learning a language should be 50% studying and 50% actually experiencing it through various media and conversations. you cant learn a language properly just from a textbook.


Night owl
Umm ....i learnt English from textbooks only.


Anderson Sudário
Unfortunately for most people, learning a language is not something you can learn “only” from classes at school.


Adam Saciid
@Anderson Sudário
actually I learn english when i'm in primary and secondary education so it's working.


@Anderson Sudário
the ability to talk in 2nd or 3rd language, is skill, and just like any other skill, you sharpen it by practice. you learn the theory at school or academy and polish it through practice by conversing using the language. by practicing the language, we will learn more vocabulary as well as expression and when and how to use certain words. practice makes perfect.

用第二或第三语言交谈的能力是一种技能,就像任何其他技能一样,您可以通过练习来提高。 您在学校或学院学习理论,并通过使用该语言进行对话,在实践中加以完善。通过练习这门语言,我们将学习更多的词汇和表达方式,以及何时还有如何使用某些单词。熟能生巧。

yeetman 127
@Anderson Sudário
In my country it is unfortunately true. We have to pay a lot of money for after-school english classes to get a b2 and c2 level certificate.
At least the internet helps. I have a friend who is learning English for free online and he is doing quite well.
