Fan Xian
grew up in a small town by the sea with his grandmother. After an unexpected visit from a poison master, his peaceful life becomes filled with hardships and even danger! He becomes skilled in medicine, the art of poison creation, and the martial arts. Needing to discover more about his mysterious mother, he heads for the capital. There, he sets out on an adventure of discovery, filled with political intrigue, new marvels and deeply buried family secrets. More importantly, he determines his purpose in life and finds true love along the way.

范闲跟着他的祖母在海边一个小镇长大。随着一位毒师的意外造访,他平静的生活就开始变得充满艰辛甚至危险了! 之后,范闲便精通了医术、制毒术,并且武功了得。为了进一步了解他神秘的母亲,他奔赴京都。在那里,他开启了充满着新发现的冒险,他经历了政治权谋,同时也获得了不凡的成就,还揭开了深埋已久的家庭秘密。更重要的是,他确定了自己的人生目标,并在此过程中找到了真爱。