How Fake Is Church History?


The fake autobiography of the Latin Church


It should now be clear that the very concept of a Gregorian “reform” is a disguise for the revolutionary character of the reformers’ project; “the idea that Gregorians were rigorous traditionalists is a serious oversimplification,” argue John Meyendorff and Aristeides Papadakis; “the conventional conclusion which views the Gregorians as defenders of a consistently uniform tradition is largely fiction.” In fact, before the twelfth century, “the pope’s fragile hold upon Western Christendom was largely imaginary. The parochial world of Roman politics was actually the papacy’s only domain.”[15] Aviad Kleinberg even argues that, “until the twelfth century, when the pope’s status was imposed as the ultimate religious authority in matters of education and jurisdiction, there was not really an organization that could be called ‘the Church’.”[16] There certainly were no “popes” in the modern sense before the end of the eighth century: this affectionate title, derived from the Greek papa, was given to every bishop. Even conventional history speaks of the period of the “Byzantine papacy,” ending in 752 with the conquest of Italy by the Franks, and teaches that civil, military and even ecclesiastical affairs were then under the supervision of the exarch of Ravenna, the Greek representative of the Byzantine Emperor.[17]

现在应该清楚的是,格里高利“改革”的概念本身是改革者计划的革命性质的伪装,约翰·梅恩多夫和阿里斯蒂德斯·帕帕达基斯认为:"主张格列高利教皇是严谨的传统主义者是一种严重的过度简化,传统的结论认为格里高利教徒是一贯的统一传统的捍卫者,这在很大程度上是虚构的。”事实上,在十二世纪以前,“教皇对西方基督教的脆弱控制很大程度上也是虚构的,教皇唯一能控制的只有罗马政界这一小块狭隘的领域。”Aviad Kleinberg甚至提出了这个观点,“直到12世纪,当教皇的地位被确立为教育和司法方面的最高宗教权威之前,并没有一个真正的组织可以被称为‘教会’。

This means that the first-millennium history of the Western Church written by itself is a complete sham. One of its centerpieces, the Liber Pontificalis, a book of biographies of the popes from saint Peter to the ninth century, is today recognized as a work of imagination. It served to ascertain the pope’s claim to occupy the “the throne of saint Peter” in an unbroken chain going back to the first apostle — the “rock” on which Jesus built his kingdom (Matthew 16,18).

【译注,耶稣将教会建立在磐石上的“磐石”是指彼得,还是其它,历史上观点分歧较大。有一种观点是耶稣说彼得是磐石,他将建立他的教会在这磐石上,耶稣这里似乎语意双关: “你是彼得,我要把我的教会建造在这磐石上。”因为彼得的名字就是“磐石”的意思。】
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As the story goes, in the second year of Claudius, Peter went to Rome to challenge Simon Magus, the father of all heretical sects. He became the first Catholic bishop and was crucified head downwards in the last year of Nero, then buried where St. Peter’s Basilica now stands (his bones were found there in 1968). That story appears in the works of Clement of Rome, the fictional travelling companion and successor of Peter, whose prolific literature in Latin contains so many improbabilities, contradictions and anachronisms that most of it is today recognized as apocryphal and renamed “pseudo-clementine”. Peter’s story is also the theme of the Acta Petri, supposedly written in Greek in the second century but surviving only in Latin translation. It is also told by Irenaeus of Lyon (c. 130-202 AD), another author supposedly writing in Greek but known only through defective Latin translations.


There is no reason to take that story as reliable history. It is self-evident propaganda. Moreover, it is inconsistent with the New Testament, which says nothing of Peter’s travel to Rome, and assumes that he simply remained the head of the Jerusalem church. The legend of saint Peter in Rome tells us nothing about real events, but informs us about the means deployed by the Roman curia to steal the birthright from the Eastern Church. It is fake currency minted to overbid on Constantinople’s genuine claim that the unity of the Church had been achieved in its immediate vicinity, at the so-called “ecumenical” councils (Oikouménê designated the civilized world under the authority of the basileus), whose participants were exclusively oriental.


Although we cannot delve here into the editorial history of the New Testament, it is interesting to note that the story of Paul’s travel to Rome also bears the mark of falsification. If we remember that the Byzantines called themselves “Romans”, we are intrigued by the fact that, in his “Epistle to the Romans” (written in Greek), Paul calls the Romans “Greeks” to distinguish them from Jews (1,14-15; 3,9). Moreover, if we look up on a map the cities addressed by Paul in other epistles — Ephesus, Corinth, Galata, Philipae, Thessaloniki (Salonica), Colossae — we see that Italian Rome was not part of his sphere of influence. Paul’s trip to Rome in Italy in Acts 27-28 (where Italy is explicitly named) belongs to the “we section” of Acts, which is recognizably foreign to the first redaction.


Our main source for the early history of the Church is Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History in ten volumes. Like so many other sources, it was supposedly written in Greek, but was known in the Middle Ages only in Latin translation (from which it was later translated back into Greek). Its Latin translation was attributed to the great saint and scholar Jerome (Hieronymus). Saint Jerome also produced, at the request of Pope Damasus, the Latin Bible known as the Vulgate, which would be decreed the sole authorized version at the Council of Trent in the mid-sixteenth century.

【译注,尤西比乌斯[Eusebius](约 260—340),生于巴勒斯坦,当选为恺撒里亚的主教,是基督教史学的奠基人。著有《编年史》、《基督教会史》和《君士坦丁传》等,影响很大。他被称为“教会史”之父和拜占庭的第一位历史学家】
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Eusebius is our main source on the conversion of Constantine to Christianity. Two panegyrics of Constantine have been preserved, and they make no mention of Christianity. Instead, one contains the story of a vision Constantine had of the sun-god Apollo, “with Victory accompanying him.” From then on, Constantine placed himself under the protection of Sol invictus, also called Sol pacator on some of his coins.[18] What Eusebius writes in his Life of Constantine about the battle of the Milvian Bridge is obviously a rewriting of that earlier pagan legend. When marching on Rome to overthrow Maxentius, Constantine “saw with his own eyes in the heavens a trophy of the cross arising from the light of the sun, carrying the message, ‘by this sign, you shall win’.” The following night, Christ appeared to him in his dream to confirm the vision. Constantine had all his troops paint the sign on their shields and won the battle. Eusebius describes the sign as the Greek letters Chi and Rho superimposed, and tells us it represents the first two letters of Christos. This Chi-Rho sign is found in a great variety of mosaic and reliefs up to the time of Justinian, and it is especially common in the Pyrenean region, often with the addition of a sigma, as documented in this monography.[19] Some hypothesize that it carried in pagan time the meaning pax. Whether that is the case or not, there is no evidence that the Chi-Rho was of Christian origin.


What does Chi-Rho have to do with Christ?


I hope to have shown that there is ample cause for radical skepticism regarding the autobiography of the Roman Church. It is not just legal documents that were forged. The whole underlying narrative could be phony. In the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century, one man, Jesuit librarian Jean Hardouin (1646-1729), spent a lifetime researching and questioning Church history, until he came to the conclusion of a massive fraud originating in Benedictine monasteries in the thirteenth century. His conclusions were published posthumously in Ad Censuram Veterum scxtorum Prolegomena (1766). According to Hardouin, all the works ascribed to Augustine, Jerome, Ambrose of Milan, and Gregory the Great, were in fact written just decades before the cunning Boniface VIII (1294-1303) promoted them as the “Latin Fathers of the Church.” Eusebius’ history translated by Jerome is a web of fiction according to Hardouin.

我想我已清楚表明,有充分的理由对罗马教会的自传提出根本性的怀疑。伪造的不仅仅是法律文件,甚至整个底层叙事都是假的。在17世纪晚期和18世纪早期,有一个人名叫让·哈都因(1646-1729),他是耶稣会的图书馆长,花了一生的时间研究和研究质疑教会历史, 最后他发现了一个源自13世纪本笃会修道院的大规模骗局,他的结论在他死后发表在《圣经前传》中(1766年),根据哈都因的说法,所有奥古斯丁、杰罗姆、米兰的安布罗斯和格里高利一世教皇等人名下的作品,实际上在它们被狡诈的卜尼法斯八世教皇(1294-1303)推崇为“教会的拉丁教父”的几十年之前,才被写了下来。根据哈都因的说法,杰罗姆翻译尤西比乌的史书的说法都是虚构的。

The Prolegomena of Jean Hardouin were translated in English in the nineteenth century by Edwin Johnson (1842-1901), who built up on Hardouin’s insights in his own works, starting with The Rise of Christendom (1890), followed one year later by The Rise of English Culture. Johnson argued for a medi origin of most literary sources ascribed to Antiquity or Late Antiquity, and insisted that the whole first-millennium history of the Roman Church was fabricated by the Roman curia in its effort to impose its new world order.

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The medi origin of these texts, Johnson says, explains why their supposed authors are fighting heresies that so much resemble the heresies fought by the medi Church. The Manicheans and Gnostics attacked by Tertullian, Augustine and Irenaeus of Lyon are like the ghosts of those attacked under the same denominations by twelfth and thirteenth-century popes. According to Patricia Stirnemann, the oldest manuscxt of Augustine’s Contra Faustus, written and preserved in the abbey of Clairvaux, is the witness of the struggle against “the resurgence of a neo-manicheism in the 12th century” (she doesn’t question the authorship of the work, but gives us additional reason to do so).[20]

约翰逊说,这些文本的中世纪起源解释了为什么说它们可能的作者是在对抗异端邪说,这与中世纪天主教会与异教的斗争非常相似。如同被德尔图良攻击的摩尼教徒和诺斯底派,而当年的奥古斯丁和里昂的艾勒内就如同受到12和13世纪的教皇的教派攻击的游魂野鬼。根据Patricia Stirnemann的说法,奥古斯丁的《反浮士德》最早的手稿是在法国克莱沃大修道院写成并收藏的,它见证了与“12世纪新摩尼教复兴”的斗争(她没有质疑作品的作者,但给了我们更多的理由去这样做)
【译注,奥古斯丁,354-430年,出生于罗马帝国统治下的北非努米底亚王国,基督教早期神学家,教会博士,以及新柏拉图主义哲学家,曾经是一名摩尼教徒。其思想影响了西方基督教教会和西方哲学的发展,并间接影响了整个西方基督教会,重要的作品包括:《上帝之城》《基督教要旨 》和《忏悔录》】

The context of the Latin colonization of the East by the crusaders is transparent in many spurious sources from Late Antiquity, according to Johnson. Jerome’s biography is a case in point: “he is made to travel from Aquileia to Rome, and from Rome to Bethlehem and to Egypt. He settles at Bethlehem, is followed by Roman ladies, who found there a nunnery, and there he dies. This is a reflection of something that was happening during the later Crusades.”[21] The same goes for Constantine: the legend of his military conquest by the sign of the Crucified bears the mark of the age of the crusades, “when military men came under monkish influence.”[22]


If all first-millennium Church history is bogus, how can we reconstruct the real history of the Church before the Gregorian reform? Johnson says there was no Western Christianity then: the Western Church was “a purely Media institution, without either literary or oral lixs with the past,” and its fables “were not heard of in the world until the epoch of the Crusades.”[23] A less radical hypothesis is that Christianity only became a dominant force in the West with the Gregorian reform. In any case, there is ample evidence that it imposed its religious hegemony not so much by the destruction of pagan traditions as by their appropriation. The cult of Notre Dame, which owes much to Bernard de Clairvaux (1090–1153), was superimposed on cults of Diane and Isis.

如果第一个千年的教会历史都是假的,我们如何能够重建格里高利改革之前的教会的真实历史? 约翰逊说,当年还没有西方基督教:西方教会是“一个纯粹的中世纪机构,与过去没有文学或口头上的关联”,它们的宗教故事“在十字军东征时代以前,在世界上听都没听说过。”一个不那么激进的假设是,基督教只是在格里高利改革之后才成为西方世界的主导力量, 有充分的证据表明,在很多情况下,它所强加的宗教霸权对异教传统的破坏并不如对异教传统的占有那么普遍,比如对巴黎圣母院的狂热就如同对黛安娜与对ISIS的崇拜的叠加。

What the Gregorian reformers did was rewrite history in order to create the illusion that Christianity was 1000 years old in Europe. Not all sources were written from scratch. Many were simply heavily edited. One example is the Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede the Venerable (672-735). James Watson has shown that it was originally a History of the English People with no mention of Christianity; it was heavily interpolated during the tenth century, Watson says, when “most of the ecclesiastical notices in the work have been engrafted with the original history.”[24] A somewhat different case is the Christianization of Boethius (c. 480-524), turned into a Christian theologian and martyr at the time of Abélard, although his famous Consolation of Philosophy doesn’t contain the slightest mention of his supposed Christian faith.

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As for the History of the Franks, supposedly written at the end of the sixth century by Gregory of Tours, and virtually our only source on Clovis’ conversion to Catholicism, it is most probably a clerical forgery from the Gregorian period, possibly using earlier sources. It is interesting to note that our pseudo-Gregory of Tours (perhaps Odilo of Cluny, who wrote a Life of Gregory) believed it possible for a medi power to orchestrate the systematic rewriting of all books: he writes that King Childeric introduced new signs into the Latin alphabet, and “wanted all the old manuscxts to be erased with pumice stone, to make other copies, where the new signs would be used” (chapter IV).[25]

【译注,克洛维,466年 - 511年,法兰克王国奠基人、国王,后来皈依基督教】

Chroniclers of the eleventh century are important sources for understanding the Christianization of Europe. Thietmar of Merseburg spoke in his Chronicon of a new dawn illuminating the world in 1004, and the French monk Rodulfus Glaber wrote:


“At the approach of the third year after the year 1000, in almost all the earth, especially in Italy and in Gaul, the churches were rebuilt. Although they were in a good state and did not need it, the whole Christian people competed for possession of the most beautiful churches. And it was as if the world itself, shaking the rags of its old age, covered itself on all sides with a white mantle of churches. Then, at the initiative of the faithful, almost all the churches, from the cathedrals to the monasteries dedicated to the various saints, and down to small village oratories, were rebuilt, only more beautifully” (book IV, §13).[26]


Since Rodulfus writes under Cluniac supervision (he dedicates his work to the abbot of Cluny Odilo), we must be wary of his claim that what appeared new was in fact old, for this was the pretense of the Gregorian “reformers”. Because he says the churches were “in a good state”, their “rebuilding” may be an understatement for their rededication to a new cult. Gregory the Great (590-604), who seems to be a duplicate of Gregory VII, is reported to have recommended that pagan temples be exorcised and reused for Christian worship, and many local traditions in France assert that Romanesque churches were originally pre-Christian sanctuaries.[27] As for the “basilicas”, their name derives from a Greek word designating a royal building, more precisely a chamber of justice under the authority of the basileius. Textbook history says that, as the Roman Empire adopted Christianity, the basic architectural plan of the basilica was adopted for major church buildings throughout Europe, but that explanation has the ring of a flinch.


The Byzantine Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna


In reality, Western Christianity was in its infancy in the year 1000 AD. As for its birth in the East, it is shrouded in mystery, for whatever genuine Greek source could inform us has either been destroyed or heavily edited. The subject is beyond the scope of this article, but let us simply ask: Is it conceivable that the great basilica built by Justinian in the sixth century was dedicated to Christianity and named Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom)? Sophia is the goddess of philosophers, not priests, and no “saint Sophie” promoted by Jacques de Voragine in the thirteenth century can hide that fact. Edwin Johnson argued that Christianity and Islam were born in the same period. A case can be made that Hagia Sophia was Christianized during the reign of the iconoclast basileus Leo III the Isaurian (717-741), when it was stripped of all its icons and sculptural work, or in 842, when it was redecorated.

事实上,公元1000年时,西方基督教还处于婴儿期。在它从东方的诞生之日起就一直笼罩在神秘之中,因为任何能提供信息给我们的真实希腊文原件不是被毁就是被严重改写。下面这个问题超出了本文的范围,但让我们简单地问一下:可以想象君士查丁堡的大教堂是在六世纪由查士丁尼建造并奉献给基督教的吗,而且命名为圣索菲亚大教堂(索菲亚意为神圣的智慧)? 索菲娅是哲学女神,不是牧师,也不是“圣女索菲娅”哦。在十三世纪由雅克·德·沃拉贡提出的观点掩盖了这一事实。埃德温·约翰逊认为基督教和伊斯兰教诞生于同一时期,这是有道理的,圣索菲亚教堂是在反对拜物的东罗马皇帝,伊萨里亚人利奥三世(717-741)统治期间被基督教化的,当时它被夺走了所有的圣像和雕塑,当它被重新装修时,已是842年前后了。

We have now reached a point where one of the working hypotheses of our first article can be reconsidered: although French scholar Polydor Hochart was fully justified to question the prevailing theory that Christian monks copied pagan books on precious parchments,[28] we must consider the alternative theory that those who copied in the ninth to eleventh centuries the manuscxts that humanists discovered in the fourteenth century were actually not Christians. This will become clearer in our the next.


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