The game follows Ethan Brady, a new Resistance member whose Resistance cell is expecting a visit from Benjamin Walker, "The Voice of Freedom" and leader of the national Resistance against the KPA occupation. Brady's cell is attacked in a KPA raid, and every member of the cell except for Brady are tortured to death by the KPA. Walker arrives, saving Brady and killing the KPA, but ends up wounded in the fight. Brady leaves to make contact with another Resistance cell, but while he's gone the KPA raid Walker's safehouse and capture him. Brady attempts to rendezvous with the new cell, but is mistaken for a Korean spy, beaten unconscious, and nearly tortured by the Resistance, being saved at the last moment when his identity is established. Brady joins the new Resistance cell led by the big-hearted, blue-collar Jack Parrish, whose field commander is volatile, ruthless former criminal Dana Moore. Two other key figures in the cell are Dr. Sam Burnett, a pacifist medical doctor who believes in nonviolent resistance but works with the Resistance anyway in order to treat the victims of the KPA's brutality, and James Crawford, a Resistance spy operating within the KPA ranks as an American collaborator. The Resistance's primary focus is finding Ben Walker and rescuing him.

以下内容剧透:游戏从一个叫Ethan Brady的抵抗组织成员开始,他的小组原本正等待着和江湖上人称“自由之声”的、抗朝复美天地会总瓢把子Benjamin Walker接头,不料却被大朝鲜官府连锅端,Brady被捕,正要过刑,Walker到来,救出Brady的同时也因此负伤,brady逃跑并与另一处堂口接头,但由于他去接头期间官府袭击了walker的堂口还抓捕了walker,以致被红脖们怀疑为奸细,被打得不省人事,几被折磨致死,幸得最后关头查明身份才躲过一劫,brady随后又加入了由公明仗义的蓝领工人Jack Parrish掌管的堂口,听命于Dana Moore总舵主,一个刑满释放的蛮横妹子,堂口里另外两个大哥,一个叫Sam Burnett医生,是个活菩萨,相信“非暴力抵抗”但还是和红脖们合作,以救治被虐待的民众,另一位叫James Crawford,一个以美奸身份的卧底,红脖义士们同仇敌忾,全力营救Benjamin Walker……