are fond of eating chicken head and feet for their gritty texture. This is in contrast with chicken breast which some Chinese reckon is "the meat of fools', tasting like wood. Personally chicken breast is my favourite meat.


Aside from chicken, duck is also popular in Chinese cuisine. Peking duck is historically an iconic dish in Chinese culture, prepared for royalty and later served to everyone else like rice. China produces around 83% of duck meat in the Asian region. In general, duck is more expensive than chicken as it's the rarer of the two birds.


3. Dates and sesame seeds
Dates and goji berries are often used tosweeten Chinese herbal soups, steamed chicken and teas.


Dark red dates are high in vitamin A, B and C. Goji berries have been touted as antioxidant superfoods helpingto regulate stress, sleep cycles and suppress cancerous cells.


Sesame seeds are usually found alongside dates-such as crispy sesame jujube ball snacks and sprinkled overl meats with jujube-infused sauce. Both dates and sesame seeds bring good luck, wealth and fertility, and bring warmth to the body.


4. Dumplings
Dumplings are one of the most important foods in Chinese culture. Dumplings are a staple during ChineseNew Year

4. 饺子

Dumplings often resemble traditional gold inglots.They are usually shared at the table, representing togetherness and wealth.

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Interestingly enough, many seem content to just eat dumplings and more dumplings, no need for other dishes. Most dumplings really are just that good on their own.


5. Green leafy vegetables

There's usually a vegetable dish with each Chinese meal. Bok choy/Chinese celery (xião bái cài, 小白菜), gai lan/Chinese broccoli (jiè làn, 芥蘭) and water spinach are some popular greens in Chinese cooking.
5. 绿叶蔬菜

The bok choy is probably the most popular and well-known. Native to China and first cultivated along the Yangtze River Delta, it is nicknamed 'soup spoon' for its large leaves shaped like a spoon.


Raw and uncooked vegetables aren't eaten too often among the Chinese. Good sanitation has been a problem in China for a long time, and food here is preferably cooked over heat to minimise bacteria. From a traditional Chinese medicine perspective, uncooked and ‘cold’ foods are not best for digestion.


6. TofuTofu

traditionally symbolises death in Chinese culture. Most tofu is white (on the inside) and white is synonymous with death - and tofu sometimes isn't served during festivals. On the other hand, some suggest eating tofu sounds like eating a mouthful of ‘fú' (福) or good fortune.
6. 豆腐

There are many varieties of tofu such as bean curd, silken tofu, and stinky tofu. In everyday Chinese cooking tofu is tossed in stir fries and simmered in hotpots. Sichuan mapo tofu which is bean curd in chilli oil is one of the most popular tofu dishes.
