
Western intellectual life today ischaracterized by a marked schizophrenia. On the one hand, virtually everyoneaccepts the scientific theory of Charles Darwin concerning the emergence and evolutionof the various species in the world, including humanity, through the processnatural sextion. The only exceptions to this rule are a few Creationisthold-outs. On the other hand, our culture denies the biological reality of raceand the relevance of hereditarian thinking to human societies. Our egalitarianculture rejects heredity’s implications intoto — both the descxtive (in-born human differences betweenindividuals and races) and prescxtive (e.g. eugenics). Given how tabooracialist thinking still is, it is then useful — in order to think freely — togo back to the roots of evolutionary thinking by looking at what Darwin himselfhad to say about human evolution and racial differences.

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The concept of race or lineage is central toDarwin’s evolutionary thinking. His classic The Origin of Species is indeed subtitled By Means of Natural sextion of thePreservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. In oneplace, Darwin defines a race as the “successive generations” of a particularpopulation (102). Darwin’s model for evolutionary change is simple andpowerful: every species will tend to bear too many offspring, leading tooverpopulation, a huge percentage of these will die before reaching maturity orin competition with others (whether of the same species or not), those whosurvive this struggle will be those with the traits best suited for theirparticular environment. The constant generation and culling of “races,” that isto say new of populations with different traits, is then central to his system,which also applies to human evolution.

达尔文的进化模型简单而强大: 每一个物种都会倾向于生育过多的后代,导致物种数量过剩,其中很大一部分会在成熟前死亡,或者在与其他物种竞争(无论是否属于同一物种)时死亡, 那些在这场斗争中幸存下来的将是那些最适合他们特定环境的。

The foundation of Darwin’s entire system is thereality of heredity — that the offspring of plants, animals, and humans tend toinherit the physical and/or mental characteristics of their parents. Concerninghumans, Darwin follows the observations of the ancient philosophers inasserting that man’s specificity is in being both a social and rationalcreature.[1] This, along with his free hands, haveenabled humanity’s remarkable conquest of the Earth: our intelligence anddexterity allowed our prehistoric forbears to fashion tools, our socialinstincts enabled us to work together to bring down much larger animals, andthe combination gave us a unique ability to adapt to the most variedenvironments. Darwin says concerning intelligence and sociability: “The supremeimportance of these characters has been proved by the final arbitrament of thebattle for life” (68). Our hands and brains were incidentally developed atconsiderable cost: we are awkward bipeds and the tension between enormous headsand narrow hips means that childbirth is quite dangerous to our women.

关于智力和社交,达尔文说:“这些特征的至高无上的重要性已经被生命之战的最终裁决所证明”(68)。我们的手和大脑是在相当大的代价下偶然发展起来的: 我们是笨拙的两足动物,巨大的头部和狭窄的臀部之间的紧张关系意味着分娩对我们的女性是非常危险的。

Darwin takes differences in intellectualability for granted, both between individuals and races: “The variability ordiversity of the mental faculties in men of the same race, not to mention thegreater differences between the men of distinct races, is so notorious that nota word need here be said” (45). Furthermore: “The individuals of the samespecies graduate in intellect from absolute imbecility to high excellence”(100). He had no doubt that psychological traits such as personality andintelligence were heritable:

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Inregard to mental qualities, their transmission is manifest in our dogs, horses,and other domestic animals.[2] Besidesspecial tastes and habits, general intelligence, courage, bad and good temper,&c., are certainly transmitted. With man we see similar facts in almostevery family; and we now know through the admirable labours of Mr [Francis]Galton, that genius which implies a wonderfully complex combination of highfaculties, tends to be inherited; and, on the other hand, it is too certainthat insanity and deteriorated mental powers likewise run in families. . . .
Domesticatedanimals vary more than those in a state of nature; and this is apparently dueto the diversified and changing nature of the conditions to which they havebeen subjected. In this respect the different races of man resembledomesticated animals, and so do the individuals of the same race, wheninhabiting a very wide area, like that of America. We see the influence ofdiversified conditions in the more civilised nations; for the members belongingto different grades of rank, and following different occupations, present agreater range of character than do the members of barbarous nations. (45–46)

就精神素质而言,它们的传播在我们的狗、马和其他家畜身上表现得很明显。除了特殊的品味和习惯,一般的智力、勇气、坏脾气和好脾气,等等。,当然是可以传递的。对于人类,我们在几乎每个家庭中都看到了类似的事实;我们现在通过(弗朗西斯)高尔顿先生令人钦佩的努力知道,天才意味着高级官能奇妙而复杂的结合,往往是遗传的; 另一方面,可以肯定的是,精神错乱和退化的精神力量同样存在于家庭之中……
家养动物比自然状态下的动物变化更大;这显然是由于他们所受条件的多样性和不断变化的性质。在这方面,人类的不同种族就像驯养的动物一样,当人类居住在一个非常广阔的地区时,就像美国一样,同一种族的个体也是如此。我们看到,在文明程度更高的国家,多样化的环境产生了影响;对于属于不同等级、从事不同职业的成员来说,他们比野蛮民族的成员具有更广泛的特征。(第45 – 46页)

Humanity’s Moral Improvement Through PerpetualTribal Warfare
Darwinasserts that the same relentless struggle for survival was the driver forhumanity’s evolution into a more intelligent, social, and even moral being.Human tribes spread across the globe, reproduced beyond the ability of theirenvironment to sustain them, and entered into relentless competition andwarfare with other tribes.
Darwinconsiders the emergence of pro-social traits such as sympathy, love of kin,shame, and regret to be central to human evolution. These feelings werecertainly not universal however. He observes that prehistoric tribes, likemodern savage tribes, were perpetually at war with one another. “It is noargument against savage man being a social animal, that the tribes inhabitingadjacent districts are almost always at war with each other; for the socialinstincts never extend to all the individuals of the same species” (132).



Darwinfirmly believes that group sextion was the mechanism by which many humanpsychological traits emerged. Group sextion means that traits not necessarilybeneficial to the individual but rather to the group (such as altruism) spreadthrough competition between groups (forinstance: one tribe defeats and exterminates another tribe through itsindividuals’ superior willingness to sacrifice themselves). The group sextionhypothesis is considered controversial today in some evolutionary circles.Darwin for his part wrote:
A community which includes a large number of well-endowedindividuals increases in number, and is victorious over other less favouredones; even although each separate member gains no advantage over the others ofthe same community . . . [Certain mental] faculties have been chiefly, or evenexclusively, gained for the benefit of the community, and the individualsthereof, have at the same time gained an advantage indirectly. (83)

一个包含大量健康个体的群体,其数量会增加,并战胜其他不那么受欢迎的个体; 即使每个单独的成员都没有比同一社区的其他成员获得任何优势……[某些智力]主要是,或者甚至是专为社会及其个人的利益而获得的利益,同时也间接地获得了利益。(第83页)

Strikingly,Darwin affirms that humanity was intellectually and even morally improvedthrough such relentless tribal warfare:
[N]atural sextion arising from the competition of tribe withtribe . . . together with the inherited effects of habit, would, underfavourable conditions, have sufficed to raise man to his present high positionin the organic scale. (85)
These [intellectual and moral] faculties are variable; and we haveevery reason to believe that the variations tend to be inherited. Therefore, ifthey were formerly of high importance to prim man and to his ape-likeprogenitors, they would have been perfected or advanced through naturalsextion. Of the high importance of the intellectual faculties there can be nodoubt, for man mainly owed to them his predominant position in the world. Wecan see, that in the rudest state of society, the individuals who were the mostsagacious, who invented and used the best weapons or traps, and who were thebest able to defend themselves, would rear the greatest number of offspring.The tribes, which included the largest number of men thus endowed, wouldincrease in number and supplant other tribes. (153)


When two tribes of prim man, living inthe same country, came into competition, if (other circumstances being equal)the one tribe included a great number of courageous, sympathetic and faithfulmembers, who were always ready to warn each other of danger, to aid and defendeach other, this tribe would succeed better and conquer the other. Let it beborn in mind how all-important in the never-ceasing wars of savages, fidelityand courage must be. . . . Selfish and contentious people will not cohere, andwithout coherence nothing can be effected. A tribe rich in the above qualitieswould spread and be victorious over other tribes: but in the course of time itwould, judging from all past history, be in its turn overcome by some othertribe still more highly endowed. Thus the social and moral qualities wouldslowly to advance and be diffused throughout the world.
Darwin also argued that humans had an in-bornproclivity for other pro-social behaviors, such as language and religiosity.


Adaptive Traditional Culture
Mankind’sspecificity is also in being both a genetic and profoundly cultural being. Our individual andcollective behavior are powerfully influenced by both our genetic inheritanceand our particular, highly-fungible cultural norms and practices. We wouldexpect the tribes with both a genetic propensity and a culture favoringgroup-solidarity and organization to overcome less well-endowed tribes.
[A]n increase in the number of well-endowedmen and an advancement in the standard of morality will certainly give animmense advantage to one tribe over another. A tribe including many memberswho, from possessing in a high degree the spirit of patriotism, fidelity,obedience, courage, and sympathy, were always ready to aid one another, and tosacrifice themselves for the common good, would be victorious over most othertribes; and this would be natural sextion. (157)


Indeed,Darwin sees traditional cultures in general as prescribing, in a very rough-and-readyway, particular norms and behavior on the individual which are beneficial tothe community as a whole:
The judgment of the community will generally be guided by somerude experience of what is best in the long run for all the members; but thisjudgment will not rarely err from ignorance and weak powers of reasonings.Hence the strangest customs and superstititons, in complete opposition to thetrue welfare and happiness of mankind, have become all-powerful throughout theworld. The adaptive nature of traditional culture isnotably evident in Herodotus’ encyclopedic overview of the nations of theancient world: these typically emphasize adherence to local cultures, familyformation, filial piety, loyalty to one’s kin and nation against foreigners,and martial prowess and maliness


Nature’s Communitarian Ethos
Darwinpersonally adhered to a liberal, high-minded and humane Christian-inspiredmorality typical of the Victorian middle classes. Yet, he cannot help butobserve that nature’s law is extremely cruel, with the proverbial “favoredraces” often triumphing through a ruthless ethos brutally subordinating theinterests of the individual to that of the group. Darwin takes the example ofbees, an even more social animal than humans, who when under resource pressureexterminate superfluous individuals:
In the same manner as various animals have some sense of beauty,though they admire widely different obxts, so they might have a have sense ofright and wrong, though led by it to follow widely different lines of conduct.If, for instance, to take an extreme case, men were reared under precisely thesame conditions as hive-bees, there can hardly be a doubt that our unmarriedfemales would, like the worker-bees, think it a sacred duty to kill theirbrothers, and mothers would strive to kill their fertile daughters; and no onewould think of interfering.


Darwinadds in a footnote that primitive human patterns are quite similar: “many ormost savages [solve] the problem by female infanticide, polyandry andpromiscuous intercourse” (122). (From a strictly evolutionary point of view, ahuman community under pressure from other tribes and a poor environment maybenefit from fewer females, preferring to dedicate scarce resources to fightingmales.)
Darwin’scritics were quite cognizant of the potential threat posed by his theory toliberal and Christian ethics. He writes:
Miss Cobbe, in commenting (‘Darwinism and his Morals’ ‘TheologicalReview’, April, 1872, pp. 188-191) on the same illustration, says, the principles of social duty would bethus reversed; and by this, I presume, she means that the fulfillment of socialduty would tend to the injury of individuals; but she overlooks the fact, whichshe would doubtless admit, that the instincts of the bee have been acquired forthe good of the community. She goes so far as to say that if the theory ofethics advocated in this chapter were ever generally accepted, ‘I cannot butbelieve that in the hour of their triumph would be sounded the knell of thevirtue of mankind!’ It is to be hoped that the belief in the permanence ofvirtue on this earth is not held by many persons on so weak a tenure.

科布小姐在评论(《达尔文主义和他的道德》,《神学评论》,1872年)同一幅插图时说,社会责任的原则将因此而颠倒; 我想,她的意思是,履行社会责任往往会对个人造成伤害;但她忽略了一个事实,她肯定会承认,蜜蜂的本能是为了群体的利益而获得的。她甚至说,如果本章所提倡的伦理理论曾经被普遍接受,“我不得不相信,在他们胜利的时刻,将敲响人类美德的丧钟!” ……

Darwin observes that animal communities arecollectivist and hierarchically organized, with different roles according tothe nature of each individual, so as to optimize collective well-being andsurvival. When threatened, bull bison form a ring around the herd, protectingthe young and females in the center (124). Put another way, the herdinstinctively and collectively discriminates againstmales, putting their security at risk, so that the herd as a whole benefitsfrom their superior strength and the sacrifice of their reduced reproductivue (sperm is far more easily replaced than ovaries).


Darwinadds that both herd animals and human tribes exterminate weaker members topromote the survival of the group:
[Animals] will expel a wounded animal from their herd, or gore orworry it to death. This is almost the blackest fact in natural history, unless,indeed, the explanation which has been suggested is true, that their instinctor reason leads them to expel an injured companion, lest beasts of prey,including man, should be tempted to follow the troop. In this case theirconduct is not much worse than that of the North American Indians, who leavetheir feeble comrades to perish on the plains; or the Fijians, who, when theirparents get old, or fall ill, bury them alive.


Darwinconcludes: “actions are regarded by savages, and were probably so regarded byprim man, as good or bad, solely as they obviously affect the welfare ofthe tribe — not that of the species, nor that of an individual member of thetribe” (143).
Darwinclaims that the “low morality of savages” is due to the limitation of sympathyto their own tribe and their inability to reason through the negativeconsequences of their behavior. He does not indiscriminately endorse suchsavage practices. His position is ambiguous, typical for evolutionary liberals,at once lamenting the cruelty and welcoming the evolutionary consequences ofthe brutal struggle of the survival of the fittest:
It is impossible not to regret bitterly, but whether wisely isanother question, the rate at which man tends to increase; for this leads inbarbarous tribes to infanticide and many other evils, and in civilised nationsto abject poverty, celibacy, and to the late marriages of the prudent. But asman suffers from the same physical evils as the lower animals, he has no rightto expect an immunity from the evils consequent on the struggle for existence.Had he not been subjected during prim times to natural sextion, assuredlyhe would never have attained to his present rank.


Today, even seven decades after World War II,in the background of all this looms the legacy of Adolf Hitler. Evolutionaryand hereditary principles were widely accepted in the early twentieth century.In that intellectual and cultural context, Hitler transformed his nationpolitically and culturally, believing that a zealous, communitarian, warlike,expansionary, racial, and ethno-nationalist ethos would enable Germany’ssalvation and the biological and spiritual improvement of mankind. Hitlerbelieved his leadership and politics adhered closely to what he called “the lawof life.”[6] It is indeed an uncomfortable fact formany evolutionists that many of passages in Mein Kampf are eerily reminiscent of Darwin’s ownaccount of human history, in particular the emergence of morality through eonsof tribal warfare.

今天,甚至在第二次世界大战结束70年后,在这一切的背景下,阿道夫·希特勒的遗产依然隐约可见。进化和遗传原则在20世纪早期被广泛接受。在这样的知识和文化背景下,希特勒在政治和文化上改变了他的国家,他相信一个热心的、社群主义的、好战的、扩张的、种族主义的和民族主义的精神将使德国获得救赎,使人类的生理和精神得到改善。希特勒相信他的领导和政治严格遵循他所谓的“生命法则”。 对许多进化论者来说,《我的奋斗》中的许多段落都令人毛骨悚然地回忆起达尔文对人类历史的描述,尤其是通过亘古的部落战争而出现的道德,这确实是一个令人不安的事实。

Inthe end, Darwin seems to endorse a communitarian ethic moderated and informedby reason (my emphasis):
In the case of the lower animals it seems much more appropriate tospeak of their social instincts, as having been developed for the general goodrather than for the general happiness of the species. The term, general good, may be defined as the rearing of the greatest numberof individuals in full vigour and health, with all their faculties perfect,under the conditions to which they are subjected.As the social instincts both of man and the lower animals have no doubt beendeveloped by nearly the same steps, it would be advisable to take as thestandard of morality, the general good or welfare of the community, rather thanthe general happiness; but this definition would perhaps require somelimitation account of political ethics.

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Thisargument appears to be a critique of English philosopher J. S. Mill’s argumentfor ‘the greatest happiness for the greatest number’ as the yardstick ofmorality. Instead, Darwin is advocating something remarkably close to theancient principles of political philosophy, as notably expounded by Aristotle(whose background as a biologist actually informed his politics): theorganization of society so as to enable the community’s collective flourishing,with individual roles and social goals appropriate according to theindividual’s and the species’ particular biological nature (in the case of man,that of a rational social animal).
Personally,I believe the ancient republican principles areoverwhelmingly superior to the modern and would endorse anAristotelian-Darwinian political philosophy as particularly appropriate to ourscientific age.

这一论点似乎是对英国哲学家j·s·密尔(J. S. Mill)提出的以“最多数人的最大幸福”为道德标准的论点的批判。相反,达尔文所倡导的东西非常接近古代政治哲学的原则,亚里士多德(他作为生物学家的背景实际上为他的政治学提供了信息)对此进行了著名的阐述:
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The ideas of Locke and Rousseau — extollingequality, rights, and the popular will as ends-in-themselves — have led to perpetualconfusion among our people and to our inexorable collapse since the beginningthe twentieth century. In 1914, we essentially dominated the world and made upa third of human population. Before 2100, a blx of an eye in historical letalone evolutionary terms, we will have lost control not only of our colonialempires but even of our own homelands, being reduced to minorities in not onlyNorth America but even Western Europe. We will make up less than 5 percent ofthe global population. The triumph of liberal-democracy’s individualist andegalitarian principles have coincided with Europeans’ evolutionary suicide.
