Saransh Maurya
No reason other than sheer hatred.
Some might say that they are doing it for the teenager that died.
But that is not true.
You don’t get justice for someone’s murder by robbing your neighbor’s iphone store.
You don’t get justice for an innocent person by destroying another innocent person’s livelihood.


There’s only one reason for all these robberies and destruction.
It’s pure hatred, plain and simple.
They hate France, they hate French culture, they hate French people who don’t follow their book.
Just because they escaped their country doesn’t mean that they hate their old lifestyle.
And believe me, if they could they would happily turn France into the same country they escaped from.
The only thing they like about France is its wealth nothing more and the last thing they want to do is to adjust to the French culture.
That teen’s death is merely an excuse for them to justify their hatred. Nothing more.
If this didn’t happen they would simply find some other excuse.
