German euthanasia group says it will only carry out assisted suicides on people vaccinated against Covid-19
PUBLISHED: 04:22 EST, 30 November 2021
German euthanasia group has said prospective clients must comply with 2G rule
Requires people to be fully vaccinated or have recently recovered from Covid-19
Clinic said rule applies to clients because euthanasia involves 'human closeness'

作者:劳伦·刘易斯 发表于: 2021 年 11 月 30 日
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

德国安乐死组织表示,潜在客户必须遵守 2G 规则
要求人们完全接种疫苗或最近从 Covid-19 中康复

A German euthanasia group has said clients must be vaccinated against Covid-19 before they can undergo assisted suicide.
German Euthanasia Association Verein Sterbehilfe has announced prospective clients will have to comply with the country's 2G rule - where premises can choose to deny entry to those who are not vaccinated ('geimpft' in German) or who have recovered ('genesen') from the virus.
The clinic said euthanasia and preparatory examinations require 'human closeness' meaning that under German law everyone involved must comply with the 2G rule.

德国安乐死协会 Verein Sterbehilfe 宣布,潜在的客户必须遵守该国的 2G 规则——公共场所有权选择拒绝未接种病毒疫苗(德语为“geimpft”)或已康复(“genesen”)的人员进入。
该协会表示,安乐死和检查准备都需要“人性化接触”,这意味着根据德国法律,所有相关人员都必须遵守 2G 规则。

'Euthanasia and the preparatory examination of the voluntary responsibility of our members willing to die require human closeness,' the Association said in a statement on November 19.
'Human closeness, however, is a prerequisite and breeding ground for coronavirus transmission. As of today, the 2G rule applies in our association, supplemented by situation-related measures, such as quick tests before encounters in closed rooms.'
It explained the decision was based on the 'difficult task of balancing the protection of our members, employees and doctors with the practical organization of our everyday life in the association.'
Around 68 per cent of Germany's 83 million population are full jabbed and about 10 per cent have had a booster dose but officials have branded a recent surge in cases a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'.

该协会在 11 月 19 日的一份声明中说:“对我们希望接受安乐死的成员的自愿性责任的审查需要人与人之间的密切接触。”
在德国 8300 万人口中,约有 68% 的人接种了疫苗,约 10% 的人接种了加强剂,但官员们将最近的病例激增称为“未接种疫苗的大流行”。

The 2G rule has sparked controversy in Germany, where premises are also given the option of following the 3G rule - which means those who can present a negative coronavirus test can also be served.
The rules apply to leisure, cultural and sporting events, and hospitality venues as well as to body-related services and hotels. It allows premises imposing the rules to drop mask-wearing and social distancing rules.
Several million German adults are still not yet vaccinated, and authorities have tried to incentivise them to take the jab through punishing measures such as this.
Germany reported another 45,753 new coronavirus cases and 388 deaths on Tuesday, but the seven-day incidence of cases per 100,000 people fell slightly for the first time in three weeks.
The Robert Koch Institute for infectious diseases reported that 452.2 people per 100,000 were infected in the last week, down from 452.4 on Monday and the first fall since early November.
The number of new cases was still 427 more than a week ago, but the pace of weekly increase has been flattening in the last few days.

2G 规则在德国引发了争议,那里的公共场所也可以选择遵循 3G 规则——这意味着也可以为那些冠状病毒检测呈阴性的人提供服务。
德国周二报告了另外 45,753 例新的冠状病毒病例和 388 例死亡,但每 100,000 人的 7 天病例发生率三周来首次小幅下降。
罗伯特科赫传染病研究所报告说,上周每 10 万人中有 452.2 人被感染,低于周一的 452.4 人,也是自 11 月初以来的首次下降。

As German hospitals have been swamped by the fourth wave of the pandemic in recent weeks, Germany has introduced restrictions on unvaccinated people and sought to ramp up the roll-out of booster shots.
Chancellor Angela Merkel, her designated successor Olaf Scholz and regional leaders are due to meet on Tuesday to discuss how to respond to the crisis, especially after cases of the new Omicron variant were detected in the country.
Many politicians have been calling for tighter restrictions as intensive care units, especially in eastern and southern Germany, reach their limits.
In February 2020, German lawmakers overturned an earlier ban on assisted suicide in a landmark ruling at the country's top court. The judgement decided a 2015 law banning professional assisted suicide was unconstitutional.
The milestone decision raised eyebrows by explicitly stating that people have 'the right to a self-determined death', and that the right to assisted suicide services should not be limited to the seriously or incurably ill.
The verdict was a major victory for terminally ill patients, doctors and assisted suicide organisations who brought the case.

德国总理安格拉·默克尔、她指定的继任者奥拉夫·舒尔茨和地区领导人定于周二会面,讨论如何应对危机,尤其是在该国发现新的 Omicron 变种病例之后。
2020 年 2 月,德国立法者在该国最高法院的一项具有里程碑意义的裁决中推翻了早先对协助自杀的禁令。判决裁定 2015 年禁止专业协助自杀的法律违宪。

It is a sensitive subject in Germany as the Nazis used what they euphemistically called 'euthanasia' to exterminate around 200,000 disabled people.
The existing law, known as Paragraph 17, was passed in 2015 and aimed at barring associations dedicated to helping patients wanting to die. It also meant medical personnel faced prosecution for prescribing life-terminating drugs.
In 2017, a lower court ruled that officials could not refuse lethal medication in extreme cases, creating confusion among doctors.
The plaintiffs' argued that Germany's constitution guarantees personal freedom and dignity, which they said includes the right to choose when and how to die.
The court agreed, and found the restrictions imposed by Paragraph 217 made it 'impossible' for people to receive help from third party professionals in Germany, who faced a fine or up to three years in prison under then old law.
This left German patients turning to family members or loved ones for help, some getting life-terminating medicine from abroad.
Judge Vosskuhle said at the time those who wanted to offer suicide assistance must be legally allowed to, without however being forced to do so.

安乐死在德国是一个敏感话题,因为纳粹德国曾经使用他们委婉地称之为“安乐死”的方法杀害了大约 200,000 名残疾人。(译注:T-4行动计划,旨在“清除无生存价值的生命”,消灭对象主要为德国重疾残障人士、精神病患者甚至是孤儿院孤儿等,从1941年开始,甚至一直延续到德国投降后的1945年7月,杀害人数估计为20-25万人)
现有法律,即第 17 条,于 2015 年通过,旨在禁止致力于帮助想要死亡的患者的协会。这也意味着医务人员如开具终止生命的药物将面临刑事起诉。
2017 年,下级法院裁定官员在极端情况下不能拒绝致命药物,这在医生之间造成了混乱。
法院同意,并认为第 217 条施加的限制使人们“不可能”从德国的第三方专业人士那里获得帮助,根据当时的旧法律,他们将面临罚款或最高三年的监禁。
Vosskuhle 法官当时表示,那些想要提供自杀援助的人必须在法律上得到允许,但不得被迫这样做。

Where is assisted dying legal in Europe?
Assisted dying refers to both voluntary active euthanasia and physician-assisted death, when a patient's life is ended at their request.
Only three countries in Europe approve of assisted dying as a whole: Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
The first two even recognise requests from minors under strict circumstances, while Luxembourg excludes them from the legislation.
Germany, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, and Austria allow physician-assisted death under specific circumstances.
Countries such as Spain, Sweden, England, Italy, Hungary, and Norway allow passive euthanasia under strict circumstances.
Passive euthanasia is when a patient suffering from an incurable disease dies because doctors stops doing something necessary to keep them alive.
Sources: Euronews
