Recently there is a group of female socialites in China who have an extremely luxurious life. Or at least they appear to. They wear different designer clothes every day, live in a variety of five-star hotels and enjoy luxurious afternoon tea. A blogger exposed their secrets after covertly joining this mysterious group.

最近,中国有一群女性名媛,她们过着极为奢华的生活,或者至少她们看起来如此。 他们每天穿着不同的名牌服装,住在各种各样的五星级酒店,并享用豪华的下午茶。 在秘密加入这个神秘组织后,一名博主揭露了她们的秘密。

China has the largest Internet celebrity population in the world. Many people want to be Internet celebrities as it is the only job that can get rich quickly and change the life of the grassroots in a short period of time. Is this a chance or a catastrophe for China?
