So, it's apparently a delicacy in China to drown LIVE shrimp in alcohol sauce before boiling them to eat. And I'm no vegetarian, so I may be a hypocrite here.... but I don't even kill ants or spiders. I was traumatized by standing on a snail 15 years ago and I still feel bad about it.


She KNOWS I can't kill or watch animals being killed it physically makes me cry (I know, I'm a wuss. They're only shrimp) yet she keeps ordering bags of live shrimp to drown in alcohol and I can't handle it. I've told her how much it upsets me to see animals die like that.... I told her just fucking chop their heads off if you HAVE to order them AND do it when I'm not fucking home.I feel bad for those little bastards..... I wanted to keep them as pets....
