Oliver Starr, I sometimes sleep next to a wolf
Originally Answered: It is shown in movies that when you fall in vicinity of a wild animal, if you stay calm and act dead/motionless, the animal just ignores you and walks away. Does this happen in reality? If so what could be the reason behind such behavior of wild animals?
Yeah, that'll work...


In most situations this is likely to make you more vulnerable. Canines, for example, might get curious and approach a prone human and this could be enough in the wrong circumstances to provoke an attack.
There are some animals that tend to avoid carrion and since we don't smell familiar anyway, being motionless may make us seem less like something to eat.
The problem with this strategy is that you're giving away every advantage you have and simply putting yourself in nature's hands. Better to understand the animals that inhabit your region (or the place you're visiting) and learn the appropriate species-specific response for each animal.


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