Many cultures around the World claim that a God, creator of all things exists. But none of them can prove that it exists or come to a definitive conclusion. If you want to prove that it exists, you need to show proof, this can be done for example with the Scientific Method for example.
And yes, just because there is no evidence of its existence, it doesn't necessarily means that it don't exist right? After all, atoms can't be seen, heard or degusted, and people didn't believed they existed back then. But that's the point, if something exists, it can most of the times be perceived through at least one human sense. No one can perceive atoms by default, BUT WE ALL CAN see them through microscopes, anyone can see atoms through them, you may not call them atoms, but you will be able to see them anyway. On the other hand, not everyone can perceive God, so this most likely indicates that it don't exist at all. Each culture explain God in a way, but the science from here, spain, japan, china, bangladesh, india, australia and every single country will explain things in the same way. Everyone, including me, don't know how the universe came to be, but that doesn't mean it was because of a God, there is the Big Bang Theory(not the tv series, the actual theory) for example, but that's exactly why we keep searching. We didn't knew everything back then, and we still don't everything, but that's the point of keeping studying. And I am not saying that everything far from our reach is inexistent. Many things in the universe got away from our reach forever, but that doesn't make them any less real. What I am saying is that we shouldn't affirm that every single thing out of our reach is completely valid. Oumuamua is away from our reach, but we know it existed for sure. God may exist in some place of the universe, why not? But theists have yet to prove this too, by the same way gravity, atoms and galaxies were proved.


If someone tries to validate God through the Bible and/or another ancient book or scxture, this will not work too, as the Bible is The Appeal to Authority Fallacy, you can't validate something only by the source alone. Again, I will mention the Scientific Method for this.
Some will say that they don't believe in a God, but rather a energy, or that God is the act of creation itself. If God is a energy from where the universe originated from, then it's name is energy, not God. If God is "the act of creation itself" then it's name is something like "the origin of everything", aka big bang, or whatever you call it, not God. And if so, then God becomes an empty word. Why call all these things "God"? Why we don't just call them by their correct names?
And no atheist ever said Jesus didn't existed. He existed like Leonardo Da Vinci, Shakespeare, Stalin, and everyone. But even so, Jesus is not conclusive proof, neither his so called miracles. Why he is not conclusive proof? Because miracles don't mean God exists. What if Jesus was a mutant with healing powers for example??(Altough I don't believe in this of course) What if no miracle ever happened and you were fooled? Just because many people spread a lie, that doesn't make it any more real.
So that's it. These were my arguments for why I believe God don't exist, and that there is no conclusive proof that it does. If you want to change my mind, prove it. And yes I know I didn't point every single argument theists tend to use. Feel free to discuss and prove that there is evidence for God in the comment section below.

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And no atheist ever said Jesus didn't existed.
I will correct this statement by saying that "I" never saw an atheist doing this. My mistake. Many atheists incorrectly assume that Jesus never exist, but this is not true. But the rest of the argument still applies.
Edit 2: From this point onwards, I will not reply to things such as "God always existed", "I call the beginning of the universe God". If God always existed, then how do you know is not the same from everything else? With this rule the universe might as well always have existed, which means there was no God to create it in the first place. "I call the origin of everything God" - Ok, call it "The origin", not "God" then. Also, I am not here to define what God is. So don't come and say things like "What if God is not a being, but a energy/conciousness/existence itself/etc?". That's isn't the point of this debate.
