
Adele’s new album, 30, is finally available. Last month, hundreds of millions of us streamed its first single, Easy On Me. This song evokes feelings not easily put into words. But we can probably agree it is a sad song.

终于能买到阿黛尔的新专辑《30》了。上个月,数亿人在线收听/收看了其中的第一首单曲《Easy On Me》。这首歌唤起了各种难以言喻的情感。但也许我们都会同意,这是一曲悲歌。

It isn’t obvious that we should like sad music. Sadness is usually a feeling we try to avoid. An alien might expect us to find such music depressing and dislikable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yet, sad music pulls us in and lifts us up. So, why does hearing sad music feel so good?


The biology of sad music


Let’s start with biological theories. When we experience real-life loss, or empathise with another’s pain, hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin are released within us. These help us cope with loss and pain. They do so by making us feel calmed, consoled, and supported.


Feeling Adele’s pain, or recalling our own, may cause such chemical changes within us. Clicking on Adele’s song may be like clicking on our own metaphorical morphine drip.


The jury is still out on this theory. One study found no evidence that sad music increases prolactin levels. Yet, other studies have hinted at a role for prolactin and oxytocin in making sad music feel good.


The psychology of sad music


A key reason we enjoy sad songs is because they profoundly “move” us. This experience is sometimes called kama muta, a Sanskrit term meaning “moved by love”. Feeling moved can involve chills, goosebumps, a flood of emotions (including romantic ones), a warmth in our chest, and elation.

我们喜欢悲情歌曲的一个关键原因就是:它们深深地“触动”了我们。这种体验有时候会被称为Kama Muta,这是梵文中的一个说法,意思是“被爱感动”。感动的感觉可能表现为打寒战,起鸡皮疙瘩,汹涌而至的各种情感(包括情爱中的那些),胸口一阵暖流,以及兴高采烈。

But why do we feel moved? The American writer James Baldwin got at this when he reflected: “The things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.” Similarly, feeling moved can come from us suddenly feeling closer to other people.

(译注:詹姆斯·鲍德温(James Baldwin,1924-1987),美国黑人作家、散文家、戏剧家和社会评论家,在二战后美国黑人文学发展过程中起到了承上启下的作用)

This may explain why the people most likely to feel moved by sad music are those high in empathy. Indeed, when we have listened to 30 we may turn to reaction videos to see how others feel. This lets us share an emotional experience with others. A sense of communal sharing boosts our feeling of being moved and triggers feelings of comfort and belonging.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A related suggestion is that Adele’s sad music can be a friend to us. It can act as a social surrogate. Sad music can be experienced as an imaginary friend who provides support and empathy after loss.

(译注:社会替代假说(Social Surrogacy Hypothesis))

Sad songs like Easy on Me can make us feel moved through a shared emotional experience. Adele/Youtube

(图解:《Easy on Me》之类的悲情歌曲可以通过为人们共享的一种情感体验,让我们产生感动的感觉)

Feeling moved can also result from memories being triggered of important moments of our lives. Adele’s songs are powerfully nostalgic. It may be nostalgia, rather than sadness, that we enjoy.


Indeed, when people listen to sad music, only around 25% say they actually feel sad. The remainder experience other, often related emotions, most commonly nostalgia. This feeling of nostalgia can help increase our sense of social connectedness, mitigate feelings of meaningless, and reduce anxiety.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A completely different type of psychological theory is that Adele’s songs are emotional gyms. They give us a safe, controlled space in which we can explore simulated sadness. They are the emotional equivalent of Neo sparring with Morpheus in the Matrix movie.


Simulated sadness lets us experiment with and learn from this emotion. We can enhance our empathy, learn to better see things from other people’s perspectives, and try out various responses to sadness. This may make us better prepared for when real loss strikes. Such learning experiences may have evolved to be pleasurable to encourage their use.


Making sense of sadness


Alternatively, it could be that Adele’s songs aren’t pleasurable because they are sad or nostalgic. They may be pleasurable simply because they are beautiful. Sadness might just happen to coincide with beauty. Indeed, seeing acts of moral virtue or beauty have been suggested to provoke feelings of elevation and can touch, move and inspire us.


We can also think at the cultural level. Here we can view the pleasure Adele’s songs gives us in terms of the meaning she helps us make. Adele takes hard life experiences and helps makes sense of them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is what much tragic art does. It takes the pain and the suffering and the sadness of the world and gives it meaning. As the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once put it, someone who has a why to live can bear almost any how.


Ultimately, Adele’s songs will mean something different to each of us. We listen to sad music when we want to reflect, belong, or relax. We listen to experience beauty, receive comfort or reminisce.


But to all of us Adele’s songs say: you are not alone in your pain. They let us feel her pain, share our suffering, and connect with others past and present. And in the sharedness of our humanity is beauty.
