The Perseid meteor shower is upon us, peaking this week, and it will fill the night sky with streaks of light and color until Aug. 24.


Known as the "best meteor shower of the year" by NASA because of its fast, bright and plentiful meteors that can be easily viewed outside during the warm summer months, the shower is not one to be missed. It will peak around Aug. 12, where up to 100 meteors an hour can be caught shooting across the sky at 37 miles per second, leaving long streaks in their wake.

这个流星雨被美国宇航局称为 "一年中最好的流星雨",因为它的速度快、亮度高、流星多,在温暖的夏季可以很容易地在室外看到,所以不容错过。它将在8月12日前后达到顶峰,每小时可以捕捉到多达100颗流星,以每秒37英里的速度射过天空,留下长长的条纹。

Here's how you can see it.


Perseid meteor showers are known for their "fireballs"

英仙座流星雨以其 "火球 "著称

The Perseid shower happens when Earth makes its way through the trail of cosmic debris left behind by 109PSwift-Tuttle — a comet that won't return to the inner solar system until 2125.


The meteors are known for their fireballs, and viewers can expect to see larger, brighter explosions of light and color in the sky that will appear for longer than a typical meteor streak.


The meteors appear to radiate from the constellation Perseus, their namesake, but finding the constellation is not necessary to view the shower — they will appear all over the sky.


Pick a spot with a clear, dark sky


For best viewing, NASA says to stay up late the night of Aug. 11. Alternatively, waking up extra early on Aug. 12 will also do the trick, as the shower's peak occurs in the pre-dawn hours. If the sky is clear and free of light pollution, the meteors can be clearly seen all across the Northern Hemisphere sky without the help of equipment. NASA recommends not looking at your phone while watching so your eyes adjust more easily to the dark.


You can use NASA's meteor calculator and the International Dark Sky Association's dark sky finder to find the best viewing spot for you.


Not a clear night? Not an early riser? Meteors can also be seen as early as 10 p.m. on any night the shower is happening before or after the peak, just likely fewer in number.


But, wait, there's more


The dramatic Perseids display is your best bet for celestial entertainment but two other meteor showers — Southern Delta Aquariids and Alpha Capricornids — are both active now and they will peak from July 28-29, according to the American Meteor Society.


AMS describes the Southern Delta Aquariids as a strong shower that will be best seen from the southern tropics North of the equator — so mostly, states along the southern U.S. border. But the moon, which is expected to be fairly bright overnight, may make it more difficult to see the radiating meteors in the sky. It will be active through Aug. 23.


Meanwhile, the Alpha Capricornids is less flashy and rarely produces more than five shower members per hour, the AMS says. But, the organization adds, "What is notable about this shower is the number of bright fireballs produced during its activity period." It can be seen equally well on either side of the equator through Aug. 15.

与此同时,AMS说,Alpha Capricornids没有那么耀眼,每小时很少产生超过5个阵雨成员。但是,该组织补充说:"这个星雨值得注意的是在其活动期间产生的明亮火球的数量。" 在8月15日之前,在赤道两边都可以看到它。