As former CNN personality Jeffrey Toobin can tell you, working from home can pose its own unique set of 'challenges' - including turning casual porn watchers into total addicts who wank away the day.

正如前 CNN 名嘴杰弗里·图宾 所说,居家工作可能会带来一系列独特的“挑战”——包括将偶尔看看色情片的人变成彻头彻尾的色情成瘾者。

In the United Kingdom, the number of Britons seeking medical help for the issue has almost doubled during the pandemic, when working from home became mainstream, according to the Daily Mail.


The Laurel Centre in London, the largest sex and porn addiction clinic in Britain, says it is now treating some remote workers who watch up to 14 hours of porn a day.
Dr Paula Hall, the centre's clinical director, said WFH meant people are now spending more time than ever alone in front of their computers.

伦敦劳雷尔中心是英国最大的性成瘾诊所,它表示现在正在治疗一些每天观看长达 14 小时色情片的居家远程工作者。

"It means you've got more opportunity, you don't have to wait until you get home at night, you can be more impulsive during the day," according to Hall, who noted that the London-based center saw around 750 porn addicts during the first six months of 2022 alone - vs. 950 for all of 2019.

“这意味着你有更多的机会,你不必等到晚上回家,你可以在白天就更加冲动,”霍尔说,他指出仅在 2022 年的上半年这家位于伦敦的中心接待了大约 750 个色情成瘾者,与之相比, 2019 年全年大约接待了 950 人。

Therapists working for the center also spend around 600 hours a month counseling people with porn addictions vs. just 360 hours per month in 2019, while Sex Addicts Anonymous UK told the Mail that lockdown and pandemic stress took a toll on mental health, driving people to porn websites.

为该中心工作的治疗师每月花费约 600 小时为色情成瘾者提供咨询,而 2019 年每月仅为 360 小时,而英国某个不愿透露姓名的性瘾者协会成员告诉《每日邮报》,城市的封锁和新冠的大流行压力对心理健康造成了影响,促使人们更加频繁地浏览成人网站。

"Porn addiction is a shame-based illness. We use compulsive sexual behaviour to escape from and block difficult feelings," said one spokesman. "It's easy to see why; sex is powerful and all consuming and unlike alcohol or narcotics, we don't have to visit the office or see our dealer."

“色情成瘾是一种基于羞耻的疾病。人们常常使用某些自我强迫性的行为来逃避和阻止这种感觉,”一位发言人说。 “原因很容易理解;性很强大,也很容易消耗,而且与酒精或毒品不同,我们不必出门就能自我解决。”

"We face a public health crisis with toxic pornography available at no cost to anyone, which is especially worrying for our young people."

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

According to Dr. Hall, working from home allows people to act on impulses without the fear of colleagues seeing them (for the most part).


There were an estimated 1.7 million people who said that they work mainly from home in 2019, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which this represents about 5 per cent of the total workforce.
This surged to almost half (46.6 per cent) in April 2020 during the first Covid lockdown, with about 13million mainly working from home.
While the share of people working predominantly from home has dropped since the peak of the pandemic, hybrid working has become a mainstay.
The most recent ONS data suggests 9.9million people now mainly work from home. -Daily Mail

每日邮报报道——据国家统计局数据,估计有 170 万人表示他们在 2019 年主要是在居家办公,这约占全英总劳动力的 5%。
在 2020 年 4 月的第一次新冠封锁期间,这一数字飙升至近一半(46.6%),约有 1300 万人主要居家办公。
国家统计局的最新数据表明,现在有 990 万人主要居家办公。

"If you're regularly viewing pornography for longer than two hours it's probably not about sexual arousal. It's probably about escape," said Dr. Hall, adding "It's a bit like making yourself breakfast and staring at it for two hours, if you're hungry, you're going to eat it, not going to stare at it."
"Addiction is a sign of a life that is unhappy and not being well managed."
