(图解:1500平方公里的森林中约有 60% 位于白俄罗斯一侧)

Poland is planning to build a wall along its border with Belarus, primarily to block migrants fleeing the Middle East and Asia. But the wall would also divide the vast and ancient Białowieża Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site which harbours more than 12,000 animal species and includes the largest remnants of prim forest that once covered most of lowland Europe.


Frontiers like this are of conservation priority because they often host unique biodiversity and ecosystems but are increasingly threatened by border fortification. We are experts in forest ecosystems and two of us combined have more than three decades of experience working in Białowieża, at the intersections of forest, plant and bird ecology. In the journal Science, we recently described how the border wall planned by Poland would jeopardise this trans-boundary forest.


The core of Białowieża is characterised by old-growth forest rich in dead and decaying wood on which mosses, lichens, fungi, insects and also many vertebrates depend. Big animals such as the European bison, boar, lynx and wolf inhabit the forest on both sides of the border.



A wall would block the movement of these animals, for instance preventing brown bears from recolonising the Polish side of the forest where they were recently observed after a long absence. The wall would also risk plant invasions, and would mean noise and light pollution that will displace wildlife. The influx of people and vehicles, and already accumulated garbage (mainly plastics) also pose risks, including disease – we already know that humans can transmit COVID to wild species, like deer.


Poland’s wall will be 5.5 metres high, solid, with barbed wire at the top, and will replace a 130 km provisional 2.5m high razor-wire fence built during summer to autumn 2021. This wall will be high enough to affect low-flying birds, such as grouse.

波兰的墙将会有5.5米高,很坚固,顶部装有带刺铁丝网,它将会取代在2021 年夏季至秋季期间建造的长130公里、高2.5米的临时铁丝网围栏。这道墙足够高,足以影响在低空飞行的鸟类,比如松鸡。

Impeding wildlife more than people


Poland’s proposed wall resembles the barrier built along parts of the US-Mexico border. Research there based on camera-traps shows that such walls deter people less than they impede wildlife. Animals affected by the US-Mexico barrier include jaguars, pygmy owls, and a bison herd whose food and water were split by the border.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The fences across Europe are highly varied, and no mitigation standards exist. A razor-wire fence, constructed in 2015 by Slovenia along its border with Croatia, killed deer and herons with a mortality rate of 0.12 ungulates (hoofed mammals) per kilometre of fence. Along the Hungary-Croatia border, mortality in the first 28 months following construction of a fence was higher, at 0.47 ungulates per kilometre. Large congregations of red deer were also observed at the fence-line which could spread disease and upset the predator-prey dynamic by making them easier for wolves to catch.

欧洲各地的围栏千差万别,也不存在减少损伤的标准。2015 年,斯洛文尼亚在与克罗地亚接壤的边境上修建了一道铁丝网,由此杀死了鹿和苍鹭,每公里围栏的死亡率为 0.12 只有蹄类动物(有蹄的哺乳动物)。在匈牙利-克罗地亚边境,修建围栏后的头28个月死亡率较高,为每公里0.47只有蹄类动物。在围栏线上还观察到有大规模的马鹿聚集,它们可能会传播疾病,也因为更容易被狼捕捉而打乱了掠食者和猎物间的动态关系。


People can and will use ramps, tunnels, and alternative routes by air and sea, whereas wildlife often cannot. Walls have a big human cost too. They may redirect people, and to a lesser extent wildlife, to more dangerous routes, for example, river crossings or deserts, which may intersect with areas of high natural or cultural value.


Physical barriers such as fences and walls now line 32,000 kilometres of borders worldwide with significant increases over the past few decades. According to one recent study, nearly 700 mammal species could now find it difficult to cross into different countries, thwarting their adaptation to climate change. The fragmentation of populations and habitats means reduced gene flow within species and less resilient ecosystems.


Border security over climate action


According to the Transnational Institute, wealthy nations are prioritising border security over climate action, which contravenes pledges made at COP26 such as protecting the world’s forests. Some of the 257 World Heritage forests are now releasing more carbon than they absorb, but Białowieża Forest is still a healthy, well-connected landscape. Poland’s border wall would put this at risk.

据跨国研究院的说法,在优先事项上,富国将边境安全置于气候行动之上,这违背了在第26届联合国气候变化大会(2021年11月)上做出的保护全球森林等承诺。在257 处世界遗产森林中,现在有一部分释放的碳比它们吸收的还要多,但比亚沃维耶扎森林仍是一个健康且血统上佳的景观。波兰的边界墙将使它处于险境。

The construction of such walls also tends to bypass or be at odds with environmental laws. They due conservation investment and hamper cross-boundary cooperation. It was already hard for us to collaborate with fellow scientists from Belarus – the new wall will make cross-border scientific work even harder.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is possible to mitigate the effects of certain border barriers. But that requires, at the very least, identifying at-risk species and habitats, designing fences to minimise ecological harm and targeting mitigation at known wildlife crossing points. It may also mean assisted migration across a barrier for certain species. To our best knowledge no formal assessment of either social or environmental costs has yet been carried out in the case of Poland’s planned wall.


It’s time conservation biologists made themselves heard, particularly when it comes to the issue of border barriers. As climate change threatens to disrupt borders and migratory patterns of people and of wildlife, we will need to reform, not only policies and frxworks, but also how we perceive borders.
