I’m reminded of this:


“Anonymous” here calls out the “white” girl on the left for cultural appropriation and wearing a “kimono”, and the girl then posts a picture of herself showing that she’s Japanese.
Now there’s lot to unpack here.
Firstly, Japanese people are white. No, seriously, I’m Irish, and we’re pretty much the whitest people in the whole of Europe. A lot of my Japanese students are whiter than I am, although mostly it is the girls who avoid sunlight like they’re vampires because pale skin is generally still seen as a status symbol (it’s a holdover in beauty standards from the past where peasants had to work outdoors and got tanned, while nobles could stay indoors and were paler).
So let’s get rid of this “yellow people” nonsense. The average Japanese person is probably whiter than you are.


Interestingly when I first arrived in Japan I thought I’d gone to the wrong country, because I saw the tennis team playing, and they were Indian-brown. Japanese people can go incredibly brown in summer, but that just highlights the ridiculousness of the entire “skin colour” discourse when someone can go from “Omg! They’re brown” to “Whiter than the Irish” during the course of a single year. Human stupidity in action.
Oh, and her red hair? Most schools in Japan have strict rules about not dying hair, so the first thing most university students do is dye their hair crazy colours. Last year blueish-white was really “in”, I think because some K-pop star had it that colour, but a couple of years before that I saw the red colour in this photo quite a bit.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Secondly, Japanese people are very happy when people imitate their culture. They love people eating sushi, making bentos, and every international festival I’ve been to in Japan has had a corner for Westerners to try on kimonos and get photos taken.
Why? Because it promotes communication, exchange of ideas and culture, and is good for peace. It is easy to go to war with someone you don’t know or understand. It is far harder to go to war with someone whose clothing you’re wearing and whose food you eat. Not impossible, but harder. As a result the Japanese generally promote international exchanges of ideas, language, culture, etc.
Also note that part of the reason Japanese people don’t tend to fuss about “cultural appropriation” is in no small part because they’re reasonably rich.


Which leads us onto the topic of “what is cultural appropriation”?
Honestly this is a phrase that has been hijacked from academia by the public, and is actually a very nuanced and complex academic debate that has been dumbed down, warped and then put through a pasta-making machine until it has reached the point where nobody in the general public really knows what it means, because it is being used by a whole lot of different people in a whole lot of different ways. The words “cultural appropriation” have become utterly meaningless.
However I can give you a simple example of why it was such a big debate in academia.


Western pharmaceuticals companies have a nasty habit of going to Africa, Asia, or South America to some really poor tribe and asking their local witch doctor, wise woman, or elders, “So, what natural medicines do you use?”.
These company reps then grab samples of that plant, animal, or stone, and take it back to their labs where (using that tribe’s wisdom collected over thousands of years as a starting point to know what to look for) they identify the key compounds, test them on lab animals, find out what they do, then develop new drugs that they sell for billions of dollars.
… and of course the poor tribe in Africa or wherever never sees a single cent of those profits. In some cases the plant is indigenous to the area and only grows well there so the company may even buy up their land and have that tribe removed so they can mass cultivate their newest miracle drug. Of course they’re not buying the land from the tribe, but some government official, so again the tribe gets nothing but shafted, and in some extreme cases tribes have fought back and lives have been lost. Yes, companies literally killing people so they can steal their stuff. Who says colonialism is dead?


This is an example of cultural appropriation. It is corporations profiting from another culture’s intellectual property (whether that be medicines, clothing designs, etc.) without paying for it.
Disney movies like Moana, which profited from retelling Hawaiian folk stories, but never shared a single dollar of the profits with the Hawaiian people, are an example of cultural appropriation.
Fashion designers going to Africa and copying “ethnic” patterns and selling those designs as their own intellectual property, without paying the people they stole them from, are an example of cultural appropriation.
The key issue is the belief that poor tribes don’t have a right to their own intellectual property because they’re ignorant of intellectual property laws and lack the money and resources to fight back against this sort of exploitative business process.


As the global economy moves increasingly towards an “ideas economy” this sort of exploitation is becoming more serious, and a lot more lucrative for companies.
“Cultural appropriation” was never intended to be about shaming some little girl wearing a kimono at her tea party with her dollies, or about yelling at you for making bentos (although the company selling the “bento boxes” probably has some questions to answer if they’ve copied those designs from Japanese bento box companies and not paid for the design).
In short, if you’re not making a profit off some other culture’s intellectual property then you’re in the clear.
If you were selling “Japanese bento lunches” then maybe, possibly, perhaps an argument could be made that it would be good manners and ethically responsible to ensure that some portion of your profits went to Japan or a Japanese charity.
However just making and eating a “bento”? Seriously, no. That’s in no way “cultural appropriation”. You’re not a huge corporation stealing intellectual property from poor people and then not paying them anything for their ideas.
