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每日新素材,等你来认领! http://www.ltaaa.com/translation
-------------译者:lcin21cn--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The Conservatives and Labour have been outlining their main pitch to voters. The Prime Minister Boris Johson in his first major speech of the campaign said a Conservative government would unite the country and "level up" the prospects for people with massive investment in health, better infrastructure, more police, and a green revolution. But he said the key issue to solve was Brexit. Meanwhile Labour vowed to outspend the Tories on the NHS in England.

保守党和工党一直在向选民阐述他们的主要观点。英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johson)在竞选活动的首次重要演讲中表示,保守党政府将团结全国,通过在医疗领域的大规模投资、完善基础设施、增加警察的数量和推动绿色革命等方面来让人们对未来的前景更乐观。但他表示,要解决的关键问题是解决英国退欧问题。与此同时,工党发誓要在建设完善英国国家医疗服务体系上比保守党花费更多的钱。
-------------译者:xialee--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has also faced questions over his position on allowing a second referendum on Scottish independence. Today at the start of a two-day tour of Scotland, he said wouldn''t allow one in the first term of a Labour government but later rowed back saying it wouldn''t be a priority in the early years.

工党领袖-杰里米·科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)也曾因其赞成第二次苏格兰独立公投的立场而被质疑。今天,在开始为期两天的苏格兰之行时,他表示在工党政府的首个任期内不会允许苏格兰进行第二次公投,但后来他又改口称批准独立公投这件事不是在工党执政后的前几年会考虑的一个优先事项。