EU has become 51st US state – lawmaker Mislav Kolakusic argued that the bloc’s foreign and defense policy has made it a US vassal


13 Jun, 2022

2022 年 6 月 13 日

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakusic has lashed out at the EU’s foreign and defense policies, arguing that the bloc has become subservient to Washington. Kolakusic is an outspoken critic of the West’s anti-Russia sanctions and of Covid-19 restrictions.
Speaking in front of the EU Parliament last week, Kolakusic told his fellow parliamentarians that “EU foreign, defense, and security policy today can be described in just one sentence.”
“The European unx became the 51st federal state of the United States, but without the right to vote.”
Kolakusic has repeatedly criticized the EU’s policy toward Russia since the start of Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine in February. That policy has seen members cut vital imports of Russian fossil fuels while hiking defense spending and imposing multiple rounds of sanctions on Russia, essentially shouldering the costs of Washington’s opposition to the Kremlin.

“欧盟已经成了美国的第 51 个州,但却没有投票权。”
自莫斯科于 2 月在乌克兰开始军事行动以来,科拉库西奇一再批评欧盟对俄罗斯的政策。该政策迫使成员国削减对俄罗斯化石燃料的重要进口,同时增加国防开支并对俄罗斯实施多轮制裁,基本上承担了华盛顿反对克里姆林宫的主要代价。

“We should ban the import of oil and gas from the United States, which has been in more military conflicts than any other country in Europe and perhaps the world in recent decades.It is an incredible lie and hypocrisy that the sanctions against Russia and a ban on imports of Russian oil and gas are sanctions against Russia. The sanctions are directed at 500 million citizens of the European unx and millions of citizens of the rest of Europe,” he claimed in May.

“我们应该禁止从美国进口石油和天然气,近几十年来,美国引发的军事冲突比欧洲任何其他国家甚至世界上任何一个国家都多。对俄罗斯的制裁和对俄罗斯石油和天然气的进口禁令并不能真正制裁俄罗斯,这是令人难以置信的谎言和虚伪。制裁针对的是欧盟的 5 亿公民和欧洲其他国家的数百万公民,”他在 5 月声称。

Kolakusic has also called world leaders in Europe and beyond “sociopaths and psychopaths” over their Covid-19 restrictions and called Canada a “quasi-liberal … dictatorship of the worst kind” to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s face. Kolakusic has also condemned the bloc’s green energy policies, saying, “Declaring carbon dioxide and fossil fuels as enemies of the citizens of the European unx is complete madness,”.

科拉库西奇还称欧洲及其他地区的世界领导人因对 Covid-19疫情的限制而成为“反社会人格和精神病患者” ,并称加拿大在总理贾斯汀·特鲁多领导下是“最糟糕的准自由主义……独裁政权”。科拉库西奇还谴责了欧盟的绿色能源政策,称“宣布二氧化碳和化石燃料为欧盟公民的敌人是完全的疯狂” 。

Similar arguments concerning American domination of Europe have been made since the end of World War II. French President Charles de Gaulle railed against NATO, referring to the bloc as “a machine to disguise the stranglehold of America over Europe” and withdrawing France from its integrated command in 1966 in the name of reestablishing France’s “full exercise of sovereignty.”
More recently, current French President Emmanuel Macron has spoken of the need for Europe to strive for “strategic autonomy” and questioned the usefulness of NATO. However, in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine, Macron has publicly come out and called the US-led military bloc “indispensable,” and backed the EU’s sanctions on Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused European leaders of committing economic “suicide” by embargoing Russian fuel imports, arguing that they are acting against their interests “under pressure from their American overlord.”

自二战结束以来,关于美国统治欧洲的类似论点也出现过。法国总统戴高乐抨击北约,称该集团是“美国伪装好用以束缚欧洲的机器”,并在 1966 年以重建法国的“可充分行使的主权”的名义将法国从其北约指挥机构中撤出。
俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京指责欧洲领导人通过禁运俄罗斯燃料进口来实施经济“自杀” ,称他们“在美国霸主的压力下”违背自己的利益行事。