All adaptations, whether by “natural evolution” or by the urban rodent race, evolved for two reasons: to punk some punk-ass fool or to avoid being punked by an entity as such. Fortunately, there are many ways to arrive at said junctures; otherwise, our beloved Sir David Frederick Attenborough would be reduced to narrating CS:GO tournaments and NFT auctions.
Not all animals have the advantage of jaws, claws, and guffaws (hyenas), and some have lucked into the stupid but satisfactory strategies detailed below. So remember, according to theoretical meta-string scientists, our entire existence is simply a hologram of a 2D reality secretly occurring across a black hole’s juicy butt.

所有的适应——无论是自然进化还是城市中的耗子——进化是为了两个原因:欺骗其它物种或避免被其它物种欺骗。幸运的是,有许多方式可以达成这种接合点;否则,我们亲爱的David Frederick Attenhorough爵士将会沦落到主持CS:GO锦标赛和NFT拍卖会。

7African Wild Dogs Practice A Sneezing Democracy

7 非洲野狗实行喷嚏民主

Many ancient Greek inventions have been fine-tuned, including Archimedes' steam-powered Handjob Engine, now known as the CNC punch press. Other innovations have stagnated, as per the democratic ideal that consists of a few liver-spotted white dudes embezzling silver-mining profits. Maybe we should look elsewhere for inspiration, like the African wild dogs who practice what may be the world's truest democracy.

许多古希腊的发明都经过了微调,包括阿基米德的蒸汽手摇发动机, 现在被称为数控机床。其它创新停滞不前,因为民主理想是由几个雀斑白人盗用银矿利润建成的。也许我们应当去别处寻找灵感,,就像非洲野狗一样,它们可能实践着世界上最正确的民主。

Evolutionarily, African wild dogs said sayonara to other dog types around 1.7 million years ago. Still, they prove that awww who's my precious smart little barskter? You are! Yes, yoooouuuuu! is not exclusive to domesticated species.


AWDs live in tightly-bonded packs of up to around 40. They communally care for pups and the needy and sleep all day piled up on each other, as old Speedy Gonzalez cartoons (and "modern" FOX news) told me that all Latin-speaking people do.
More importantly, these African arf-meisters practice democracy via sneezing quorum, which is one of those "science weirder than fiction" sentences. Researchers researching unrelated wild dog relations noticed excessive sneezing but, alarmingly, no "bless you." So they recorded 68 "social rallies" across five dog packs in Botswana, discovering that dogs hold a sneeze-vote before hunting. And that dominant dogs' sneezes count more—a cornerstone of Western democracy.

非洲野狗生活在一个至多有40个成员的紧密群体中。它们共同照顾群体中的小狗和弱势个体,整天睡在一起。就像旧时代的Speedy Gonzalez卡通(和当代的福克斯新闻)中描绘的那样,所有的拉丁人都这样做。
更重要的是这些非洲野狗通过打喷嚏的成员数来践行民主,这是科学现实比幻想更加离谱的事例之一。 研究野狗的研究人员发现了太多的无关系的野狗之间的喷嚏,惊人的是,并非生病了。所以他们就记录下了在博茨瓦纳的68次来自五个野狗群的群体集会,发现了野狗在狩猎前会进行喷嚏投票,而占统治地位的野狗喷得更多——这就是西方民主制度的基石。
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If a dominant pair or alpha female (it's a matriarchal society) initiates the voting, it only takes about three sneezes to decide. But if a non-dominant individual starts the vote, it requires about 10 sneezes to reach a consensus, mirroring the voting process of the Nordic countries.

如果一对首领夫妇或雌性首领(野狗群实行母权制)发起投票,只需要三个喷嚏就能通过,而其它成员发起的, 需要10个喷嚏才能通过。这和北欧的情况一样。

Brazilian Frogs Fight With A Venomous Headbutt


Many amphibians, like frogs, newts, and salamanders, are variously toxic. Some ooze deadly neurochemicals. Some spam racial slurs on COD. Others, like the flame-crested salamander, needle their friends' insecurities to feel better about their own.
But none match frogs in cuteness-to-convulsion ratio, in which frogs rank second only to the barb-footed pseudo-koala. Yet the adorably lethal frogs have no poison delivery system other than being eaten. Or so it was thought until science found two venomous specimens, including the Greening's frog, which fits nicely in one's palm.


The accidental G-frog discoverer was scientist Carlos Jared, who unassumingly picked it up while searching for psychedelic apricots in the dry Caatinga forests of Brazil. "Haha, it's trying to headbutt me," he thought as it headbutted him. "Calm yourself, small one. You inflict no umbrage upon the mighty Carlos Jared," he laughed heartily. Its headbutts felt like sandpaper, how odd. And then intense pain surged through Jared's arm for five hours.
The frog envenomates its enemies with its head, as people do on Facebook. Likewise, its head is a fused bony plate of skull and skin that indirectly preserves body moisture in the wet-starved region—after mixing alcohols at dinner parties, the frog shuffles backward into damp holes and plugs them with its head. Thus prognosticating our summers in five years if Lululemon keeps transforming forests into nylon butt-huggers. And to facilitate venom transfer, the frog’s skull is covered in spikes, hence the sandpaper feeling.

格林蛙的意外发现人是科学家Carlos Jared,他在巴西干燥的卡廷加森林中寻找迷幻杏时,捡到了格林蛙,”哈哈,它正在尝试用头撞我“,当撞到他时,他想”冷静点,小家伙,不要惹我Jared大爷生气。“他开心地笑道。它的头感觉像是砂纸,真是奇怪。然而之后,剧烈的疼痛让Jared的手臂难受了五个小时。
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Its venom is twice as toxic as a pit viper's but only half as toxic as praising The Great Lizard Lord in schools. But that's nothing compared to the second as-yet-discovered venomous croaker, Bruno's casque-headed frog:

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It sports smaller spikes but bigger venom, 25 times more lethal than the resident pit vipers. A single gram of this deadly toxin "could kill more than 300,000 mice, or about 80 humans." Fortunately, a headbutt probably won't deliver that much, so, you know, feel free to go around picking up frogs.


Two Rare Snakes Scare Away Predators With Self-Defense Farts


Sounds reveal intent. Playing nu-rap on your phone speaker outside the club means you'll spend the entire night re-adjusting your hat and rubbing your hands together. But many other organisms use sound as a repellent, including the snakes that popularly hiss and rattle. Hell, even cats purportedly hiss to instinctually imitate snakes; until rattle-tabbies evolve in 2079. Yet two rare, small snakes from the Southwest attempt to avert assault with a less-threatening sound: farts. It's only fitting they inhabit the heart of Tex-Mex country.

声音揭示目的, 在俱乐部外用手机扬声器播放nu-rap意味着你要花一整晚的时候用来调整你的帽子并搓手。但是许多其它生物使用声音作为一种驱除方法,包括各种嘶嘶或哗哗的蛇,甚至于听说连猫也会嘶嘶叫来本能地模仿蛇。有两种来自西南部的珍稀的小型蛇为了躲避攻击而进化出了较小的声音:放屁。它们只适合居住在德克萨斯州的中心地带。
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That's one of them, the Sonoran coral snake. Similar to people that learn to fart on command, the snakes are nocturnal or crepuscular, which means "covered in warts," according to this Latvian dictionary I fished out of the Grocery Outlet dumpster. They also sometimes poop in the process. And if you're fearing Daily Mail-ian sensationalism, these are literal farts.
That's a Chihuahuan Hook-Nosed Snake. The snakes contract their cloacal sphincter since snakes have a single hole in a "startling, explosive burst," as drunk dads do after importuning colleagues to "pull my finger." Snake farts last only two-tenths of a second but transmit more than six feet away, resembling a higher-pitched human fart, scientifically termed a squeaker.
The Sonoran coral snake is venomous but non-bitey, with teeny fangs barely capable of bypassing our fat and denim. Still, an unlikely envenomation causes drowsiness, weakness, and muscle problems—symptoms most desk-bound Americans welcome after their 11 o'clock Jalapeno Crispy Ranch Constipator* from the Carl's Jr. experimental menu. (*Now with a < 3% fatality rate in captive apes) And you know it's gonna be good when you have to sign a waiver.
Snake farts were uated by premier snake acoustician (soundologist) Bruce Young, who found they "popped" in response to "disruptive stroking or poking," which in humans is called ICR, or the Involuntary Cinnabon Response. Additionally, some are such strong flatulists that they exert enough cloacal force to launch themselves into the air. So keep doing those Kegels!

这是其中的一种:索诺兰珊瑚蛇。与听指令放屁的人相似,这种蛇类是夜行和黄昏出行的习性,根据我从便利店门口淘换来的拉脱维亚词典,这意味着身上长满了疣。他们还在行进中排便,如果你害怕《每日邮报》的哗众新闻, 那么这就是字面意思上的屁话。

Geese And Other Birds Fly Upside Down


Birds descended from the flesh-rending dinosaurs who terrorized lesser beings and imposed dominion over the blood-soaked landsca—haha, what are you doing, you goofy goose:
The antediluvian ornithological whiffling is the art of flying upside down. Sometimes birds whiffle for intimidatory purposes, as per this Cooper's hawk whiffling to present menacing talons to a harassing crow that was soliciting the word of our most-high Avian Lord and Saviour, Christus Corvus.
Other birds whiffle for different reasons. Ravens are among the smartest, stateliest creatures in existence—I don't recall any toucans teasing Edgar Allan Poe about his dead lover. Therefore it's not surprising that ravens whiffle whimsically with wantonness to impress potential mates, assert dominance, or just for fun.
It’s an inverse function of bird wings and feathers, adapted through evolutionary trial and error to resemble Venetian blinds. However, non-believers claim that God created fully-fledged Venetian blinds out of dark chaos on a slow sports day.
Regardless of their origin, feathers "lock together to form a solid aerofoil against airflow from below," producing good-ass lift. Therefore, birds can't sustain upside-down flight for appreciable periods. This also demonstrates how whiffling works: inverting the aerodynamic advantage of wings lets birds decelerate quickly and drop from the sky to avoid predators or swoop on a tasty bowl of peas.
The whiffling ideology is helpful in our modern lives when we've overstepped bounds and must quickly reverse, physically or metaphorically. Is your glucose meter running higher with each lunge at that Chunky Monkey pint? Flip the spoon upside for inverted aerodynamics!

我们的现代生活中,翻转思维是很有用的, 尤其是当我位越过某种边界,且需要快速转向的时候,无论是物理意义上的,还是隐喻意义上的。你的血糖仪是否在随着你在胖猴品脱的第一次挖取而升高?将勺子翻过来,实现翻转空气动力学
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The Real Life Slimer (Worm)


The parchment tube worm is an extraterrestrial whose existence suggests every pop-fiction alien designer should be flogged (or, at the very least, be broken a little bit on the wheel) for spreading mis-imagination.
Parchment tube worms live inside tubes of their own construction, which resemble the parchments that held medi recipes for cat-spine soup or pornographic images of women kneading bread with exposed shins. Also, yes, that's right, while many of us struggle to make rent for a half-room, quarter-bath rat-loft above an industrial smokestack, this worm is a bonafide homeowner.
The worms reach about 10 inches in length and feature a shovel mouth, bristles, piston-like paddles for pumping water, and bags of slime that trap tiny food, like plankton. Similar to exp-grinders in dank dens of masturbation vapors, the worms spend their lives within the cozy confines of their tubes and cannot survive for long outside.
In another similarity to touch-starved 21st-century denizens, if one gently squeezes the worm, it immediately releases small quantities of mucusy goo. And when it's threatened by predators or roommates eyeing that last slice of 'za, the worm slimes its opponent with a sticky fluid that gives off a sustained glow.
The goo is self-powered by a "molecular battery," an iron-storing protein called ferritin, which shines in blue light. And we can make the worm work for us: its tough tube can one day yield a super-material used in 3D printers or buildings. The iron-sensitive goo can also potentially diagnose iron-based disorders or track body tissues with a longer-lasting glow so doctors can image Frosted Flakes causing metabolic syndrome in real time. Unlocking the secrets of extended luminescence could yield futuristic lighting advances that are efficient, biodegradable, and rechargeable.
How promising. 20 years from now, Warfrx gamers will bask in soothing illumination while saving enough Lil Wayne Crypto Nickels for the hottest prestige item of the 2040s, Gears of Wars 6 Virtua Volleyball NFTs.

这种粘液是由一种分子电池自行供电的, 这是一种称为铁蛋白的储铁电蛋白,会在蓝光下闪光。我们可以利用这种蠕虫为我们服务:它的坚硬管状壳可以将来生产用于3D打印的或者作为建筑的超级材料。这种铁质敏感粘液可以诊断缺铁疾病或用这种长效发光剂追踪身体疾病,这样医生就可以实时追踪一些代谢疾病问题了,揭开长效发光的秘密可以生产未来的可生物降解的的可充电的照明技术。

Manakins: The Moonwalkin' Birds Who Use Teamwork To Get Laid


Some say dance is art. I personally wouldn't put spinning around real fast in the same category as a Bruegel canvas, Poe story, or a Pusha T cocaine ballad. Also, dancing is arguably the only art we share with animals: those Bored Panda and Dodo articles about squiggling elephants or chimps squeezing paint tubes into their asses don't really count. But dancing does because it has a clear and intended purpose: getting laid.
Sure, we humans sometimes dance for other reasons. Maybe a richly dressed tycoon is firing a revolver at our feet. Or perhaps we dance to momentarily escape the Draconian influence of a pious pastor father. But mostly it's to get laid, and we share that with many species. Possibly none as amusingly so as the colorful manakins:
These fellows have perfected myriad moves, including the moonwalk, as demonstrated by the red-capped manakin above. The wire-tailed manakin below prefers the wiggle:
Unsurprisingly, manakins have lots of sex. Their horndog lifestyles are possible because their habitat is so abundantly fruit-laden. This fruity paradise makes parental care easy since no effort is needed to secure resources. Therefore, mothers easily do the parenting while fathers dance and bang.
With such paternal freedom, dads spend years perfecting their moves, and the mothers choose their mates based on overall swagger. So manakins make all sorts of weird noises, including whirs, clicks, snaps, and even pops that sound like firecrackers or violin stridulations.
Manakins share another time-tested clubbin’ stratagem with humans, that of wingmanning. Sometimes, a blue manakin will be joined by as many as six friends to assist his dance.
These are orderly affairs, with the lead male always securing mating rights. His buddies don't mind because they get to practice and may score a mate based on secondhand swagger, later enjoying their own turn as captain.

有人说舞蹈是一门艺术,我个人是不会把迅速旋转同Bruegel canvas, Poe story, or a Pusha T cocaine ballad放在同一类,舞蹈是我们同动物按理来说共同拥有的唯一一种艺术形式。舞蹈有一个很重要的目的就是求偶。
当然我们人类有时也会因为其它原因而跳舞,也许一位衣着华丽的大亨正在朝我们脚下开枪,也许我们跳舞是为了暂时逃避一位虔诚的神父的严厉影响, 但大多数情况下都是为了求偶,我们同许多动物共同拥有这种特性, 也许没有任何物种在这一点上像五彩海牛了:
海牛与人类还共享一种久经考验的俱乐部策略,有时,蓝海牛会找来最多六个朋友来助舞。这是有秩序的事件,领头的总是能获得交配权, 但是其余的成员也并不介意,因为他们还可以练习并因为第二优美的舞姿找到一个伴侣,然后享受。

Some Animals Use Camouflage; these Bedazzled Beetles Seemingly Employ The Opposite Approach


Lots of creatures use camouflage to avoid enemies. It's why Warren Buffet wears Wal-Mart joggers and an "I eat ass" snapback while shopping for Winco canned celery. Jewel scarabs and jewel beetles didn't get the memo:

许多生物都在使用伪装来躲避敌人。这就是 为什么沃伦·巴菲特在买芹菜罐头时,穿着沃尔玛的短衣裤,后面写着我吃屁股的原因,宝石金龟子和宝石甲虫并没有收到这样的小贴士

Their iridescence is weird. It isn't from various pigments yielding different colors, but the arrangement of microscopic structures reflecting light in specific ways. These arrangements have cool science names, including "diffraction gratings" and "photonic crystals"—whenever something malfunctions in a sci-fi show, be it a ship, weapon, or sexbot, it's always due to damaged diffraction grating or a faulty photonic crystal, which the grunt has to fix while dangling from a space station’s spinning rim.
Both jewel scarabs (the Joe Pesci-er-looking ones) and jewel beetles (the Daniel Stern-er-looking ones) employ bedazzlement to attain insane colorations or shininess, which made them valuable, venerable funerary gems for the ancient Egyptians.

它们的颜彩很奇怪,并不是利用不同的色素来显示出不同的颜色, 而是通过微观结构以特定角度反射光线形成的。这些结构有着很酷的科学名称,包括“衍射光栅”和“光子晶体”,每当科幻剧集中出现了什么故障的时候,无论是飞船武器还是性爱机器人,总是由于光子晶体或衍射光栅的损伤造成的。

And since its structure, not color, that's responsible for its shine, the iridescence looks different based on the viewing angle, as when the light hits Subway's sliced "turkey" the right way.
Iridescence can be a brilliant sexual tool: the peacock's gaudy feathering attracts as nicely as a pair of decent biceps. Counter-intuitively, iridescence also provides camouflage. It seems dazzlingly obvious in a museum case or when photographed by the blinding flash tuned to capture the tiniest ass-pores in cosplay studios. But in the natural light of woodsy environs, shininess is insanely inconspicuous.
Truly enough, experiments found that humans and birds failed to detect these features in natural settings due to "dynamic disruptive camouflage," a confusing combo of colors, textures, depths, and distances.
This seemingly silly evolutionary choice is so stupid that nature loves it. Now, about 15,000 species of jewel beetles exist, making it one of the largest beetle families. They eat foliage and live inside rotting logs, the latter being something we humans technically also do, snuggling our ephemeral loved ones in our moldering cardboard abodes.

这种看似愚蠢的进化策略是如此愚蠢,以致于大自然偏爱这种进化,现在大约3 15000种这处宝石甲虫的存在, 使其成为最大的甲虫类动物之一。它们吃叶子,住在腐烂的木头里,而后者也是我们人类会做的事情,把我们短暂的爱人依偎在腐烂的硬纸板住所里。