The City of London

罗曼诺夫先生(Larry Romanoff)的作品已被翻译成32种语言,他的文章发表在30多个国家的150多个外文新闻和政治网站,以及100多个英语平台上。拉里·罗曼诺夫是一位退休的管理顾问和商人。他曾在国际咨询公司担任高级管理职务,并拥有国际进出口业务。他一直是上海复旦大学的客座教授,为高级EMBA课程讲授国际事务案例研究。罗曼诺夫先生住在上海,目前正在撰写十本与中国和西方有关的系列书籍。他是Cynthia McKinney新文集《当中国打喷嚏》(When China Sneezes)的特约作者之一。

You may be surprised to learn that the city of London and the City of London are two very different things, related to each other mostly by historical accident and geographical proximity, and co-existing today in a rather complicated power system in which the City of London appears gloriously victorious.
First, the City of London, a small area of about one square mile in size, was established as a haven by the Khazar “Jews” during their extermination from Khazaria nearly 1,000 years ago, and was named ‘London’ at the time. And yes, I know the Romans had been there first. The city of London, with the Bridge and Harrods, and the fish and chips and the people driving on the wrong side of the road, was established much later, adopted the same name, and gradually expanded with population until it completely surrounded the Jewish enclave of the City of London. You can see the positions and relative sizes from the map. When you read about “The Lord Mayor of London”, you are not reading about the chief executive of the city, but about the chief executive of the City. The City of London Corporation, with its square mile directly in the center of London, obviously owns some very expensive real estate, this in addition to a great deal of other property also in the city center, but this amounts to only perhaps $10 billion in total and, as we will see, is trivial.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

首先,伦敦金融城面积很小,约一平方英里,是可萨“犹太人”在近1000年前在可萨亚灭绝期间建立的避风港,当时被命名为“伦敦”。是的,我知道罗马人是先到那里的。伦敦城(the city of London),有大桥,有哈罗德百货,有炸鱼薯条,还有在马路上逆向行驶的人们,是在很久以后才建立起来的,采用了同样的名字,并随着人口的增长逐渐扩大,直到完全包围了伦敦城的犹太人飞地。

The City of London is effectively an independent city-state * existing inside greater London. However, its nature is unique and complicated. It is not so neat and tidy as is the Vatican for example, which is clearly a separate sovereign entity nestled within the city of Rome. Still, the City of London has its own government and police force, makes its own laws and levies its own taxes. It has its own flag, crest, and ceremonial armed forces. I have seen one reference stating that the City also has its own port. I could not find an independent confirmation of this, but it would fit the pattern and the City does have some responsibilities for London ports, so this is plausible. If true, it would be stunning because that would mean that the City could bring in products of any kind including currency, precious metals, cocaine, and also people, without the permission or even knowledge of UK customs and immigration or the UK government.
In performing a search the other day, I was first met with a notice in capital letters telling me “The City of London is not a sovereign state”, followed by a small avalanche of websites all doing “fact-checking” and “misinformation-debunking” to assure me the City of London was NOT an independent anything. There is hardly a sign more certain that we are onto something important, than when 25 Jewish websites leap up to tell us “There’s nothing to see here”.


The City is the center and home base of the world’s banking and insurance industries. It is the home of the Bank of England (which was supposedly privatised but is still Rothschild-owned), the home of Lloyd’s of London, and the literal head office of many of the world’s major banks (some of which you know and many of which you have never heard of). It still contains the home office of the former British East India Company,
which was always a Khazar Jewish company and undoubtedly the greatest criminal organisation in the history of the world – up to that time – and whose archives are still closed to the world for good reason. The City of London is also the home of the oldest Masonic Temple in the world. Our history books tell us that the origins of the Freemasons are lost to history, but that’s not really true. Freemasonry was a Jewish cult that was formalised in the City in the early 1700s.


The legal-political relationship between the City of London and the UK is a bit murky. On one hand, the City is at least theoretically subject (or can be made subject) to at least some UK legislation, although in practice this seldom if ever has happened for reasons I will describe below. On the other hand, the City is so sovereign that the King of England himself is forbidden by both UK and City law to even enter the City of London without first obtaining a “special invitation”, which process is too complicated to bother discussing. The invitation ceremony is not required by law, but the invitation itself is.
Readers may not be aware that democracies can have “flavors”, the UK version being one such with a very distinct flavor. In this case, on the floor of the British Parliament, directly facing the Speaker of the House, is a special chair. Think of it as a kind of throne. The person occupying this chair is a representative of the City of London, attended by six lawyers. His purpose is to monitor all debate in the British Parliament and to scrutinise in exhaustive detail all proposed and drafted legislation to determine any possible effect on the “interests” or operations of the City of London, and to take appropriate action if such interests are affected. The “appropriate action” inevitably results in the legislation being killed. This is not necessarily done by force, but by what we might term “lobbying”, sometimes by extortion, and often simply by an all-pervasive influence on British Politicians.


Lobbying and/or Extortion
There are many news articles available on the kind and extent of the lobbying done by the City to ensure compliance from the UK Parliament. The City’s financial services group spends well over $100 million per year on wining, dining, bribing, and sexually satisfying, UK politicians and regulators. One place for dining is the opulent Guildhall, which even high-level guests describe as “intoxicating” because of the sheer power sitting in that room.


There are well over 100 different City organisations and more than 800 people involved in securing stability, secrecy and a tax-free status for the City’s operations. These groups are repeatedly successful in reducing banking and insurance taxes that save them billions. They are also notably successful in killing proposed legislation for any kind of oversight or “watchdog” effort wanting to police not only banking activities but also quoted companies on the London Stock Exchange. They have even successfully killed a pension plan intended for low-paid and temporary workers. I have no idea how or why this proposed legislation would have affected the “interests” of the City, but they felt it did, and the legislation was scrapped.


Many believe the City puts its interests above those of the nation, and of course they are correct, evidenced by a long string of such legislative “victories” over Parliament. “For almost 1,000 years, the City of London Corporation has resisted virtually every attempt by monarchs, governments or subjects to rein in its vast financial wealth and influence. Such is the Corporation’s political and economic influence that today some suggest the British state, rather than controlling the Corporation, is in fact subservient to it.”[16]
According to the Financial Times, “. . . because the corporation is entitled to special tax and legal privileges, this renders it an offshore island inside Britain and a tax haven in its own right, and gives those who own businesses within its borders a distinct upper hand over everyone else.”
But it is also true that the Jews in the City have UK politicians so much in their pockets that even the UK Prime Minister will lobby against any regulation that might handicap the City’s financial crimes. The UK Labor party tried at one time to obtain election within the City, to have the power to repair some excesses from the inside, but failed.

但另一个事实是,伦敦金融城的犹太人把英国政界人士的钱袋装得如此之多,以至于就连英国首相也会游说反对任何可能阻碍伦敦金融城金融犯罪的规定。英国工党(labour party)曾一度试图在伦敦金融城获得选举,以便有能力从内部修复一些过度行为,但失败了。

The City, Tax Havens, and Money Flows
The City of London is indeed a “tax haven”. This is not particularly germane to our main topic so I won’t dwell on it other than to state that the Jewish bankers who run the City do so in conjunction with almost all the world’s tax havens, with money flowing through those labyrinths in ways to disguise forever the source and ownership of funds. It is not a secret requiring quiet discussion that nearly all the world’s narcotics money comes home to the City to be laundered by the Jewish banks, notably the HSBC but others too. Equally, it is widely acknowledged that dictators, oligarchs, legal and illegal arms dealers, bank robbers, jewel thieves, sex slavery kingpins, and criminals generally will naturally funnel their money to the Jewish banks in the City for laundering, for anonymity, and for privacy and security. For hundreds of years, the City has been the safe depository of Jewish funds obtained from slave trading, tax farming, looting, opium and narcotics trafficking, and also the temporary haven for funds when Jews were expelled from various countries over the centuries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

To be sure, not all the money flowing through the City is from illegal criminal activity. About half of the daily $4 trillion in normal foreign exchange trading flows through the City’s Jewish banks, as do nearly 50% of the world’s derivative trading and 70% of Eurobond trading. And the London Stock Exchange is still the fourth-largest in the world, with much of this processing being legitimate and thus providing a good cover for the balance.
However, due to the unique relation between the City of London and the UK, the tens of trillions of dollars that flow into and out of the Jewish banks in the City each day do not appear in UK capital flows or transaction records and there is thus no way to know how much money enters, passes through, and leaves the City, nor is there any way to know the source or application of those funds. Whatever the original intent of the financial design of the City by its Jewish owners, one clear result is that the entire design is tailor-made for the benefit of organised crime of every nature. Currencies, gold and precious metals, financial certificates, are run through an enormous labyrinth of tax havens and then simply disappear into the black hole of the City’s Jewish banks, the secrecy fully-protected by the City’s “unique relationship” with its host country.


”Behind it all lies the City of London, anxious to preserve its access to the world’s dirty money. The City of London is a money-laundering filter that lets the City get involved in dirty business while providing it with enough distance to maintain plausible deniability . . . a crypto-feudal oligarchy which, of itself, is. . . captured by the international offshore banking industry. It is a gangster regime, cloaked with the “respectability” of the trappings of the British establishment. . . . guaranteed protection. No matter just how nakedly lawless their own conduct.”
“The City is often now described as the largest tax haven in the world, and it acts as the largest center of the global tax avoidance system. An estimated 50% of the world’s trade passes through tax havens, and the City acts as a huge funnel for much of this money.”
Here is an important website that contains many lixs related to the City of London and its use of tax havens to launder money.


The Hydra
The hydra was one of the most fearsome monsters in Greek mythology, a multi-headed snake descended from a long line of terrible beasts, possessing deadly poisons and with the power of regeneration. A rather accurate descxtion of the City of London today and its Jewish Khazar denizens, at least by some measures. The City of London is also the mother of all tax havens and is unquestionably the home of all the world’s dirty money today.
Here are several references that describe the City of London as “A Global Spider’s Web of Deceit”, one by the UK Guardian claiming that “Shrinking the City is the only way to stop the world’s criminals flourishing in the UK”, and two others of interest.
George Monbiot wrote an excellent article for the UK Guardianwhere he quoted Nicholas Shaxson’s Treasure Islands, stating that “the Corporation exists outside many of the laws and democratic controls which govern the rest of the United Kingdom. The City of London is the only part of Britain over which parliament has no authority.” His last comment may not be entirely true although it does work that way in practice. Monbiot says further that “the Corporation acts as the superior body” (superior to the UK Parliament), and that part is definitely true. Monbiot begins by writing, “[The City is] the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable.”

George Monbiot为英国《卫报》写了一篇优秀的文章,他在书中引用了Nicholas Shaxson的《金银岛》(Treasure Islands),称“公司存在于联合王国其他地区的许多法律和民主控制之外。伦敦金融城是英国唯一一个议会无权管理的地区。” 他最后的评论可能并不完全正确,尽管在实践中确实如此。