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-------------译者:独孤风云---- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

wholesale market in Mexico’s capital is sparking a greener future as work begins on turning its idle rooftops into a sprawling solar farm. Workers had started to install in August 2022 the first lot of photovoltaic panels, manufactured in China, atop shops at the Central de Abasto in Mexico City. The nearly US$20-million project will be used to power part of the city’s public transportation system, officials said. The urban solar farm is expected to be ready by the end of 2023 and projected to generate 18 megawatts of electricity.

墨西哥首都的一个批发市场正在开启一个更环保的未来,因为他们开始着手将闲置的屋顶变成一个庞大的太阳能农场。 工人们于2022 年 8 月开始在墨西哥城的一个批发市场的商店顶部安装第一批在中国制造的光伏电池板。 官员说,这个耗资近2000 万美元的项目将用于为该市的部分公共交通系统供电。该城市太阳能农场预计将于 2023 年底建成,预计将产生18兆瓦的电力。