February 14, 2021 Topic: Iran Region: Middle East Blog Brand: The Reboot Tags: IranMiddle EastAircraft CarrierNavyMilitary

2021年2月14日,主题:伊朗 地区:中东 博客品牌:重新 启动 标签:伊朗中东航空母舰海军军事

Could Iran Really Build an Aircraft Carrier?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tehran could be inching closer to developing a true carrier.


Here''s What You Need to Remember: According to IRGC-N claims, the Abdollah Roudaki is 150 meters or about 492 feet in length, and displaces some 400 tons – significantly smaller than the 332 meters (1,092 feet) length of an actual Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, and still roughly half the length of the America-class amphibious assault ships.


Warships capable of carrying aircraft are used by navies around the world, but to date, the Iranian Navy isn''t one of those countries that operate a carrier. The closest that the Islamic Republic of Iran has come to building an aircraft carrier is to "simulate" an American carrier as a weapons test platform. The "Elite" Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy (IRGC-N) had transformed an old target barge into a large-scale mock-up of that loosely resembled the U.S. Navy''s Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

世界各地的海军都在使用能够运载飞机的军舰,但迄今为止,伊朗海军并不属于拥有航母的国家之一。 伊朗伊斯兰共和国最接近建造航空母舰的是将“美国”母舰“模拟”为武器测试平台。 “精锐”的革命卫队海军(IRGC-N)已将一艘旧的目标驳船改造成大型的模型,有点类似于美国海军的“尼米兹”级航母。

It was used in the February 2015 "Great Prophet IX" exercises and again this past summer in similar exercises. Embarrassingly for the IRGC-N the faux carrier proved difficult to sink – that is until it floundered in waters in the channels near the Iranian naval base at Bandar Abbas.

2015年2月的“伟大先知IX”演习中使用了该模型,去年夏天又在类似的演习中使用了它。 对于革命卫队海军而言,令人尴尬的是,这艘仿制航母难以沉没-它一直在伊朗海军基地阿巴斯港附近的河道中挣扎。

Now, Tehran could be inching closer to developing a true carrier.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Associated Press reported this month that the IRGC-N reportedly launched a heavy warship that was capable of carrying helicopters, drones and missile launchers. From the photographs that have been released online, it appears to be a large cargo vessel rather a true warship.

美联社本月报道说,据报道,IRGC-N发下水了重型战舰,能够携带直升机、无人机和导弹发射器。 从网上发布的照片​​来看,它似乎是一艘大型货船,而不是一艘真正的军舰。

The vessel, which was named after the "martyred" Guard Naval Commander Abdollah Roudaki, was photographed carrying truck-launched surface-to-surface missiles and anti-aircraft missiles. It lacks anything resembling a flight deck and instead has a flat section mid-hull that has been designated as a landing pad for a helicopter. It looks less like a carrier than the First World War era warships that were converted into carriers.

这艘船以“殉教者”后卫海军司令员阿卜杜拉·鲁达基命名,被拍照带有车载的地对地导弹和防空导弹。 它没有类似于驾驶舱的东西,而是船体中部有一个扁平部分,该部分被认定为直升机的着陆点。 与第一次世界大战时期的战舰相比,它看起来更像是一艘航母。

According to IRGC-N claims, the Abdollah Roudaki is 150 meters or about 492 feet in length, and displaces some 400 tons – significantly smaller than the 332 meters (1,092 feet) length of an actual Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, and still roughly half the length of the America-class amphibious assault ships.


The vessel can reportedly carry out combat, logistical and intelligence-gathering missions and Tehran has said the warship can establish stable security in maritime transportation lines and provide assistance to the commercial and fishing fleets of the Islamic Republic.


"Today we are witnessing a combat and logistic support ship join the IRGC''s Navy that can both defend itself, defend our interests at sea, and play a role in securing our country''s maritime lines near and far," Maj.-Gen. Hossein Salami said during a ceremony earlier this month – as reported by ParsToday. "Some may have thought that the basis of our performance is close-range warfare, but we declare that both close-range combat in far-off areas and long-range combat are on our agenda."

“今天,我们目睹了一支战斗和后勤支援舰加入伊朗伊斯兰革命卫队的海军,它们既可以保卫自己,捍卫我们在海上的利益,又可以在确保我国远洋海上航线方面发挥作用,”胡赛因.萨拉米少将说。 侯赛因·萨拉米在本月早些时候的一个仪式上说---据ParsToday报道。 “有些人可能以为我们执行的基础是近距离作战,但是我们宣布,在遥远地区的交战和远程战斗都在我们的计划中。”

Exactly what the purpose of this aircraft carrying vessel is has yet to be seen. One factor could be a matter of internal jurisdiction within the Islamic Republic. While the Iranian Navy patrols the waters of the Gulf of Oman and beyond, the IRGC-N''s role has largely been to patrol the waters of the Persian Gulf.

确切地说,这艘可携带飞机的舰船用途尚待观察? 一个因素可能是伊斯兰共和国内部的管辖权问题。 伊朗海军在阿曼湾及其他地区的水域巡逻,革命卫队海军的职责主要是在波斯湾的水域巡逻。

Rear Adm. Alireza Tangsiri, commander of the IRGC''s Navy, also suggested his force was ready for deep-water patrolling beyond the Persian Gulf. "Presence and assignments in the Indian Ocean is our right."

伊朗海军司令汤西里少将也暗示,他的部队已准备好在波斯湾以外进行深水区巡逻。 “在印度洋的存在和任务是我们的权利。”

The Abdollah Roudaki could certainly provide the IRGC-N with true blue-water naval capabilities, but driving truck-launched surface-to-surface missile and anti-aircraft missile platforms onto the deck hardly seem to make for a capable warship.


Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer who has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers and websites. He is the author of several books on military headgear including A Gallery of Military Headdress, which is available on Amazon.com. This article first appeared last month and is being republished due to reader interest.

彼得·苏休(Peter Suciu)是一位密歇根州作家,为四十几种杂志,报纸和网站发表文章。 他是几本有关军事头饰的书籍的作者,其中包括可在Amazon.com上找到的“军事头饰画廊”。 这篇文章上个月首次出现,由于读者的兴趣而被重新发布。