Ahmad, former Employee in the Govt. of Pakistan.


We begin with the Dancing girl of the Indus.


The Rivers of Life - The Indus Valley Civilization and the rise of settled, urban human civilizations (8000/7000 BCE - 1300 BCE)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

(图1 舞女雕像)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dating back all the way to 2500 BCE, the Dancing Girl figurine has been the apple of every archaeologist's eye who worked with her. A bronze sculpture, she was made in the Indus Valley civilization.


She is from a time so strange it might as well be on another planet. When the Nile, the Euphrates and the Indus were home to the fertility mother goddesses. When we worshiped the ability of the earth to give us life in the form of crops and cattle through the strength of her rivers and the rich bounty of her soil.


The Dancing Girl’s sense of ease, comfort and belonging in her society is reflected in her indifferent, bored expression. The look of someone who expects no challenge to their authority and existence, so confident they are in their right to belong and to exist. The time has not yet come around when Tiamat would be felled by Marduk and human society would transition from the Maternal, Fertility faiths to the Masculine, Paternal Sky Gods of old.


She belongs to the Indus Valley civilization, named after the Indus river that courses through our land all the way from the north till it ends in the Arabian sea. Archaelogical digs in recent times have dated the civilization to nearly 8000 years old with another 1000 year civilization preceeding it. Making it one of the oldest civilizations in existence.


The cruel punchline here is that the Dancing Girl isn’t even in Pakistan anymore but India. She was excavated by British archaeologists in present day Pakistan and they took her to the museum in New Delhi before partition. After Partition, the Pakistani authorities asked the Indian authorities for the return of the Dancing Girl statue and the King Priest statue.


The popular legend is that the New Delhi authorities refused to hand over both statues and told the Pakistanis to pick one: Either the King Priest or the Dancing Girl.


The Pakistani officials, fearing mockery and censure from their bosses back home, if they bought back the Dancing girl, abandoned her in their moral panic and opted for the King Priest instead.


And so the Dancing Girl remains exiled from the land of her origin, rejected by her own descendants as too vulgar and provocative. Unclaimed by her own people and spending the remainder of her days in a far off city where she cannot hear the roar of the Indus or smell its flood plains. A symbol of our people’s modern day rejection of their past and origins.


2. The Fires of Spring and the Epoch of a Thousand Heroes (1500 BCE to 1857 AD)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Our Dancing Girl in the Epoch between the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization and the British Colonization more often than not, finds herself within the Harems of the men who battled over this land for a long millennia of exciting adventure, conquest, exploration, art, science, travel and craftsmanship. Its been a man’s world for a long time now. There is a submissiveness and deferment in the art below that was not in the Dancing Girl’s idol from the Indus Valley civilization.


And yet, there is also the vibrancy of music, color and posh opulence. This was always a rich land. And rich lands attract men of heroic stature. And all the armies, courts and saints they bring with them.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The end of the Indus valley civilization meant the scattering of its people, some to the west where they formed nomadic tribes in Balochistan, whereas the bulk migrated East into India where they contributed to the formation of early Dravidian Identity and some of the first Vedic texts.


A series of Hindu empires would rule the territories until the Acheamenid empire of Persia, under the mighty Darius, conquered the land and made it their eastern frontier. The Persians themselves would become incorporated into Alexander’s empire as the great conqueror made his way east, in his quest to conquer the known world. The Greeks believed back then that the world ended near the Indus and the exhausted armies were despondent to discover that the land stretched on wards and even mightier armies stood to the east which they were too weary to fight. In Pakistan, Alexander suffered his wounds and final mutiny from his army which would result in him turning back and returning to his home.


The Classical period would see a range of empires hold the land, including the Guptas and the Kushans until the then expanding Arab caliphate touched the banks of the Indus after defeating the local Hindu rulers.


They were followed by the Mughals who are somewhat famous historically even though they are ironically rejected by both the modern nation states who emerged from their territories: Too Hindu for Pakistan and too Muslim for India.


The long Saga of Heroes in Pakistan spanned across such men as Imperial Darius, Alexander the Conqueror, Ashoka the Peacemaker, Gupta the Inventor, Bin Qasim the Explorer, Ghaznavi the Ravager, Akbar the Great, Aurangzeb the Zealot, Raghunath the Warrior and Ranjit Singh the Clever. A colorful, brilliant history of valor, fortitude, learning, art, fury, madness, worship and exuberant joy. All the colors of the rainbow shone off the Indus in this age of mythic magic and moonlight dreams.


And the dream would end as the British East India company made their slow crawl across this tapestry of near infinite history, culture and art and impose upon it the grim, unending servitude of colonization and extraction.


3. Guns, Nationalism and Mujras (Dance) - Pakistan is born, the cold war begins and blood spills on the border (1947–77)


Like all children, we too are born in our mother’s blood. As United India tears herself apart during the bloodletting of Partition to give birth to two new nations, Pakistan finds itself in a world gone mad.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The scars of the second world war are still fresh and a massive armament buildup is taking place as the Cold war heats up and massive nuclear arsenals prepared to annihilate people who differ with each other on the property rights debate.


Our Dancing Girl is in a Pakistan that is somewhat tolerant and secular compared to our current times. There’s the economic boom of Ayub and the massive economic and military aid from the US. The country struggles with its identity, the role of its faith and division of powers among territories. A state exists over territories not yet gelled into a nation. Disputes over languages emerge and the border flares up into war thrice, the third time leading to the separation of our eastern wing into a separate country.


Our dancing girl is the 1960s and 70s era ‘Mujra Girl’ (now known as Item Girl) nicknamed Niggo.



Her short, tragic life was a reflection of Pakistani society back then: Liberal and Secular to a degree perhaps. But as paternalistic, violent and misogynist back then as it is today. At least back then we were less hypocritical about it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Niggo’s story also parallels our own: Where she faces the indecision of picking her family over her husband, we faced the indecision of whether we were an Islamic state or a Modern Republic for Muslims. We were also torn between the two and the duality of that conflict would ultimately lead one to consume us.


Faiz Ahmed Faiz’s poem, The Dawn of Freedom, best represents our nation during that tumultuous time. The Partition horrors and massacres are instructing us on the price we paid for independence. Our shaky, unstable and violent life as an independent country has taken some of the shine off of freedom. We are questioning, in doubt and with unstill hearts. Freedom and Independence has not been the promised utopia we thought it would be. But there is a grim determination in our eyes, an iron persistence to go on and survive. To become a nation where none stood before.


4. The Long Night - The Post 71 War crises of identity, dictatorship, Islamization and Jihad (1977 - 99)


The country has been shattered. Where once brothers united for the cause of freedom, now a fratricide takes its place. The 71 Civil War results in the separation of the Eastern wing and the birth of Bangladesh.


A despondent and defeated Pakistan becomes awash in Ultra nationalist and Ultra conservative movements but they are successfully evaded for a while by the new Prime Minister Bhutto. He forges a civilian constitution and democratic government and reaches out to the Islamic and Socialist worlds simultaneously. He envisages a Pakistan that can rise from the ashes of 71 and gain a Pan-Islamic and Socialist identity at the same time.


But the Ultraconservative movements have the last laugh and when he is at his weakest, they pounce and the military general Zia launches a coup, hangs the Prime Minister and begins a decade of zealotry and oppression. Funded by the US as part of the Afghan war effort and supported by the Gulf ultraconservatives, Zia burnishes his credentials as a pure, man of God by launching a crackdown on all things deemed unIslamic and haraam. The Hadood Ordinance is passed where rape victims must now produce 4 witnesses if they don’t want their rape to be considered adultery and suffer whipping. Alcohol, nightclubs and red light areas had already gone through a round of shuttering before under Bhutto, but now they are purged across the country.


Lahore’s famous Red Light district, Heera Mandee, with its prostitution, music, drinking and dancing is first in line for the faithful’s purge.

拉合尔著名的红灯区赫拉·曼迪(Heera Mandee)以其卖淫、音乐、饮酒和舞蹈成为信徒净化的首选。

And so our Dancing Girl’s state of affairs in this dark time is one best captured by Iqbal Hussain’s painting, “Hadood Ordinance”. Its depiction of one of the working girls in Heera Mandee being dragged by her hair during one of the brothel raids by police under the instructions of our theocratic dictator is telling of the times . We see only the Khaki pants of the policeman, the boots and the implication of sexual violence. And we see only the helpless onlookers from the other windows, wondering when their turn will come.

因此,伊克巴尔·侯赛因(Iqbal Hussain)的画作《哈杜德条例》(Hadood Ordinance)最能捕捉到我们这位舞女在这个黑暗时期的状态。它描绘了在我们的神权独裁者的指示下,警察在一次妓院突袭中拽着海拉·曼迪的一个工作女孩的头发,这是对时代的描述。我们只看到警察的卡其色裤子、靴子和性暴力的含义。我们只能从另一扇窗户看到无助的旁观者,他们不知道什么时候该轮到他们了。

(图4 伊克巴尔·侯赛因的绘画)

5. Boombox Jihad - The booming economy and booming security of the 2000s. Experiments with democracy, liberalism and mass media (1999–2007)


The Long night ends in the fires of the crashed C-130 which was carrying General Zia. The dictatorship ends but we experience the lost decade of the 90s instead. With the Afghan war waning and the Cold War ending, we enter the lost decade of the 90s where a musical chair of constant government changes is coupled with the heavy sanctions of the US for our nuclear program.


The turn of the century brings with it, a turn of fortunes as well. Nuclear weapons are tested, the Kargil War scuttles the Agra peace process, terrorists slam air jets into the Twin Towers and NATO arrives full force into Afghanistan.


The Military General-President of the time, President Musharraf, leverages US aid money and assistance in exchange for Pakistan’s supply routes and assistance in the Afghan War 2.0. Seeing himself as Ataturk’s spiritual successor, he launches a liberalization, privatization and ‘enlightened moderation’ campaign. Private Mass media explodes across the country, the economy sky rockets and suddenly there is money and entertainment everywhere.


Corporations and Businesses throw money at artists who translate them into local versions of the Oscars and Grammies and perform elaborate dances at style awards.


Perhaps the most symbolic of these was the 2006 Style Awards with Runa Laila’s performing a 60s classic while modern day film actress Meera danced (quite energetically) to it. It was symbolic of the politics of the time with the Musharraf Presidency at the peak of its power. Musharraf trying to recapture the 60s economic boom of fellow military dictator, Ayub, with the assistance of a military backed technocratic government and US aid money. Musharraf’s “enlightened moderation”, a plea to move towards softer, Sufi Islam in the face of rising fanaticism, was reflected in his support for the intersection of corporate money with liberal art. Giving birth to the Corporate funded Style awards and the provocative dance performances streamed into the homes of an emerging middle class consumer populace. One that was discovering the joys of materialism, electronic media and all the base pleasures life had to offer, if you could afford them.



But all was not glitz and glamour. Another Long night was approaching. A dark period of mass terrorism, insurgency, suicide bombings and bloodshed. While the crescendo of violence would be reached somewhere in the 2010–2013 period, we could already hear echoes of our future in 2006 with the infrequent but bloody terror bombings that were starting to infect our country.


6. Defiance - Hope and Fear for the future (2007 to present)


This last piece is about defiance and our uncertain, hopeful, pessimistic future.


In 2017, the Sehwan Sufi shrine was bombed by ISIS who dubbed the music, the dancing, the inter mingling of the genders in the shrine as heretical and Kaafir. 90 were killed and 300 injured in the shrine that lies along the banks of the Indus.

2017年,Sehwan Sufi神社遭到ISIS的轰炸,ISIS将神社中的音乐、舞蹈和性别混合称为异端。位于印度河两岸的神殿中有90人死亡,300人受伤。

A few days later, Sheema Kermani performed the ‘Dhamaal’ dance at the shrine, the ecstatic trance like dance sufi’s perform when they enter rapture to the sound of music. Nanga Fakir, a sufi musical group from Badin, performed while Kermaani danced.

几天后,Sheema Kermani在神社表演了“Dhamal”舞蹈,这是苏菲在音乐声中欣喜若狂时的一种恍惚舞蹈。

The defiant act was a challenge to ISIS and a clear message that the people would not be deterred and they would not be silenced. The dance would go on. Even in the face of bombs and bullets. There was a dancing girl on the Indus 10,000 years ago. There was still a dancing girl on the Indus today. Conquerors have come and gone, she has remained.


We began this answer with a dancing girl of the Indus. And we end it with a dancing girl of the Indus as well.


(图6 Sheema Kirmani在Lal Shahbaz Qalandar的神殿跳舞)

This long night ebbs but it is not yet ended. While violence has receeded, it still exists.


And worse yet is the plight of the IDPs, our polite phrase for refugees, which means Internally displaced person. All across the canvas of our country are people who are refugees in their own nation, driven from their homes by insurgents or wars.


There are Pakistanis fleeing abroad as refugees, dying in the Mediterranean to reach refuge. Pakistanis living in slums on the outskirts of our major cities because their villages back home have been reduced to rubble in the fighting.


We are defiant but we are also exhausted. The democratic transition is shaky and the bright news of Chinese investment is tempered with the fury from Washington and the new Great Game in Asia to control trade, energy, transport and wealth. We wonder what our fragile place will be in this heated environment and whether we will survive the coming wars.


This last story is about defiance and uncertainty for a reason. We are no great Asian power or developed Western state. We face the dangers of climate change and nuclear war, fanatical Jihads and economic collapse. We are in uncertain waters and strange tides. Our survival is uncertain and our prosperity a chance.


We come from no great empires or mighty power. Airports flag us for extra checking and interviewers turn down our CVs abroad when they see our names, our skin and our country. We are at once Orphans and Childless.


And yet we carry every Empire and Power in our hearts. Darius, Alexander, Ashoka, Gupta, Bin Qasim, Ghaznavi, Akbar, Aurangzeb, Raghunath and Ranjit are as much a part of us as we are one with them.


But even they pale in comparison with something far older, far more enduring and far more embedded in our blood.


And that is the Indus. It’s the Dancing Girl. Its the timelessness of when the Earth was young and every leaf, stone and fire held promise. All conquerors thought they had conquered her but in the end she conquered them instead.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pakistan’s life and the life of this land will forever be tied with her. The River and the Girl. The Indus is the artery to all of our hearts and only when this mighty river dies will the steps of the Dancing girl be silenced too. And all our lives extinguished. Whether the river should perish under the encroaching sands of the warming earth or the nuclear radiation of our collective folly is something that time will tell.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Until then, the river flows. And the dance continues.
