Carl Richard Archie
Conservative Romans, especially before Rome conquered Greece, complained about Greek culture, not the language, per se.
Let us be clear about one thing, Greece and its culture were dominant in Italy, centuries before Rome’s rise. They called this Greater Greece:

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The map underestimates. Naples was settled by Greeks so Greek influence extended further north than illustrated. The Romans claimed one of their kings had Greek origins. The Etruscans and Romans adopted Greek letters and numbers very early.
During the regal era and the early Republic, Romans sent officials to Greece for advice. Livy''s History of Rome:
Commissioners were sent to Athens with instructions to make a copy of the famous laws of Solon, and to investigate the institutions, customs, and laws of other Greek States.
While Rome was a village of mud huts, Greco-Italians were building things like these:


When Rome was very small (perhaps 30,000 people), Taranto’s population exceeded 300,000:
Rome was very poor. However, Romans were tough. Even while surrounded by giants, they remained independent. However, even 2,360 years later, you can sense a certain resentment towards their richer neighbors.
When Romans went to Campania and they saw how the Etruscans/Greeks lived, they expressed a fierce resentment: Livy''s History of Rome

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Why should people like the Campanians who were incapable of defending either their possessions or themselves enjoy the most fertile territory in Italy, and a city well worthy of its territory, in preference to a victorious army who had driven off the Samnites from it by their sweat and blood? Was it just that these people who had surrendered themselves into their power should be enjoying that fertile and delightful country while they, wearied with warfare, were struggling with the arid and pestilential soil round the City, or suffering the ruinous consequences of an ever-growing interest which were awaiting them in Rome?"
The Roman city elders claimed their poverty made them strong and tough. Well, you get the idea.
Conservative Romans believed Greek culture brought decadence, verbosity, laziness and softness. Even so, educated Romans spoke and wrote Greek.


So, the Romans held two opposing ideas about Greek culture, at the same time. They respected Greek culture, science and art but thought it was a corrupting influence as well. Here is a passage from the Life of Cato the Elder by Plutarch: Plutarch · Life of Cato the Elder


…their young men lay hold of Greek culture and consort with such admirable men. But Cato, at the very outset, when this zeal for discussion came pouring into the city, was distressed, fearing lest the young men, by giving this direction to their ambition, should come to love a reputation based on mere words more than one achieved by martial deeds.
…he was wholly averse to philosophy, and made mock of all Greek culture and training, out of patriotic zeal. He says, for instance, that Socrates was a mighty prattler, who attempted, as best he could, to be his country's tyrant, by abolishing its customs, and by enticing his fellow citizens into opinions contrary to the laws.
….seeking to prejudice his son against Greek culture, he indulges in an utterance all too rash for his years, declaring, in the tone of a prophet or a seer, that Rome would lose her empire when she had become infected with Greek letters.​ But time has certainly shown the emptiness of this ill-boding speech of his, for while the city was at the zenith of its empire, she made every form of Greek learning and culture her own.


It was not only Greek philosophers that he hated, but he was also suspicious of Greeks who practiced medicine at Rome. He had heard, it would seem, of Hippocrates' reply when the Great King of Persia consulted him, with the promise of a fee of many talents, namely, that he would never put his skill at the service of Barbarians who were enemies of Greece. He said all Greek physicians had taken a similar oath, and urged his son to beware of them all.
So yes, there was anti-Greek sentiment during the early and mid-Republic. However, it appeared to have disappeared after Rome conquered Greece and the Alexander successor kingdoms.


By then, the Romans had settled on the assessment that Greeks were free to be clever…while they fought, conquered and commanded. Vegetius summarized:

当时,罗马人已经认定希腊人可以自由地展示他们的才华... 而在战争、征服和指挥方面则由罗马人来负责。维吉修斯总结道:

We find that the Romans owed the conquest of the world to no other cause than continual military training, exact observance of discipline in their camps and unwearied cultivation of the other arts of war. Without these, what chance would the inconsiderable numbers of the Roman armies have had against the multitudes of the Gauls? Or with what success would their small size have been opposed to the prodigious stature of the Germans? The Spaniards surpassed us not only in numbers, but in physical strength. We were always inferior to the Africans in wealth and unequal to them in deception and stratagem. And the Greeks, indisputably, were far superior to us in skill in arts and all kinds of knowledge.
So, the Roman view was, let the Greeks be clever. Romans ruled.
