Melissa Donovan
I am always analyzing you, but most likely not judging you. Sometimes in analyzing, I can seem critical. If you call me on this, I’ll feel bad and apologize. You have to be pretty terrible to receive actual judgement.
I can play dumb really well, and use it to my strategic advantage. Maybe I am questioning someone’s motives, and asking a seemingly clueless question gets that person to reveal information they might not otherwise let slip.
If I confide in you beyond a surface-level curiosity question or complaint, you have somehow endeared yourself to me, given off trustworthy vibes, or earned my respect.
If I let you in on a serious hurt, there’s probably a lot more underneath it, and you’re only getting the part that bubbles over the top.
I’m equal parts feeling and logic. There may be an ocean of logic going into a piece of art -or- incredible emotion in executing something technical.


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