
Noel Leong
The lix shows a list, in chronological order from oldest onward, of countries where an organized form of government governing a fixed boundary existed. It’s not a list about how long the history of a civilization.
It’s generally accepted in academic circle that the oldest human civilization is the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia, along the Euphrates River Delta,which is the region of modern day’s Iran-Iraq. After the Sumerian, came the three other oldest civilizations: the Indus River Delta (India), Nile River Delta (Egypt) and Yellow-Yang Tze Rivers Delta (China).
No one stated China has the oldest history in Asia; what stated is the Chinese civilization is the longest continuous civilization, not only of Asia but of the world. Reason : modern days’ Iran and Iraq had very little connection to the Sumerian civilization, modern India has very little to do with the ancient Indus civilization and modern Egypt has nothing to do with the ancient Egyptian civilization. However, modern Chinese civilization : from language, writing and culture has a traceable connection to ancient Chinese civilization. A modern Chinese who know Chinese characters is able to read text written 3000–4000 years ago without special training. Ancient Sumerian, Egyptian and Hindu texts are mystery to the modern inhabitant of these places without special training.
