Marco Prins, Lives in South Africa Upvoted by Abhinav Kumar Mishra, M.A Geography, Jawaharlal Nehru University (2021)
South Africa is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world, with extreme wealth, extreme poverty, 11 official languages, fantastic weather and some cultural oddities, such as the following:


1. Gated Communities
You find them everywhere. Unfortunately SA has one of the highest crime rates in the world (we rank 8th for homicide rate). Because of this, most new housing schemes in South Africa are being built in “security estates”, which is essentially a commercially funded neighbourhood with walls and electric fencing around it.A sight like this is pretty common in South Africa.It ranges from affordable suburban housing (here you can see two - one on each side of the road) all the way to upmarket estates (usually golf estates) like this one.At the gate there will be a manned security booth and visitors are required to sign in and usually also provide identification.Some of these estates are beautiful, but you will never see someone walking out of those gates

1. 封闭的社区

2. Squatter camps
Yeah, I know you have squatter camps in your country too. But do they look like this?If you are curious about the contrast between the luxury estates and these run-down squatter camps - This is what the highest inequality in the world looks like.More than 5 million people in South Africa live in squatter camps. That’s almost 10% of our total population. You can explore this street if you want to get an idea of what it looks like up close

2. 棚户区

3. Braai
We cook meat on open fires. It’s roughly like a barbecue but we use real wood instead of charcoal or gas. It’s called Braai, and we absolutely love it!Not only is this the number 1 social event for South Africans over weekends, we also do it frequently on weekdays and even when the weather is bad! Come rain or shine, with family or with friends, even when alone! We don’t need a reason to celebrate. We even build these things into our houses!We also have a National Braai Day. If there’s one thing that unite our many cultural groups, it’s Braai! However, we are not always very good at uniting in South Africa:

3. 野餐烧烤

4. Racial segregation
I know this is bad in many countries but I don’t think there’s any place where it’s as visible as in South Africa. Above is a picture of a “taxi rank” and as you can see, everyone in the picture is black. White people don’t use public transport (with some very limited exceptions) because they see it as dangerous and dirty.Sadly, due to our previous apartheid government system, most of the poverty in South Africa is spread amongst black people. According to this article, 11.4% of black South Africans live in squatter camps and only 0.3% white people.This picture shows a black squatter camp next to a rich white neighbourhood:Apart from living in different neighbourhoods, black & white people also mostly shop at different grocery stores, go to different beaches and go to different schools. It’s getting better in bigger cities but in suburban areas this segregation is still very prent

4. 种族隔离

5. Boys do not have a choice of hairstyle
This applies mostly to Afrikaans schools which are typically very conservative. We usually have a school rulebook that will state a maximum length (in cm) for your hair, and it may not touch your ears or collar. It sounds like nonsense but there is actually zero tolerance for this. Most schools still have compulsory school uniforms too

5. 男孩没有选择发型的权利

6. Politicians with no formal education
South Africa has had a number of politicians that never finished elementary school, such as our former president Jacob Zuma - and he can’t read numbers!There are many examples in this video

6. 没有受过正规教育的政客

7. Lobola
This is a tradition in certain black cultures where a man pays a price to his bride’s father so that he can marry her. The price is paid not with money, but cows! It’s still practiced today - And there’s even an app for it!

7. 彩礼

8. Load shedding
We have an issue with electricity supply in South Africa, which has caused our government-owned electricity company Eskom to enforce rolling blackouts for the last 12 years or so. They call it “load shedding”. They usually put up a schedule for each week and when the time comes, your power is turned off. Everybody gets a turn! It can range from just a 2 hour power cut every couple of days, up to 6 hours per day.You won’t find a South African household without a flashlight.And yeah we have an app for that too!

8. 负载调节,用电限制

9. Blend of African and European cultures
Although there is still a lot of segregation, there are many unique cultural gems that come from black and white South Africans working together! This is a song by one of our best musicians, Johnny Clegg. He incorporated lots of traditional African musical elements into his band.I hope that South Africa can one day resolve its inequality issues and be an example to the world
EDIT: Since posting this answer and getting lots of responses I’ve thought about a few more things.

9. 非洲和欧洲文化的融合

10. Brandy & coke
Don’t ask me about the origins of this notorious drink. For some reason, “double brandy and coke” is a very common beverage - especially in Afrikaans communities but you could find it in just about every bar in SA. It’s so common in Afrikaans bars, you could walk in and simply ask for a “double” and the bartender will pour you a double brandy & coke. Not for the faint-hearted.

10. 白兰地酒和可乐

11. Service staff do everything for you
We have an unusually low minimum wage and high unemployment rate. This means there are plenty of people willing to do work at very cheap prices. It has resulted in a culture of very unique service standards.This is a picture of a checkout area at a South African grocery store. Each cash register has 2 staff members - The one rings the items up and the other one packs them into a bag. Pretty much every grocery store is like this.
Visit a filling station and you’ll notice that there are petrol attendants waiting to fill your car up for you. I’ve never seen a self-service filling station and I don’t know anyone who knows how to operate a petrol pump. At a busy station there would be one person filling your car, another one washing your windows, and another one checking your oil, water and tyre pressure.Also, if you visit any suburban house on a weekday, they probably have two domestic staff working around the house. One that cleans inside the house and another one that works in the garden. It’s not only rich people that have domestic staff here, it’s common even for the lower middle class.And wherever you park your car around town, you’ll likely be stormed by several “parking guards” offering to look after your car for some spare change.

11. 服务人员可以为你做一切

12. We drive everywhere
Due to the issues with crime on public transport and also on the streets, we’ve developed a culture of driving everywhere. If you think the US public transport infrastructure is bad - In SA it’s pretty much non-existent.

12. 我们去任何地方都开车

13. Traffic lights are called a “robot”
I’m not sure why, but nobody calls them “traffic lights”, everyone calls them “robots”! Also, carjacking is called “hijacking” even though it’s not in the sky.

13. 交通灯被称为“机器人”

14. Hauling people on the back of a bakkie
A pickup truck is called a “bakkie” here (pronounced bucky) and it’s common for people here (especially in the small construction industry) to carry their staff on the back of the bakkie.Don’t get stuck in traffic behind a bakkie like this - They will stare at you! Haha

14. 用皮卡载人

15. Amazing natural beauty & wildlife
This is obviously normal in many other countries, but in my opinion it’s worth a mention because not every country has such beautiful scenery. You have to see it with your own eyes to realise just how beautiful this place is.Cape Town、Camps Bay、Kruger National Park、Cedar Mountains、Knysna、Namaqualand、Canola fields, Western Cape、Blyde River Canyon,If anything can make up for the crime, this is it!

15. 令人惊叹的自然美景和野生动物