In Kolkata, a patient had climbed out of his ward to sit on a high rise edge of the Institute of Neuro Science Hospital.


The patient somehow climbed out of an eighth floor window of a hospital and sat on the edge of a cornice on the eighth floor of the building where he was undergoing treatment. The patient identified as Sudhir Adhikari was mentally unstable. He was in depression and was mentally ill.

病人不知怎么从一家医院八楼的窗户爬了出来,坐在他正在接受治疗的大楼八楼的檐口边上。被确认名叫Sudhir Adhikari的患者精神不稳定。他患有抑郁症和精神疾病。

He did not say anything as to why he was sitting there, but was not allowing people in uniform to approach him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

He had bruises on his left eye.


He sat there for almost 3 hours and was not unwilling to get down. Finally, he jumped from the 8th floor and later succumbed to his injuries.


Why were not such heighted buildings built with iron grilled windows knowing the hospital is for mental and neuro patients??


In India mental illness does n0ot exist. If a person appears mentally bonkers then parents think, giving two tight slaps and one solid racket hit will make them alright. In India people try to keep safe distance from someone who is depressed. People think sitting with & talking to a mentally unhealthy person could deteriorate the mental health of a healthy person.


It is sad that a young lad lost his life due to mental illness.
