Being able to live the life of your dreams without having to work every day is something that has already crossed your mind. For some, it has even become a life goal. Life led by the ultra-rich is intriguing. Wealth has always been the stuff of dreams. Yet very few people will ever join this category of the ultra-rich in the course of their lives.
There are many reasons for this, and I do not pretend to be able to reveal secrets that will allow you to miraculously pass from a life in the average to the life led by the ultra-rich.
What I can reveal to you, however, are ten fundamental truths about wealth that non-wealthy people generally find hard to believe. Once you have discovered and assimilated these truths, you will have a better understanding of the mindset that allowed the ultra-wealthy people to reach their level of wealth.
You can then hope to reach that 0.1% group one day.

然后你有一天或许也能够加入到这个0.1% 的群体。

1. Money makes money
Money makes money. You’ve heard this before, but you probably didn’t pay much attention to it. Yet it is the basic rule followed by all the ultra-rich. Money earned should be reinvested and not spent on useless things. This is the surest way to become rich.
It is often said that the hardest part is to earn the first million dollars. Once you have a million dollars, you can invest it and make even more money.
A million dollars invested at 1% a year will bring you $10,000. With a more interesting return between 4 and 5%, you will be in a range between 40,000 and 50,000 dollars. And this only for the first year.
By applying the magic of compound interest, just as the wise Sissa did with King Berkib 3,000 years before Christ, you will only increase your initial investment.

1. 钱生钱
以每年1% 的回报率计算,投资100万美元,会给你带来1万美元的收益,如果回报率在4%到5%之间,那么你的回报率将在4万到5万美元之间,这只是第一年。

2. Wealth doesn’t come from your 9-to-5 job
You work hard every day in a 9-to-5 job. You work overtime. You give your all for your boss. You get bonuses from time to time, and a raise sometimes when the years are good.
So you think you can make a lot of money over time and get rich.
I’m going to disappoint you, but you’ll never get rich that way. The one who will become rich is your boss on the other hand because of your hard work, but also because of the hard work of all the other employees who act like you to earn a little more each year.
While working 9 to 5 is a great way to build up your initial capital, sooner or later you will have to find a way to create passive sources of income for yourself. As such, remember this quote from Warren Buffett:
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
The ultra-rich have pierced this secret. They generate money while sleeping thanks to their wise investments in particular.

2. 财富并不来自于你朝九晚五的工作

3. Being wealthy takes more money than you think
Becoming a millionaire is the goal of many people. It means having at least one million dollars. For many, it is the stage from which one joins the rich people group.
I have bad news for you once again. The wealthy people who live the lifestyle you dream about have much more than a million dollars. The real wealth starts now at $20 million.
That’s much more than many people originally imagined. Nevertheless, you have to get started, and that’s why my 4-step plan to earn $1M is a good place to start. As always, there are no guarantees here. Just the opportunity to put all the odds on your side by following a plan that has been proven for generations.

3. 成为富人需要的钱比你想象的要多

4. It takes time, there is no shortcut
The majority of people who want to get rich want to get rich fast. These people want it all, right away. This bad mindset will make them lose a lot of money and time because they will probably fall into the trap of get-rich-quick schemes.
In reality, getting rich takes time. There are no shortcuts. The story of Warren Buffett is there to remind us that patience is an essential virtue. Patience is your natural advantage. To that, you will need to add perseverance.
If you really want to get rich, you have to go step by step. Generate money, invest your money wisely, and be patient. Let time work in your favor.

4. 致富需要时间,没有捷径

5. Debt can be your ally
When asked for my opinion on the essential rules for managing personal finances, I explain that it is best to avoid debt. I even quote Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States:
“Never spend your money before you have it.”
If you really want something, save your money. Take the time to earn money. Debt gives you the false impression that the things you buy are free, and that’s a mistake.
This golden rule of not falling into debt has one major exception.
However, this exception only applies to people who already know how to manage their personal finances well. Debt is no good unless you use it to take advantage of the leverage it can provide. Going into debt to make an investment that will pay you more money is a good thing.
The ultra-wealthy know this and use debt to their advantage.

5. 债务可以成为你的盟友

6. Wealthy people never look rich
Buying expensive smartphones, driving in luxury cars, wearing luxury watches are the dreams of poor or middle-class people. Rich people rarely look rich.
They are satisfied with their house and car. They do not try to impress others. The example of Warren Buffett is revealing in this regard.
Warren Buffett still lives in the same house he bought in Omaha, Nebraska in 1958. Purchased for $31,500, his lifetime home is now worth over $650,000. This often makes Warren Buffett say that the house he lives in today is the third-best investment of his life.
Careful, I’m not telling you that this house is tiny.
This house is luxurious with 5,570 square feet, 5 bedrooms, and 2 bathrooms. Nevertheless, you would expect a more extravagant house for a man whose fortune exceeds $80 billion.
When asked why Warren Buffett has never moved since 1958, he says:
“I’m happy there. I’d move if I thought I’d be happier someplace else.”
Warren Buffett never changed houses despite the exponential increase in his income, because it made him happy. His house was a good fit for him. So he had no reason to change it.
Warren Buffett’s philosophy of life is close to minimalism. For him, frugal life is the secret to happiness.

6. 富有的人永远不会显得富有
在这方面,沃伦巴菲特就很能说明问题,沃伦 · 巴菲特仍然住在他1958年在内布拉斯加州奥马哈市购买的房子里,他花了31500美元买下了他的终身住宅,现在价值超过65万美元,沃伦巴菲特常常说说,他今天居住的房子是他一生中第三好的投资。
“ 我在那里很快乐,如果我觉得在别的地方更快乐,我会搬走的。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

7. Money is not the most important thing at the end of the day
Money makes life easier. No one can say it doesn’t. However, at some point, you will realize that it is not what matters most. This brings us back to Maslow’s pyramid of needs.
When you have enough money so that it is no longer a problem for you, you will look for things that give meaning to your life.
Having ambitious goals to conquer is what makes life worth living. For example, it is what motivates Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos to get up every day when they are close to $200 billion in personal wealth.
These two highly successful entrepreneurs dream of only one thing: conquering space. They have entered a race to see who would be the first to colonize space. This gives meaning to their lives and pushes them to give the best of themselves. If money was their primary motivation, they would have stopped working a long time ago.

7. 钱不是最重要的

8. The richest people often have very little cash
I just told you that Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos are approaching $200 billion in personal wealth. In reality, this fortune is virtual. It corresponds to the value at a given moment of time of all their investments.
The richest people often have very little cash in their bank accounts. The example of Elon Musk is even more striking. He has even less cash than other billionaires. His entire fortune is made up of his shares in Tesla or SpaceX.
The ultra-rich have long understood that “cash is trash” to use an expression of Warren Buffett. With the infinite duation of the U.S. dollar, you must invest your money or else monetary inflation will inevitably impoverish you.
Investing is therefore the key.

8. 最富有的人往往没有多少现金
我刚刚告诉你,埃隆 · 马斯克和杰夫 · 贝佐斯的个人财富接近2000亿美元,事实上,这种财富是虚拟的,它相当于他们所有投资在某一特定时刻的价值。
在他们的银行帐户里,最富有的人往往只有很少的现金,埃隆 · 马斯克的例子更加引人注目,他的现金甚至比其他亿万富翁少的多,他的全部财产都是由他在特斯拉或 SpaceX 的股份组成。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

9. Money does not define you, your actions define you
Getting rich will never change who you really are. Many rich people get lost along the way. They let themselves be blinded by wealth and what it can offer them.
In reality, your money doesn’t define you. What defines you are your actions.
Aware of this truth, more and more billionaires decide to make philanthropy their life’s goal. This has been the case with Bill Gates, for example, for twenty years now. His great friend Warren Buffett has also decided to bequeath his entire fortune to charity when he dies.
When you die, your money will no longer be of any use to you. But what you do with your money will make all the difference. You might as well do good with it if you are rich.

9. 金钱不能定义你,你的行为才能定义你
意识到这个事实,越来越多的亿万富翁决定把慈善事业作为他们人生的目标,比如说,比尔 · 盖茨就是这样,二十年如一日,他的好朋友沃伦 · 巴菲特也决定在他去世时将他的全部财产捐赠给慈善机构。

10. Money is a means to an end
Wanting to earn a lot of money is not a bad thing. Having more money is always better than not having enough. However, money is not a goal. Before you go on a frantic quest for more money, you should try to define what your goals are in life.
Money is a means to an end, it is never an end.
The ultra-rich have understood this. If you don’t understand it, you will spend your life chasing after more and more money, and you will never be truly happy. Take the time to define what your real goals in life are.
Then you will be able to have the contentment that allows you to be happy in life when you achieve those goals.

10. 金钱是达到目的的手段

Final Thoughts
Having a lot of money and becoming rich are things to dream about. It’s even more dreamy if you don’t have enough money. To become a rich person, you must assimilate the truths I have just told you. In particular, you have to change your relationship with money so that you can use it to serve your life.
The ultra-rich show us that more and more money does not lead to happiness. What matters is who you are and what you will do with your money. Once you have defined your real goals in life, you can act in such a way as to earn enough money to achieve the contentment we all seek.
