IMO it is very likely that the Indian subcontinent will become the poorest region on earth soon, especially after economic contraction during COVID-19. Until now, that was Sub-Saharan Africa.


Indians like to look down on Africans, but they don't realize that Africans are not that poor in comparison to India.


Indian nominal GDP is now $2.6 trillion, which is almost the same as Africa. Indian nominal GDP per capita is $1,960, which is almost the same as Africa. Indian population is 1.39 billion, which is only 3% higher than Africa.


Africa has more land and resources than India, so most African nations will be able to create good economic growth as reforms begin happening in their individual countries. Meanwhile we are experiencing a wave of regressive politics and it is unclear when we will come out of it.


I feel like many Indians think we are a superpower because we have an aircraft carrier, but they ignore all the beggars on the streets because they don't even think of them like fellow humans.


I wonder how this will effect political discourse, as there is literally one region of the world right now that people can agree is worse than South Asia, and if it surpasses us then we will be at the bottom and I am not sure whether Indians want to face that reality.


What do you guys think?


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