Question 4: Postwar Germany
Most Americans believe that the German people were treated humanely following the end of hostilities and that the Marshall Plan helped to rebuild Europe. Is that an accurate account of what actually took place? (Freda Utley)
Ron Unz—Although long forgotten today, Freda Utley was a mid-century journalist of some prominence. Born an Englishwoman, she had married a Jewish Communist and moved to Soviet Russia, then fled to America after her husband fell in one of Stalin’s purges. Although hardly sympathetic to the defeated Nazis, she strongly shared Beaty’s view of the monstrous perversion of justice at Nuremberg and her first-hand account of the months spent in Occupied Germany is eye-opening in its descxtion of the horrific suffering imposed upon the prostrate civilian population even years after the end of the war.

Ron Unz——弗雷达·乌特利是上世纪中叶一位颇有名望的记者,尽管如今早已被人遗忘。她出生在英国,嫁给了一个犹太共产主义者,搬到了苏联,在丈夫在斯大林的一次清洗中落马后,她逃到了美国。虽然她对战败的纳粹几乎没有同情,但她强烈赞同比蒂对纽伦堡审判中骇人听闻的歪曲正义的看法,她对在被占领的德国度过的几个月的第一手资料令人大开眼界,她描述了战争结束多年后,被压垮的平民所遭受的可怕痛苦。

In 1948 she spent several months traveling around Occupied Germany, and the following year published her experiences in The High Cost of Vengeance, which I found eye-opening. Unlike the vast majority of other American journalists, who generally took brief, heavily-chaperoned visits, Utley actually spoke German and was quite familiar with the country, having frequently visited it during the Weimar Era. Whereas Grenfell’s discussion was highly restrained and almost academic in its tone, her own writing was considerably more strident and emotional, hardly surprising given her direct encounter with extremely distressing subject matter. Her eyewitness testimony seemed quite credible, and the factual information she provided, buttressed by numerous interviews and anecdotal observations, was gripping.
More than three years after the end of hostilities, Utley encountered a land still almost totally ruined, with large portions of the population forced to seek shelter in damaged basements or share tiny rooms in broken buildings. The population regarded itself as being “without rights,” often subject to arbitrary treatment by occupation troops or other privileged elements, who stood completely outside the legal jurisdiction of the regular local police.


Germans in large numbers were regularly removed from their homes, which were used to billet American troops or others who found favor with them, a situation that had been noted with some outrage in Gen. George Patton’s posthumously published diaries. Even at this point, a foreign soldier might still sometimes seize anything he wanted from German civilians, with potentially dangerous consequences if they protested the theft.
Utley tellingly quotes a former German soldier who had served occupation duties in France and remarked that he and his comrades had operated under strictest discipline and could never have imagined behaving toward French civilians in the manner that current Allied troops now treated German ones.
Some of Utley’s quoted claims are quite astonishing, but seem solidly based on reputable sources and fully confirmed elsewhere. Throughout the first three years of peacetime, the daily food ration allocated to Germany’s entire civilian population was roughly 1550 calories, approximately the same as that provided to the inmates of German concentration camps during the war recently ended, and it sometimes dropped far, far lower. During the difficult winter of 1946-47, the entire population of the Ruhr, Germany’s industrial heartland, had only received starvation rations of 700-800 calories per day, and even lower levels were sometimes reached.

乔治·巴顿将军(George Patton)死后出版的日记中曾愤怒地提到过这种情况。即使在这个时候,外国士兵有时仍然可能从德国平民那里夺取他想要的任何东西,如果他们抗议这种盗窃行为,可能会带来危险的后果。乌特利生动地引用了一名曾在法国服役的前德国士兵的话,他说他和他的战友们在最严格的纪律下行动,永远无法想象他们对待法国平民的方式会像现在的盟军对待德国平民那样。
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Influenced by hostile official propaganda, the widespread attitude of Allied personnel towards ordinary Germans was certainly as bad as anything faced by the natives living under a European colonial regime. Time and again, Utley notes the remarkable parallels with the treatment and attitude she had previously seen Westerners take towards the native Chinese during most of the 1930s, or that the British had expressed to their Indian colonial subjects. Small German boys, shoeless, destitute, and hungry, eagerly retrieved balls at American sporting-clubs for a tiny pittance. Today it is sometimes disputed whether American cities during the late 19th century actually contained signs reading “No Irish Need Apply,” but Utley certainly saw signs reading “No Dogs or Germans Allowed” outside numerous establishments frequented by Allied personnel.
Based on my standard history textbooks, I had always believed that there existed a total night-and-day difference in the behavior toward local civilians between the German troops who occupied France from 1940-44 and the Allied troops who occupied Germany from 1945 onward. After reading the detailed accounts of Utley and other contemporaneous sources, I think my opinion was absolutely correct, but with the direction reversed.


Utley believed part of the reason for this utterly disastrous situation was deliberate American government policy. Although the Morgenthau Plan—aimed at eliminating half or so of Germany’s population—had been officially abandoned and replaced with the Marshall Plan promoting German revival, she found that many aspects of the former actually still held sway in practice. Even as late as 1948, huge portions of the German industrial base continued to be dismantled and shipped off to other countries while very tight restrictions on German production and exports remained in place. Indeed, the level of poverty, misery, and oppression she saw everywhere almost seemed deliberately calculated to turn ordinary Germans against America and its Western allies, perhaps opening the door to Communist sympathies. Such suspicions are certainly strengthened when we consider that this system had been devised by Harry Dexter White, later revealed to be a Soviet agent.

乌特利认为,造成这种灾难性局面的部分原因是美国政府的蓄意政策。尽管旨在消灭德国一半左右人口的摩根索计划已被正式放弃,取而代之的是促进德国复兴的马歇尔计划,但她发现,前者的许多方面实际上在实践中仍占主导地位。即使到了1948年,德国工业基础的很大一部分仍在继续被拆除并运往其他国家,而对德国生产和出口的严格限制仍然存在。事实上,她所看到的到处都是贫穷、苦难和压迫,似乎是故意让普通德国人反对美国及其西方盟友,也许是为同情共产主义打开了大门。当我们考虑到这套体系是由哈里·德克斯特·怀特(Harry Dexter White)设计的,而他后来被揭露是一名苏联特工时,这种怀疑显然进一步加强了。

She was especially scathing about the total perversion of any basic notions of human justice during the Nuremberg Tribunal and various other war crime trials, a subject to which she devoted two full chapters. These judicial proceedings exhibited the worst sort of legal double-standards, with leading Allied judges explicitly stating that their own countries were not at all bound by the same international legal conventions which they claimed to be enforcing against German defendants. Even more shocking were some of the measures used, with outraged American jurists and journalists revealing that horrific torture, threats, blackmail, and other entirely illegitimate means were regularly employed to obtain confessions or denunciations of others, a situation that strongly suggested a very considerable number of those condemned and hanged were entirely innocent. Her book also gave substantial coverage to the organized expulsions of ethnic Germans from Silesia, the Sudatenland, East Prussia, and various other parts of Central and Eastern Europe where they had peacefully lived for many centuries, with the total number of such expellees generally estimated at 13 to 15 million.


Families were sometimes given as little as ten minutes to leave the homes in which they had resided for a century or more, then forced to march off on foot, sometimes for hundreds of miles, towards a distant land they had never seen, with their only possessions being what they could carry in their own hands. In some cases, any surviving menfolk were separated out and shipped off to slave-labor camps, thereby producing an exodus consisting solely of women, children, and the very elderly. All estimates were that at least a couple million perished along the way, from hunger, illness, or exposure.
These days we endlessly read painful discussions of the notorious “Trail of Tears” suffered by the Cherokees in the distant past of the early 19th century, but this rather similar 20th Century event was nearly a thousand-fold larger in size. Despite this huge discrepancy in magnitude and far greater distance in time, I would guess that the former event may command a thousand times the public awareness among ordinary Americans. If so, this would demonstrate that overwhelming media control can easily shift perceived reality by a factor of a million or more.


The population movement certainly seems to have represented the largest ethnic-cleansing in the history of the world, and if the Germany had ever done anything even remotely similar during its years of European victories and conquests, the visually-gripping scenes of such an enormous flood of desperate, trudging refugees would surely have become a centerpiece of numerous World War II movies of the last seventy years. But since nothing like that ever happened, Hollywood screenwriters lost a tremendous opportunity.
Utley’s extremely grim portrayal is strongly corroborated by numerous other sources. In 1946, Victor Gollanz, a prominent British publisher from a Socialistic Jewish background, took an extended visit to Germany, and published In Darkest Germany the following year, recounting his enormous horror at the conditions he discovered there.

乌特利极度冷酷的描述得到了许多其他来源的有力证实。1946年,具有社会主义犹太背景的著名英国出版商维克多·戈兰茨(Victor Gollanz)对德国进行了一次长期访问,并于次年出版了《最黑暗的德国》(In Darkest Germany)一书,讲述了他对那里的环境的极度恐惧。

His claims of the appalling malnutrition, illness, and total destitution were supported by over a hundred chilling photographs, and the introduction to the American edition was written by University of Chicago President Robert M. Hutchins, one of our most reputable public intellectuals of that era. But his slim volume seems to have attracted relatively little attention in the American mainstream media, although his somewhat similar book Our Threatened Values, published the previous year and based upon information from official sources had received a little more. Gruesome Harvest by Ralph Franklin Keeling, also published in 1947, helpfully gathers together a large number of official statements and reports from major media outlets, which generally support exactly this same picture of the first few years of Germany under Allied occupation.
During the 1970s and 1980s this distressing topic was taken up by Alfred M. de Zayas, who held a Harvard Law degree and doctorate in history, and served a long and illustrious career as a leading international human rights lawyer long affiliated with the United Nations. His books such as Nemesis at Potsdam, A Terrible Revenge, and The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945 especially focused on the massive ethnic cleansing of the German minorities, and were based on great quantities of archival research.

他关于骇人听闻的营养不良、疾病和赤贫的说法得到了一百多张令人不寒而栗的照片的支持,美国版的介绍是由芝加哥大学校长罗伯特·m·哈钦斯(Robert M. Hutchins)撰写的,他是那个时代最有声望的公共知识分子之一。但是,他那本薄薄的书似乎在美国主流媒体上引起的关注相对较少,尽管他上一年出版的基于官方消息来源的类似书籍《我们受到威胁的价值观》(Our Threatened Values)受到了更多关注。拉尔夫·富兰克林·基林(Ralph Franklin Keeling)的《可怕的收获》(可怕的收获)也出版于1947年,它收集了大量来自主要媒体的官方声明和报道,这些声明和报道基本上支持了德国在盟军占领下最初几年的相同图景。
在1970年代和1980年代,阿尔弗雷德·m·德扎亚斯(Alfred M. de Zayas)研究了这一令人痛心的问题,他拥有哈佛大学法学学位和历史学博士学位,作为长期隶属于联合国的主要国际人权律师,有着长期辉煌的职业生涯。他的著作如《波茨坦的复仇》、《可怕的复仇》和《1939-1945年德国国防军战争罪行局》特别关注对德国少数民族的大规模种族清洗,并以大量档案研究为基础。

They received considerable scholarly praise and notice in major academic journals and sold hundreds of thousands of copies in Germany and other parts of Europe, but hardly seem to have penetrated the consciousness of America or the rest of the English-speaking world.
In the late 1980s this smoldering historical debate took a remarkable new turn. While visiting France during 1986 in preparation for an unrelated book, a Canadian writer named James Bacque stumbled upon clues suggesting that one of the most terrible secrets of post-war Germany had long remained completely hidden, and he soon embarked upon extensive research into the subject, finally publishing Other Losses in 1989. Based upon very considerable evidence, including government records, personal interviews, and recorded eyewitness testimony, he argued that after the end of the war, the Americans had starved to death as many as a million German POWs, seemingly as a deliberate act of policy, a war crime that would surely rank among the greatest in history.

在20世纪80年代末,这场激烈的历史辩论出现了一个引人注目的新转折。1986年,加拿大作家詹姆斯·巴克(James Bacque)为了写一本不相关的书而访问法国,他偶然发现了一些线索,表明战后德国最可怕的秘密之一长期以来一直完全被隐藏起来,他很快就开始了对这个主题的广泛研究,最终在1989年出版了《其他损失》(Other Losses)。根据相当多的证据,包括政府记录、个人访谈和目击者的证词,他认为,在战争结束后,美国人饿死了多达100万名德国战俘,这似乎是一种蓄意的政策行为,这一战争罪行肯定会成为历史上最严重的罪行之一。

Bacque’s discussion of the new evidence of the Kremlin archives constitutes a relatively small portion of his 1997 sequel, Crimes and Mercies, which centered around an even more explosive analysis, and also became an international best-seller.
As described above, first-hand observers of post-war Germany in 1947 and 1948 such as Gollanz and Utley, had directly reported on the horrific conditions they discovered, and stated that for years official food rations for the entire population had been comparable to that of the inmates of Nazi concentration camps and sometimes far lower, leading to the widespread malnutrition and illness they witnessed all around them. They also noted the destruction of most of Germany’s pre-war housing stock and the severe overcrowding produced by the influx of so many millions of pitiful ethnic German refugees expelled from other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. But these visitors lacked any access to solid population statistics, and could only speculate upon the enormous human death toll that hunger and illness had already inflicted, and which would surely continue if policies were not quickly changed.

巴克对克里姆林宫档案新证据的讨论,在他1997年的续集《罪与慈悲》(Crimes and mercy)中只占了相对较小的一部分。《罪与慈悲》围绕着更具爆炸性的分析展开,也成为了国际畅销书。

Years of archival research by Bacque attempt to answer this question, and the conclusion he provides is certainly not a pleasant one. Both the Allied military government and the later German civilian authorities seem to have made a concerted effort to hide or obscure the true scale of the calamity visited upon German civilians during the years 1945-1950, and the official mortality statistics found in government reports are simply too fantastical to possibly be correct, although they became the basis for the subsequent histories of that period. Bacque notes that these figures suggest that the death rate during the terrible conditions of 1947, long remembered as the “Hunger Year” (Hungerjahr) and vividly described in Gollancz’s account, was actually lower than that of the prosperous Germany of the late 1960s. Furthermore, private reports by American officials, mortality rates from individual localities, and other strong evidence demonstrate that these long-accepted aggregate numbers were essentially fictional.


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