I am a reservist in the U.S. Army. I stumbled upon old newspaper clippings and went down a rabbit hole. I read that Vietnam veterans returned to the U.S. and were told they “weren’t veterans” by the VFW, that they were told to take their Combat Infantry Badges (CIBs) off because they “hadn’t earned them.” Pretty much, from what I’m reading, WWII & Korean War vets refused to acknowledge Vietnam vets as “real veterans” Why was that? I have respect for the Vietnam era veterans and for all their sacrifices, knowing that many went against their will. Vietnam veterans: are you still upset about your treatment by the old heads or what is your general opinion of how all that unfolded?

我是美国陆军的一名预备役军人。我偶然发现了一些旧报纸的剪报,然后钻进了一个兔子洞。我读到,越战老兵在回到美国后,被美国海外退伍军人协会告知他们“不是退伍军人”,他们被告知摘掉战斗步兵徽章,因为他们“没有赢得这些徽章”。基本上,从我读到的东西来看,二战和朝鲜战争的老兵拒绝承认越战老兵是“真正的老兵”,这是为什么? 我尊重越战时期的退伍军人和他们所有的牺牲,知道许多人并非自愿参战。越战老兵:你们还在为那些老家伙对待你们的方式而烦恼吗? 或者你们对这一切是如何展开的有什么总体看法?

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